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Last active May 19, 2022 11:09
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module Lib
( someFunc
, DeciderOutcome(..)
, badFmap1
, badFmap2
, badFmap3
) where
data DeciderOutcome a
= Outcome a
-- ^ We got an outcome (e.g. dice roll of 2, coin flip of heads)
| ErrorFlewOffTable
-- ^ Our decider didn't properly land on the table
| ErrorLandedOnItsEdge
-- ^ Our decider defied physics and landed on its edge/corner/side
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor DeciderOutcome where
fmap f (Outcome v) = Outcome $ f v
fmap _ ErrorFlewOffTable = ErrorFlewOffTable
fmap _ ErrorLandedOnItsEdge = ErrorLandedOnItsEdge
-- Flip flops the errors
-- 1 case
badFmap1 :: (a -> b) -> DeciderOutcome a -> DeciderOutcome b
badFmap1 f (Outcome v) = Outcome $ f v
badFmap1 _ ErrorFlewOffTable = ErrorLandedOnItsEdge
badFmap1 _ ErrorLandedOnItsEdge = ErrorFlewOffTable
-- Changes a success to errors (lossy success and/or errors)
-- 2 * 2 * 2 cases = 8 cases
badFmap2 :: (a -> b) -> DeciderOutcome a -> DeciderOutcome b
badFmap2 _ (Outcome _) = ErrorLandedOnItsEdge
badFmap2 _ ErrorFlewOffTable = ErrorLandedOnItsEdge
badFmap2 _ ErrorLandedOnItsEdge = ErrorFlewOffTable
-- Success but changes the error (lossy errors)
-- 2 cases
badFmap3 :: (a -> b) -> DeciderOutcome a -> DeciderOutcome b
badFmap3 f (Outcome v) = Outcome $ f v
badFmap3 _ ErrorFlewOffTable = ErrorFlewOffTable
badFmap3 _ ErrorLandedOnItsEdge = ErrorFlewOffTable
-- 11 bad cases. Also, using case analysis...
-- 3 possible definitions for 'Outcome v' case
-- 2 possible definitions for 'ErrorFlewOffTable' case
-- 2 possible definitions for 'ErrorLandedOnItsEdge' case
-- 1 lawful definition
-- so, 3*2*2-1 = 11
someFunc :: IO ()
someFunc = putStrLn "someFunc"
Functor DeciderOutcome
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
identity FAILED [1]
compositions FAILED [2]
identity FAILED [3]
compositions FAILED [4]
identity FAILED [5]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
1) badFmap1 identity
Falsified (after 2 tests):
Die32 ErrorLandedOnItsEdge
To rerun use: --match "/badFmap1/identity/"
2) badFmap1 compositions
Falsified (after 1 test and 6 shrinks):
Die32 ErrorFlewOffTable
To rerun use: --match "/badFmap1/compositions/"
3) badFmap2 identity
Falsified (after 1 test):
Die32 (Outcome 21)
To rerun use: --match "/badFmap2/identity/"
4) badFmap2 compositions
Falsified (after 1 test and 6 shrinks):
Die32 ErrorFlewOffTable
To rerun use: --match "/badFmap2/compositions/"
5) badFmap3 identity
Falsified (after 2 tests):
Die32 ErrorLandedOnItsEdge
To rerun use: --match "/badFmap3/identity/"
Randomized with seed 1516855505
Finished in 0.0042 seconds
8 examples, 5 failures
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Lib
newtype Die32 = Die32 (DeciderOutcome Int)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary Die32 where
arbitrary =
Die32 <$> oneof [
Outcome <$> choose (1, 32)
, pure ErrorFlewOffTable
, pure ErrorLandedOnItsEdge
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Functor DeciderOutcome" $ do
it "identity" $ property $ \(Die32 die) ->
fmap id die == id die
it "compositions" $ property $ \(Fn (f :: Int -> Int)) (Fn (g :: Int -> Int)) (Die32 die) ->
fmap (f . g) die == (fmap f . fmap g) die
describe "badFmap1" $ do
it "identity" $ property $ \(Die32 die) ->
badFmap1 id die == id die
it "compositions" $ property $ \(Fn (f :: Int -> Int)) (Fn (g :: Int -> Int)) (Die32 die) ->
badFmap1 (f . g) die == (badFmap1 f . badFmap1 g) die
describe "badFmap2" $ do
it "identity" $ property $ \(Die32 die) ->
badFmap2 id die == id die
it "compositions" $ property $ \(Fn (f :: Int -> Int)) (Fn (g :: Int -> Int)) (Die32 die) ->
badFmap2 (f . g) die == (badFmap2 f . badFmap2 g) die
describe "badFmap3" $ do
it "identity" $ property $ \(Die32 die) ->
badFmap3 id die == id die
it "compositions" $ property $ \(Fn (f :: Int -> Int)) (Fn (g :: Int -> Int)) (Die32 die) ->
badFmap3 (f . g) die == (badFmap3 f . badFmap3 g) die
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