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Last active October 21, 2021 20:40
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Springboard questions
"questionId": "C614B380-8DF9-11EA-AB12-0800200C9A66",
"question": "You want to be able to store application logs from your Kubernetes Cluster for more than a year to be able to analyze them and monitor frequency errors. What is your best option to stream and store logs?",
"subQuestion": "",
"domain": "cdmp-gcp-simulated-exam",
"difficulty": "medium",
"answers": {
"a": "Configure Cloud Logging for your cluster and do nothing because logs are stored forever.",
"b": "Use pubsub to send the logs to a subscriber and process them using DataProc",
"c": "Configure Cloud Logging for your cluster and create a sink to Big Query",
"d": "Use Dataflow Connector to automatically stream your logs to BigQuery"
"correctAnswer": [
"objective": "4.6 Monitoring and logging / Configuring log sinks to export logs to external systems (e.g., on-premises or BigQuery)",
"references": ["", ""],
"rationale": ""
"questionId": "D27111A0-8DF9-11EA-AB12-0800200C9A66",
"question": "Your company's CEO has noticed monthly increasing costs for BigQuery usage. You noticed that your Data Analysts were repeatedly querying a sales table with 30 columns and more than 50,000 rows. What is the best option for decreasing your BigQuery cost?",
"subQuestion": "",
"domain": "cdmp-gcp-simulated-exam",
"difficulty": "medium",
"answers": {
"a": "Use LIMIT clause to limit returned rows from queries.",
"b": "Split the table into multiple tables. Use the same SQL query except join all the new tables.",
"c": "Use SELECT only with the needed columns instead of using SELECT *",
"d": "Create a primary key index to speed up the query"
"correctAnswer": [
"objective": "4.4 Managing storage and database solutions. / Executing queries to retrieve data from data instances (e.g., Cloud SQL, BigQuery, Cloud Spanner, Cloud Datastore, Cloud Bigtable)",
"references": [""],
"rationale": ""
"questionId": "CA000C90-8DFB-11EA-AB12-0800200C9A66",
"question": "Your team has deployed a web service named 'order-tracker', in a GKE cluster that is listening on port 8080. You want your customers to be able to access this web service from their own network. Which command will allow you to do that?",
"subQuestion": "",
"domain": "cdmp-gcp-simulated-exam",
"difficulty": "hard",
"answers": {
"a": "kubectl expose deployment order-tracker --type LoadBalancer --port 8080 --target-port 80",
"b": "kubectl expose deployment order-tracker --type Null --port 80 --target-port 8080",
"c": "kubectl expose deployment order-tracker --type ClusterIP --port 80 --target-port 8080",
"d": "kubectl expose deployment order-tracker --type LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8080"
"correctAnswer": [
"objective": "3.2 Deploying and implementing Google Kubernetes Engine resources / Deploying a container application to Google Kubernetes Engine using pods",
"references": [""],
"rationale": ""
"questionId": "C25A0A90-8DFB-11EA-AB12-0800200C9A66",
"question": "While at home, your boss ordered you to create a new deployment in your GKE cluster. Unfortunately you have forgotten your work laptop and will need to to use your computer at home. You've already configured google cloud SDK on it to use our account but kubectl commands on your cluster still won't work. What do you need to do?",
"subQuestion": "",
"domain": "cdmp-gcp-simulated-exam",
"difficulty": "medium",
"answers": {
"a": "gcloud application-default login",
"b": "gcloud auth login",
"c": "gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster_name>",
"d": "kubectl get-credentials <cluster_name>"
"correctAnswer": [
"objective": "3.2 Deploying and implementing Google Kubernetes Engine resources. / Deploying a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster",
"references": [""],
"rationale": ""
"questionId": "D42F8320-8DFC-11EA-AB12-0800200C9A66",
"question": "Being a Google Cloud expret, you've been tasked to help your Sys Admin to in creating and managing Google Cloud VPC resources that will be eventually used to migrate your existing applications to the cloud. You've agreed that for the time being, your Sys Admin should be able to manage firewalls and SSL certificates on your Google Cloud VPC for security purposes but should not be able to create other networking resources. How should you assign permissions for your Sys Admin in the simplest way possible?",
"subQuestion": "",
"domain": "cdmp-gcp-simulated-exam",
"difficulty": "medium",
"answers": {
"a": "Give your Sys Admin a user with Network Admin role.",
"b": "Give your Sys Admin a user with Security Admin role.",
"c": "Create a service account and manually add permissions that are required.",
"d": "Create a group, add your Sys Admin user to that group and give that group Project Owner role."
"correctAnswer": [
"objective": "1.1 Setting up cloud projects and accounts. / Assigning users to predefined IAM roles within a project",
"references": [""],
"rationale": ""
"questionId": "FBAC4EB0-8DFC-11EA-AB12-0800200C9A66",
"question": "Which command will set the default Compute Engine zone property?",
"subQuestion": "",
"domain": "cdmp-gcp-simulated-exam",
"difficulty": "easy",
"answers": {
"a": "gcloud config set compute/zone us-east-1a",
"b": "gcloud config set zone us-east1-a",
"c": "gcloud config set-value zone us-east-1-a",
"d": "gcloud config set compute/zone us-east1-a"
"correctAnswer": [
"objective": "4.1 Managing Compute Engine resources. / Working with management interfaces (e.g., Cloud Console, Cloud Shell, GCloud SDK)",
"references": [""],
"rationale": ""
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