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Daedalus wallet koinly clean up script
function process() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Clean Up Attempt for Script");
const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (rowNum = lastRow; rowNum > 1; --rowNum) {
// stop before header row (rowNum == 1)
const row = data[rowNum-1];
if (row[10].toString().length > 0) {
handleRowTokens(sheet, rowNum, row[0], row[9], row[10]);
function handleRowTokens(sheet, rowNum, date, txHash, tokens) {
// parse the tokens value
const rows = tokens.split(', ').map(tokenStr => {
let [amount, token] = tokenStr.split(' ');
token = token.substring(1, token.length-1);
// each new row has date and txHash as passed in
// Received Amount and Received Currency are per parsed values
return [date, "", "", amount, token, "", "", "", "", txHash];
if (rows.length < 1) {
console.error("Unexpected empty rows");
// insert one new row for each token parsed
sheet.insertRowsAfter(rowNum, rows.length);
sheet.getRange(rowNum+1, 1, rows.length, 10).setValues(rows);
Logger.log("handleRowTokens(" + rowNum + ", " + date + ", " + txHash + ", " + tokens + ")");
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