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Created May 9, 2012 19:04
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Erlang implementation of an AVL tree
-export([empty_tree/0, insert/3, lookup/2, write_tree/1]).
lookup(Key, { nil, nil, 0, nil, nil }) ->
lookup(Key, { Key, Value, _, _, _ }) ->
{ found, Value };
lookup(Key, { Key1, _, _, Smaller, _ }) when Key < Key1 ->
lookup(Key, Smaller);
lookup(Key, { Key1, _, _, Bigger }) when Key > Key1 ->
lookup(Key, Bigger).
insert(Key, Value, { nil, nil, 0, nil, nil }) ->
E = empty_tree(),
{ Key, Value, 1, E, E };
insert(Key, Value, { K2, V2, H2, S2, B2 }) when Key == K2 ->
{ Key, Value, H2, S2, B2 };
insert(Key, Value, { K2, V2, H2, S2, B2 }) when Key < K2 ->
{ K4, V4, _, S4, B4 } = insert(Key, Value, S2),
combine(S4, K4, V4, B4, K2, V2, B2);
insert(Key, Value, { K2, V2, H2, S2, B2 }) when Key > K2 ->
{ K4, V4, _, S4, B4 } = insert(Key, Value, B2),
combine(S2, K2, V2, S4, K4, V4, B4).
empty_tree() ->
{ nil, nil, 0, nil, nil }.
combine({ K1, V1, H1, S1, B1 }, AK, AV,
{ K2, V2, H2, S2, B2 }, BK, BV,
{ K3, V3, H3, S3, B3 }) when H2 > H1, H2 > H3 ->
{ K2, V2, H1 + 2,
{ AK, AV, H1 + 1, { K1, V1, H1, S1, B1 }, S2 },
{ BK, BV, H3 + 1, B2, { K3, V3, H3, S3, B3 } }
combine({ K1, V1, H1, S1, B1 }, AK, AV,
{ K2, V2, H2, S2, B2 }, BK, BV,
{ K3, V3, H3, S3, B3 }) when H1 >= H2, H1 >= H3 ->
HB = max_add_1(H2, H3),
HA = max_add_1(H1, HB),
{ AK, AV, HA,
{ K1, V1, H1, S1, B1 },
{ BK, BV, HB, { K2, V2, H2, S2, B2 }, { K3, V3, H3, S3, B3 } }
combine({ K1, V1, H1, S1, B1 }, AK, AV,
{ K2, V2, H2, S2, B2 }, BK, BV,
{ K3, V3, H3, S3, B3 }) when H3 >= H1, H3 >= H2 ->
HA = max_add_1(H1, H2),
HB = max_add_1(HA, H3),
{ BK, BV, HB,
{ AK, AV, HA, { K1, V1, H1, S1, B1 }, { K2, V2, H2, S2, B2 } },
{ K3, V3, H3, S3, B3 }
max_add_1(X, Y) when Y >= X ->
Y + 1;
max_add_1(X, Y) when X > Y ->
X + 1.
write_tree(T) ->
write_tree(0, T).
write_tree(D, { nil, nil, 0, nil, nil }) ->
io:format('nil', []);
write_tree(D, { Key, Value, _, Smaller, Bigger }) ->
D1 = D + 4,
write_tree(D1, Bigger),
io:format('~n', []),
io:format('~w ===> ~w~n', [ Key, Value ]),
write_tree(D1, Smaller).
tab(N) ->
io:format("~s", [lists:duplicate(N, $ )]).
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