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Created April 26, 2022 13:01
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SBV Sudoku Solver
module Problem96
( answer
) where
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List (transpose)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.SBV
import Problem96Input (grids)
toMap :: [[a]] -> M.Map (Int, Int) a
toMap vs = M.fromList $ do
(y, row) <- zip [0..] vs
(x, value) <- zip [0..] row
pure ((x, y), value)
unknownValue (x, y) = do
v <- sInteger $ show x ++ "," ++ show y
constrain $ 0 .< v .&& v .< 10
pure v
rows :: M.Map (Int, Int) a -> [[a]]
rows m =
map (\y -> map (\x -> m M.! (x, y)) [0..8]) [0..8]
columns :: M.Map (Int, Int) a -> [[a]]
columns = transpose . rows
blocks :: M.Map (Int, Int) a -> [[a]]
blocks m =
concatMap (\h -> map (\w -> aux (w, h)) [0..2]) [0..2]
aux (w, h) =
map (\(dw, dh) -> m M.! (w*3+dw, h*3+dh)) [
(0,0), (1, 0), (2, 0),
(0,1), (1, 1), (2, 1),
(0,2), (1, 2), (2, 2)
solveGrid grid = sat $ do
let knowns = toMap grid
solveSpace <- mapM sequence $ map (\y -> map (\x -> unknownValue (x, y)) [0..8]) [0..8]
let solutionLookup = toMap solveSpace
-- Known values come from input
for_ (filter ((/= 0) . snd) $ M.toList knowns) $ \(pt, value) ->
constrain $ solutionLookup M.! pt .== literal value
for_ (rows solutionLookup) $ constrain . distinct
for_ (columns solutionLookup) $ constrain . distinct
for_ (blocks solutionLookup) $ constrain . distinct
upperDigits :: [[Integer]] -> IO Integer
upperDigits grid = do
sol <- solveGrid grid
case (getModelValue "0,0" sol :: Maybe Integer, getModelValue "1,0" sol, getModelValue "2,0" sol) of
(Just a, Just b, Just c) -> pure $ a*100+b*10+c
_ ->
error "No result!"
puzzle :: Integer -> [[[Integer]]] -> IO Integer
puzzle acc [] = pure acc
puzzle acc (g:gs) = do
v <- upperDigits g
puzzle (acc+v) gs
answer :: IO ()
answer =
puzzle 0 grids >>= print
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