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Last active February 7, 2017 03:21
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Demonstrates a scenario where Scala fails to refine a type
sealed trait Role[N <: Entity]
case object VIP extends Role[Customer]
case object Shopper extends Role[Customer]
case object Manager extends Role[Staff]
case object Employee extends Role[Staff]
sealed trait Entity
case class Customer(name: String) extends Entity
case class Staff(id: Int) extends Entity
sealed trait RolePair {
type N <: Entity
val role: Role[N]
val entity: N
object RolePair {
def apply[M <: Entity](r: Role[M], n: M): RolePair = new RolePair {
type N = M
val role: Role[N] = r
val entity: N = n
def unapply(rp: RolePair): Some[(Role[rp.N], rp.N)] = Some((rp.role, rp.entity))
// Scala 2 version (broken in 2.11, 2.12)
// def unapply(rp: RolePair): Some[(Role[N], N)] forSome { type N <: Entity } = Some((rp.role, rp.entity))
object RolePairTest {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val roles: List[RolePair] = List(
RolePair(Manager, Staff(1)),
RolePair(Shopper, Customer("Max")),
RolePair(Employee, Staff(2)),
RolePair(Employee, Staff(3)),
RolePair(VIP, Customer("Lucy"))
// The following hould be a List[Customer], but it is only a List[RolePair#N] under dotty (List[Entity] under 2.11, 2.12)
// This worked in 2.10 but is broken in 2.11 and dotty
val vips =
roles collect {
case RolePair(VIP, customer) => customer
vips foreach { vip => println( }
val vipsAndManagers = // Should be a List[Customer | Manager], but it is only a List[RolePair#N]
roles collect {
case RolePair(VIP, customer) => customer
case RolePair(Manager, manager) => manager
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Note that I can't even call .name within the body of the case statement on line 47.

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