Software engineering principles, from Robert C. Martin's book Clean Code , adapted for Python. This is not a style guide. It's a guide to producing
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Software engineering principles, from Robert C. Martin's book Clean Code , adapted for Python. This is not a style guide. It's a guide to producing
Select a random word:
curl -s | shuf -n 1
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission | |
from django.db.models.deletion import ProtectedError | |
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType | |
from django.db.models.deletion import Collector | |
def get_dependencies(obj): | |
collector = Collector(using="default") | |
collector.collect([obj]) | |
return |
""" | |
We used this script to migrate from to our self-hosted gitlab. | |
Author: Mohammad Javad Naderi | |
Before running the script, install `python-gitlab` package. | |
Important Note: | |
In order to keep the authors of merge requests and comments, before running this script make | |
sure all users have enabled "Public Email" in their profile and create account for | |
all users in self-hosted Gitlab (with the same e-mail address as their public email). |
Please note that storing compressed binary values inside database has its own disadvantage.
According to my experience using PostgreSQL, it increased the size of custom-format dump (pg_dump -Fc
) by 60%.
# You can run this turing machine in | |
name: sum of two positive integers | |
source code: |+ | |
# Sum of two positive integers | |
# Demo for this talk: | |
input: '111110111' | |
blank: 0 | |
start state: s1 | |
table: | |
s1: |
# You can run this turing machine in | |
name: multiply by two | |
source code: |- | |
# Multiply by two | |
# Demo for this talk: | |
input: '1111' | |
blank: 0 | |
start state: s1 | |
table: | |
s1: |
# You can run this turing machine in | |
name: determine parity | |
source code: |- | |
# Determine Parity | |
# Demo for this talk: | |
input: '11111' | |
blank: 0 | |
start state: s1 | |
table: | |
s1: |
# You can run this turing machine in | |
name: Print three strokes | |
source code: |- | |
# Print three strokes | |
# Demo for this talk: | |
input: '' | |
blank: 0 | |
start state: s1 | |
table: | |
s1: |