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Created August 6, 2021 20:27
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Welch T-Test ("TVLA") Sliders with Python 3 matplotlib. The thick lines are the distributions of averages of N Gaussian variables, which are also Gaussians! When they don't overlap, then the distributions are clearly separate and T value also crosses the +-4.5 line commonly used in side-channel work. This is close to P value 10^-5 or confidence …
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# 2021-08-02 Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen <>
# Free to play with!
# === Welch T test sliders (for teaching TVLA statistics)
# Welch T-Test ("TVLA") Sliders with Python 3 matplotlib. The thick lines
# are the distributions of averages of N Gaussian variables, which are
# also Gaussians! When they don't overlap, then the distributions are
# clearly separate and T value also crosses the +-4.5 line commonly used
# in side-channel work. This is close to P value 10^-5 or confidence
# 1-p = 99.999%.
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button
import matplotlib.mathtext as mathtext
# gaussian height at mu
def pdf_h(sig):
return 1 / (sig * np.sqrt(2*np.pi));
# normal distribution scaled at 1 at x==mu
def pdf_1(x, mu, sig):
return np.exp(-0.5*((x - mu)/sig)**2)
# welch t value
def welch(mu_a, sig_a, n_a, mu_b, sig_b, n_b):
return (mu_a - mu_b) / np.sqrt( sig_a**2/n_a + sig_b**2/n_b )
# this is the two-tail p-value (probability of false positve) for normal
# distribution and also for the t-test with a large degree of freedom (n).
def pvalue_t(t):
return math.erfc(abs(t)*2**-0.5)
# ranges
x_min = -5.0
x_max = 5.0
sig_max = 5.0
n_max = 1000
# initial parameters
mu_a = -0.6
sig_a = 2.0
mu_b = 0.6
sig_b = 2.0
n_ab = 100
color_a = '#88FF88'
color_b = '#CCCCFF'
color_n = '#CC88FF'
# create the plot
xv = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 500)
y0 = len(xv)*[0.0]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
line_a, = plt.plot(xv, y0, lw = 1, color = color_a)
line_an, = plt.plot(xv, y0, lw = 2, color = color_a)
line_b, = plt.plot(xv, y0, lw = 1, color = color_b)
line_bn, = plt.plot(xv, y0, lw = 2, color = color_b)
ax.margins(x = 0)
plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.15, right = 0.84,bottom = 0.20)
tval = plt.text(0.5, 1.05, '0', size = 'x-large',
transform = ax.transAxes, ha = 'center')
# horizontal slider to control mu (averages)
sl_mu_a = Slider(
ax = plt.axes([0.15, 0.09, 0.69, 0.04]),
label = r"$\mu_A$",
valmin = x_min,
valmax = x_max,
valfmt = '%4.2f',
valinit = mu_a,
color = color_a,
initcolor = 'none',
sl_mu_b = Slider(
ax = plt.axes([0.15, 0.03, 0.69, 0.04]),
label = r"$\mu_B$",
valmin = x_min,
valmax = x_max,
valfmt = '%4.2f',
valinit = mu_b,
color = color_b,
initcolor = 'none',
# vertical slider to control sigma (std. deviation)
sl_sig_a = Slider(
ax = plt.axes([0.87, 0.20, 0.04, 0.68]),
label = r"$\sigma_A$",
valmin = 0.01,
valmax = sig_max,
valfmt = '%4.2f',
valinit = sig_a,
color = color_a,
initcolor = 'none',
orientation = "vertical"
sl_sig_b = Slider(
ax = plt.axes([0.93, 0.20, 0.04, 0.68]),
label = r"$\sigma_B$",
valmin = 0.01,
valmax = sig_max,
valfmt = '%4.2f',
valinit = sig_b,
color = color_b,
initcolor = 'none',
orientation = "vertical"
# just one vertical slider to control n (number of samples) for both a and b
sl_n = Slider(
ax = plt.axes([0.03, 0.20, 0.04, 0.68]),
label = r"$N$",
valmin = 10,
valmax = n_max,
valfmt = '%4.0f',
valinit = n_ab,
color = color_n,
initcolor = 'none',
orientation = "vertical"
# t-value string
def welch_str():
n_ab = sl_n.val
mu_a = sl_mu_a.val
mu_b = sl_mu_b.val
sig_a = sl_sig_a.val
sig_b = sl_sig_b.val
t = welch( mu_a, sig_a, n_ab,
mu_b, sig_b, n_ab);
p = pvalue_t(t)
if p < 1E-5:
s = f't = {t:.4f} p = 10$^{{{math.log10(p):.2f}}}$'
s = f't = {t:.4f} p = {p:.6f}'
# magical t-value 4.5, corresponding roughly to p=10^-5
if t > -4.5 and t < 4.5:
# update the canvas
def update(val):
n_ab = sl_n.val
mu_a = sl_mu_a.val
mu_b = sl_mu_b.val
sig_a = sl_sig_a.val
sig_b = sl_sig_b.val
n_sc = 1/np.sqrt(n_ab)
nsig_a = n_sc * sig_a
nsig_b = n_sc * sig_b
yv_a = pdf_h(sig_a) * pdf_1(xv, mu_a, sig_a)
ny_a = pdf_h(nsig_a) * pdf_1(xv, mu_a, nsig_a)
yv_b = pdf_h(sig_b) * pdf_1(xv, mu_b, sig_b)
ny_b = pdf_h(nsig_b) * pdf_1(xv, mu_b, nsig_b)
ax.set_ylim(0, max(pdf_h(nsig_a), pdf_h(nsig_b)))
# register the update function with each slider
# initial
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