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Created October 7, 2016 17:29
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Example code for scraping Federalist papers from Gutenberg, taken from
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Illustration of many data processing steps using the Federalist Papers
# Kevin Quinn
# 9/15/2007
# edited Andy Eggers 9/22/2007 to add progress reporting and conform to most recent nltk distribution
print "Importing necessary modules . . . "
# import the necessary modules
import re
import urllib
import sys
### add MontyLingua location to the search path
# sys.path.append("your\path\to\montylingua\probably\ending\with\montylingua-2.1\python")
### on my machine this line would say
### sys.path.append("c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\montylingua-2.1\python")
from MontyLingua import *
import nltk, string
from nltk import corpus, tokenize
from nltk import PorterStemmer
## original code said
# from import *
## but apparently this module not in the most recent distribution
# source code to at
# imports, in addition to modules re and string,
# wordnet, stem, tag, chunk, parse, sem, all from nltk
# stem.Porter is deprecated in favor of PorterStemmer module
from pprint import pprint
# Getting the Text
print "Getting the text . . . "
# from URL:
FedPapFile = urllib.urlopen("")
FedPapRaw =
# or local file:
# FedPapFile = open("../data/feder16.txt")
# FedPapRaw =
# FedPapFile.close()
# Cleaning the Text
print "Cleaning the text . . . "
# Ignore the Gutenberg preamble and then split each of the 85 (actually 86
# b/c of two versions of Federalist 70) essays into separate units
pattern = re.compile(r'''(?xs) # re.VERBOSE and re.DOTALL
FEDERALIST[. ]+No\.\s[0-9] # start matching here on
# (note some have a
# . after FEDERALIST
.*? # anything (non-greedy)
# finally a lookahead match
# on next essay number or
# string at end of file
(?=((FEDERALIST[. ]+No\.\s[0-9]) |
(End\ of\ the\ Project\ Gutenberg\ Etext\ of\ the\
Federalist\ Papers)) )
FedPapList = list(tokenize.regexp_tokenize(FedPapRaw, pattern)) # was tokenize.regexp, but method does not exist
# convert \r and \n to " "
FedPapListWithoutControlChars = [re.sub("\r|\n", " ", essay) for essay in FedPapList]
# convert multiple spaces to a single space
FedPapListWithoutSpaces = [re.sub("\s+", " ", essay) for essay in FedPapListWithoutControlChars]
FedPapList = FedPapListWithoutSpaces[:]
# make list of names of essays (necessary b/c of 2 versions of Federalist 70)
FedPapNameList = []
for essay in FedPapList:
name_search ="FEDERALIST[. ]+No\.\s[0-9]{1,2}", essay)
FedPapNameList.append( )
# make list of authors
FedPapAuthorList = []
for essay in FedPapList:
author_search ="(HAMILTON|JAY|MADISON)(\s(AND|OR)\s(MADISON))?",
FedPapAuthorList.append( )
# keep just the text of the essays
pattern = re.compile(r'''
(To\ the\ People\ of\ the\ State\ of\ New\ York)
.*? # anything non-greedy
$ # end of string
''', re.VERBOSE)
for i in range(len(FedPapList)):
text_search =, FedPapList[i])
FedPapList[i] =
# lowercase everything
FedPapList = [essay.lower() for essay in FedPapList]
# remove most punctuation
FedPapListNoPunct = [re.sub("[.?!:;,()`'*]|(--)|\[|\]", "", essay) for essay in FedPapList]
### Tokenization
print "Tokenizing . . . "
### tokens for FedPapListNoPunct will be words
FedPapListNoPunctTokens = [essay.split() for essay in FedPapListNoPunct]
### drop stop words from FedPapListNoPunct
def dropList(mylist, rmlist):
def testfun(somestring, checklist=rmlist):
return somestring not in checklist
mylist = filter(testfun, mylist)
return mylist
stop_words = list(corpus.stopwords.words("english")) # was "read" instead of "words"; deprecated
FedPapListNoStop = [dropList(wordlist, stop_words)
for wordlist in FedPapListNoPunctTokens]
# keep only stop words
def keepList(mylist, keeplist):
def testfun(somestring, checklist=keeplist):
return somestring in checklist
mylist = filter(testfun, mylist)
return mylist
FedPapListJustStop = [keepList(wordlist, stop_words)
for wordlist in FedPapListNoPunctTokens]
### Tagging
### We'll use the Brill-based tagger in MontyLingua
print "Now for tagging via MontyLingua . . ."
ML = MontyLingua()
# for FedPapList we will analyze sentences (sentence like units)
# so first break each essay in FedPapList up into sentences
FedPapListSent = [ML.split_sentences(essay) for essay in FedPapList]
# tokenize (note the difference in output from the tokenization above)
FedPapListSentTokens = [ [ ML.tokenize(sentence) for sentence in essay ]
for essay in FedPapListSent]
# Tag part of speech
FedPapListSentTagged = [ string.join([ ML.tag_tokenized(tokensentence)
for tokensentence in essay ])
for essay in FedPapListSentTokens]
### get just nouns
FedPapListNouns = [ list(tokenize.regexp_tokenize(essay, "[a-z0-9-]+/NN"))
for essay in FedPapListSentTagged] # regexp_tokenize instead of regexp
# remove the /NN tags
FedPapListNouns = [ [re.sub("/NN", "", noun) for noun in essay]
for essay in FedPapListNouns]
### Stemming
print "Stemming . . . "
stemmer = PorterStemmer()
FedPapListNoStopStem = []
for i in range(len(FedPapListNoStop)):
FedPapListNoStopStem.append( [stemmer.stem(word)
for word in FedPapListNoStop[i] ] )
### Counting Things of Interest
### function to create a dictionary of frequencies
print "Counting words . . . "
def makeFreqDict(strlist):
mydict = {}
for element in strlist:
if element in mydict:
mydict[element] += 1
mydict[element] = 1
return mydict
### stemmed non stop word unigram frequency per essay
NoStopStemFreq = [makeFreqDict(essay) for essay in FedPapListNoStopStem]
# make a list of all words that appear somehwere in the collection
NoStopStemAllWords = []
for essay in NoStopStemFreq:
NoStopStemAllWords = NoStopStemAllWords + essay.keys()
NoStopStemAllWords = list(set(NoStopStemAllWords))
# unstemmed non stop word unigram frequency per essay
# unstemmed stop word unigram frequency per essay
# unstemmed noun frequency per essay
# Storing the Data
# store info in NoStopStemAllWords in a NON-SPARSE tab delimited file
print "Outputting data . . . "
outfile = open("../data/NoStopStemAllWords.txt", "w")
outstring = "wordstem"
for essay in FedPapNameList:
outstring += "\t" + essay
outstring += "\n"
for wordstem in NoStopStemAllWords:
outstring = wordstem
for i in range(len(NoStopStemFreq)):
if wordstem in NoStopStemFreq[i]:
outstring += "\t" + str(NoStopStemFreq[i][wordstem])
outstring += "\t" + str(0)
outstring += "\n"
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