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Created April 26, 2022 13:03
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Incomplete Sudoku Solver
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Lib
( solve
) where
import Control.Arrow ( (&&&) )
import Data.Char ( isNumber )
import Data.Foldable ( for_ )
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.Split ( chunksOf )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- | Parse lines into a (sparse) point-indexed 'Map'
-- Examples:
-- >>> parseSparse2dGrid (\v -> if v == 'x' then Just () else Nothing) "x.\n.x"
-- fromList [((0,0),()),((1,1),())]
:: (Char -> Maybe a) -- ^ How to parse a cell
-> String -- ^ Lines of text to parse
-> M.Map (Int, Int) a
parseSparse2dGrid parseCell text = M.fromList $ do
(y, line) <- zip [0 ..] $ lines text
(x, cell) <- zip [0 ..] line
maybe [] (pure . ((x, y), )) $ parseCell cell
-- | Parse lines into a point-indexed 'Map'
-- Examples:
-- >>> parse2dGrid (== 'x') "x.\n.x"
-- fromList [((0,0),True),((0,1),False),((1,0),False),((1,1),True)]
:: (Char -> a) -- ^ How to parse a cell
-> String -- ^ Lines of text to parse
-> M.Map (Int, Int) a
parse2dGrid = parseSparse2dGrid . (.) Just
-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Char (isAlpha, toUpper)
-- >>> import qualified Adlude.Grid as G
-- | Format (in terminal friendly-way) a grid of cells
-- Examples:
-- >>> putStrLn $ showGrid toUpper $ G.parseSparse2dGrid (\v -> if isAlpha v then Just v else Nothing) "a.b\nc.d\ne.."
-- A B
-- C D
-- E
showGrid :: (Enum a1, Ord a1) => (a2 -> Char) -> M.Map (a1, a1) a2 -> [Char]
showGrid showCell grid =
ks = M.keysSet grid
xs = fst ks
ys = snd ks
sequence [S.lookupMin xs, S.lookupMax xs, S.lookupMin ys, S.lookupMax ys]
Just [x0, x1, y0, y1] ->
intercalate "\n"
$ (\y ->
(\x -> maybe ' ' showCell $ M.lookup (x, y) grid) <$> [x0 .. x1]
<$> [y0 .. y1]
_ -> ""
frequencies :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
frequencies = fmap (NE.head &&& length) . NE.groupAllWith id
data CellState
= Resolved Int
| Possible (S.Set Int)
deriving (Show, Eq)
resolved = \case
Resolved v -> Just v
Possible _ -> Nothing
unsolvedPossibilities = \case
Resolved _ -> Nothing
Possible v -> Just $ S.toList v
containsUnsolvedPossibility cell v = case cell of
Resolved _ -> False
Possible pos -> v `S.member` pos
showCellState = \case
Resolved v -> head $ show v
Possible _ -> '_'
removePossible value = \case
Resolved v -> Resolved v
Possible pos -> resolveSingleton $ Possible $ S.delete value pos
resolveSingleton = \case
Resolved v -> Resolved v
Possible pos | S.size pos == 1 -> Resolved $ S.findMin pos
Possible pos -> Possible pos
allPossible = Possible $ S.fromList [1 .. 9]
parseGame =
parse2dGrid (\c -> if isNumber c then Resolved (read [c]) else allPossible)
subgridLookup = M.fromList $ do
subgrid <- subgrids
cell <- subgrid
pure (cell, subgrid)
columns = column . (, 0) <$> [0 .. 8]
rows = row . (0, ) <$> [0 .. 8]
subgrids =
fmap NE.toList $ NE.groupAllWith (\(x, y) -> (x `div` 3, y `div` 3)) $ do
x <- [0 .. 8]
y <- [0 .. 8]
pure (x, y)
column (x, _) = (x, ) <$> [0 .. 8]
row (_, y) = (, y) <$> [0 .. 8]
subgrid = (subgridLookup M.!)
affectedBy pt = column pt <> row pt <> subgrid pt
removeByResolved game = foldr remove game toRemove
toRemove = concatMap (uncurry resolvedWithAffected) $ M.toList game
resolvedWithAffected pt cell = case resolved cell of
Nothing -> []
Just v -> (, v) <$> affectedBy pt
resolveByPossible game = foldr resolve game toResolve
toResolve :: [((Int, Int), Int)]
toResolve = do
span <- subgrids <> columns <> rows
singleton <-
fmap fst $ filter ((== 1) . snd) $ frequencies $ concat $ mapMaybe
(unsolvedPossibilities . (game M.!))
point <- filter ((`containsUnsolvedPossibility` singleton) . (game M.!))
pure (point, singleton)
remove (pt, v) = M.adjust (removePossible v) pt
resolve (pt, v) = M.insert pt (Resolved v)
lineEliminate game = foldr remove game toRemove
toRemove :: [((Int, Int), Int)]
toRemove = do
subgrid <- subgrids
possibleValueSpots <-
NE.groupAllWith fst
$ concatMap (\(pt, unsolved) -> (, pt) <$> unsolved)
$ mapMaybe (\pt -> (pt, ) <$> unsolvedPossibilities (game M.! pt)) subgrid
(, fst $ NE.head possibleValueSpots) <$> if allSame fst possibleValueSpots
then spanButPoints column possibleValueSpots
else if allSame snd possibleValueSpots
then spanButPoints row possibleValueSpots
else []
allSame dim vs@((_, pt) NE.:| _) = all (== dim pt) $ dim . snd <$> vs
spanButPoints span points@((_, pt) NE.:| _) =
filter (`notElem` fmap snd points) $ span pt
step =
. untilSame removeByResolved
. resolveByPossible
. untilSame removeByResolved
untilSame f game | next == game = game
| otherwise = untilSame f next
where next = f game
solveAndPrint rawGame = do
let unsolved = parseGame rawGame
let end = untilSame step unsolved
failedToSolve =
filter (/= S.fromList (fmap Just [1 .. 9]))
$ fmap (S.fromList . fmap (resolved . (end M.!)))
$ rows
<> columns
<> subgrids
putStrLn $ showGrid showCellState end
for_ (NE.nonEmpty failedToSolve) $ \spans -> do
putStrLn "Failed to solve:"
for_ spans print
solve :: IO ()
solve = do
unsolvedEulers <- fmap (\c -> if c == '0' then '.' else c)
<$> readFile "./src/euler-puzzles.txt"
let eulerRawGames =
fmap unlines $ chunksOf 9 $ filter (\(v : _) -> v /= 'G') $ lines
for_ eulerRawGames $ \v -> do
solveAndPrint v
putStrLn ""
-- solveAndPrint =<< readFile "./src/game.txt"
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