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Created December 14, 2014 18:16
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$ vagrant ssh
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-39-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Sun Dec 14 18:06:00 UTC 2014
System load: 0.37 Processes: 100
Usage of /: 2.7% of 39.34GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 10% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0%
Graph this data and manage this system at:
Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:
0 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ ls /vagrant/
manifests Vagrantfile
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ bash /vagrant/ --help
Usage: [--help] [--rootdir dir] \
[--skip-extract|--no-extract] [--extract-only] \
[--update] \
[-p|--patchfile patchfile] \
[-a|--addonfile addonile] \
[--start-origcmd args... --end-origcmd] \
[--otherargs] \
[-- thisprog_args... [-- subprog1_args... [subprog2_args...]]]
--rootdir -- smrtanalysis root directory (default: ./smrtanalysis)
--skip-extract -- skip the tarball extraction (use previous extract)
--no-extract -- same as --skip-extract
--extract-only -- only extract the tarball, do not invoke
installer or upgrader
--update -- update from an existing install (internal option
--patchfile -- patch file to apply during install/upgrade
--addonfile -- addon file to apply during install/upgrade
--start-origcmd -- original args to parent program, until
until --end-origcmd arg
--otherargs -- unrecognized args passed to subprogs until
-- args... -- force args to be handled by this program
-- -- args... -- force args to be handled by this subprog1
(first level subprog)
-- -- -- args... -- force args to be handled by this subprog2
(second level subprog)
--help -- print this usage
-- --help -- print this usage
--helpall -- print this usage and usage of subprogs
at: 160 /vagrant/
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ bash /vagrant/ --rootdir /tmp --patchfile /vagrant/ --extract-only
Starting smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936 self-extraction...
Creating install directory (/tmp/install/smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936)...
Extracting smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936...
Starting smrtanalysis-patch_2.3.0.140936.p1.142411_linux_x86_64_libc-2.5_centos-53 self-extraction...
Creating install directory (/tmp/install/smrtanalysis-patch_2.3.0.140936.p1.142411_linux_x86_64_libc-2.5_centos-53)...
Extracting smrtanalysis-patch_2.3.0.140936.p1.142411_linux_x86_64_libc-2.5_centos-53...
Invoking smrtanalysis-patch_2.3.0.140936.p1.142411_linux_x86_64_libc-2.5_centos-53 installer...
Checking existing version number...
Copying prerun patchfiles...
Skipping smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936 installer...
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ ls /tmp/
install vagrant-puppet-3
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ ls /tmp/install/smrtanalysis
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ ls /tmp/install/smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936/
admin/ common/ installerdeps/ misclibs/ smrtcmds/
analysis/ doc/ licenses/ postinstall/ support/
bin/ etc/ miscdeps/ redist/
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ file /tmp/install/smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936/analysis/bin/pbdagcon
/tmp/install/smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936/analysis/bin/pbdagcon: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ /tmp/install/smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936/analysis/bin/pbdagcon --help
Usage: /tmp/install/smrtanalysis_2.3.0.140936/analysis/bin/pbdagcon [options] <input>
PacBio read-on-read error correction via consensus:
-h [ --help ] Display this help
-v [ --verbose ] Increase logging verbosity
-a [ --align ] Align sequences before adding to consensus
-t [ --trim ] arg (=50) Trim alignment by N bases on either side
-m [ --min-length ] arg (=500) Filter both alignments and corrected reads
less than length
-c [ --min-coverage ] arg (=8) Minimum coverage required to correct
-j [ --threads ] arg Number of consensus threads to use
-r [ --rbuf ] arg (=30) Size of the read buffer
-w [ --wbuf ] arg (=30) Size of the write buffer
--input arg (=-) Input (flag is optional)
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