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Last active August 3, 2022 22:01
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Example of using truss with scope-capture
(ns mattsum.assertion
(:require [taoensso.truss :as truss]
#?(:clj [taoensso.truss.impl :as impl :refer [-invariant]])
#?(:cljs [taoensso.truss.impl :as impl :refer-macros [-invariant]])
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn try-resolve [s & args]
(apply (requiring-resolve s) args)
(catch ex
#_(println "WARN - sc.api not in classpath")))))
(when *assert*
(try-resolve 'sc.api.logging/register-cs-logger
::logger (fn [cs]))))
(defn spy-emit [env form]
(when *assert*
(try-resolve 'sc.api/spy-emit
{:sc/spy-cs-logger-id ::logger} nil env form))))
(defn truss-error-fn [data_]
(let [data @data_
ex (ex-info (str/join
(take 500
(str (when-let [m (get-in data [:?data :msg])]
(str m " - "))
@(:msg_ data))))
(assoc (dissoc data :msg_)
::truss-ex? (nil? (:?err data)))
(:?err data))]
(throw ex)))
(truss/set-error-fn! #'truss-error-fn)
(defn truss-ex? [ex]
(-> ex ex-data ::truss-ex?))
(defn cljs-env?
"Take the &env from a macro, and tell whether we are expanding into cljs."
(boolean (:ns env)))
(defmacro try-catchall
"A cross-platform variant of try-catch that catches all exceptions.
Does not (yet) support finally, and does not need or want an exception class."
[& body]
(let [try-body (butlast body)
[catch sym & catch-body :as catch-form] (last body)]
(assert (= catch 'catch))
(assert (symbol? sym))
(if (cljs-env? &env)
`(try ~@try-body (~'catch js/Object ~sym ~@catch-body))
`(try ~@try-body (~'catch Throwable ~sym ~@catch-body)))))
(defmacro have
"Takes a pred and one or more vals. Tests pred against each val,
trapping errors. If any pred test fails, throws a detailed assertion error.
Otherwise returns input val/vals for convenient inline-use/binding.
Respects *assert* value so tests can be elided from production for zero
runtime costs.
Provides a small, simple, flexible feature subset to alternative tools like
clojure.spec, core.typed, prismatic/schema, etc.
;; Will throw a detailed error message on invariant violation:
(fn my-fn [x] (str/trim (have string? x)))
You may attach arbitrary debug info to assertion violations like:
`(have string? x :data {:my-arbitrary-debug-info \"foo\"})`
See also `have?`, `have!`."
{:arglists '([pred (:in) x] [pred (:in) x & more-xs])}
[& args]
(-invariant :elidable nil ~(:line (meta &form)) ~@args)
(catch ex#
(when (truss-ex? ex#)
~(spy-emit &env &form))
(throw ex#))))
(have 1)
(have nil)
;; must have required keys
(have ::should-exist {:shld-exist 123})
;; no nils in the collection
(have some? :in [1 2 3 nil])
;; should be distinct
(have #(apply distinct? % ) [1 2 3 3])
;; should be sorted
(have #(= (sort %) %) [1 2 3 2]))
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