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Created April 13, 2021 08:35
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CMOV vs Constant-Time
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen <>
Apr 11, 2021, 9:32 PM (2 days ago)
Hello Bitmanip and Krypto,
A colleague asked: "Why CMOV is not on the constant-time Zkt list -- the Bitmanip specification says that it is helpful for cryptography?"
1. We were a bit surprised by this observation since the base reason is that CMOV is *not* a part of the cryptography extension, and only that subset of Bitmanip is included in Zkt. There are no ternary instructions in Krypto. At least in the Bitmanip current draft, the ternary "Zbt" set is not part of base "B" either.
So I'd kindly request removing the reference to constant-time cryptographic programming from the Bitmanip discussion concerning CMOV -- as CETG is not recommending it for this purpose anymore.
Below is a little bit of rationale below why CMOV was not thought to be critically needed for RISC-V cryptography (at least critical enough to warrant a three-source instruction) and why it might be more beneficial to actually allow it to have a data-dependent latency if implemented for non-cryptographic purposes -- such as handling conditionals, which seems its natural application.
2. Recall that CMOV sets rd = rs3 if rs2 == 0 and rd = rs1 otherwise.
cmov rd, rs2, rs1, rs3 // rd = rs2 ? rs1 : rs3
I'd imagine that compilers would generate it specifically for the "?" conditional ternary operator, which is essentially banned in cryptographic (constant time) code. Cryptographers do functionally similar things via binary logic code sequences that are non-trivial (if not impossible) for the compiler to match to CMOV's zero / non-zero Boolean semantics. These constant-time code sequences are the way they are precisely so that the compiler would not optimize them into conditionals! :-)
In C, the "?" conditional operator "cond ? expr1 : expr2" does not evaluate expr1/expr2 if cond is false/true. In constant-time code, both expr1 and expr2 must be evaluated as the memory access pattern must remain independent of secrets.
Hence, if used in constant time code, it would probably have to be invoked via assembly language (or built-in intrinsics) to guarantee that it is generated instead of a branching conditional.
Now, if I switch hats from a cryptographer to a processor architect (in which role I am much less experienced), it would seem to be advantageous to *not* require CMOV to be constant time. Note that an instruction like
cmov x1, x2, x1, x3
requires no fetching/storing of either x1 or x3 if the CPU already knows that x2 is nonzero; hence it would possibly save the second micro-op; run faster; easier on the pipeline.
(To be honest, as a processor architect I would be reluctant to add the complexity of ternary instructions in the first place.. but clearly, not everyone shares this view as they have popped up in various places.)
3. The "CMOV" type functionality that one might want in symmetric cryptography is actually provided by the "bit-selection" CMIX instruction, also in Zkt and not part of base "B" either:
cmix rd, rs2, rs1, rs3 // rd = (rs1 & rs2) | (rs3 & ~rs2)
This type of function can be found in the "Choose" nonlinear function of SHA-2, where we currently recommend the 3-instruction sequence:
Ch(x,y,z) = (z ^ (x & (y ^ z)))
However, this was not found to be quantitively as important as the linear mixing Sig/Sum functions that became part of the K spec specifically for SHA2.
A list of some good 3-input binary logic function sequences is at:
Hopefully, CPUs will be able to fuse some such binary logic sequences.
4. The CMIX (not CMOV) function also matches with the constant_time_select() functions provided at:
While in use in many places, their most important property is to be constant time, and being somewhat fast is only secondary. These are principally used in relatively high-level formatting or padding functions, or to provide things like Fujisaki-Okamoto "implicit rejection" in the final step of PQC KEMs. These functions are rarely found in inner loops that do the heavy lifting, e.g., those that multiply large integers or polynomial rings, or symmetric cipher inner loops.
5. CMOV (x86) and CSEL (ARM) have indeed been used for high-performance (assembly language) constant-time elliptic curve implementations. I did not miss it very much in my own elliptic curve implementation work, especially as I assumed that the CMOV instruction would be slower than standard 2-input Boolean functions. Inner loops benefited most from appropriate Redundant Binary Representation (RBR) arithmetic due to the lack of carry flags in RISC-V, but that is another matter.
To me, the 2-output conditional swap (CSWAP) operation seems to be perhaps more valuable as a primitive than CMOV/CMIX for constant-time Montgomery ladders, as used in elliptic curve scalar multiplication. You'll find CSWAP in OpenSSL code, e.g. ec_mult.c and curve25519.c and also in reference below.
Given "cond" (which has a value 0 or ~0), the pair (x,y) is swapped by the sequence
t = x ^ y;
t &= cond; // C.AND
x ^= t; // C.XOR
y ^= t; // C.XOR (one additional in relation to CMIX)
Two complex instructions replacing four fast instructions (of which 3 are compressed) does not seem like a particularly good trade-off. We could potentially propose this is an additional fused sequence. Again, it is not as crucial as the multiplies and carries management are for RISC-V Elliptic Curve arithmetic.
6. Future use cases: I'm sure we'll revisit this issue for the vector cryptography extension.
None of the NIST Post-Quantum finalist algorithms have had a prominent need for CMOV in their inner loops. ( I expect that the RISC-V ISA will be around for much longer than Elliptic Curve cryptography which is facing depreciation after a transition period, at least after the PQC algorithms become official NIST/FIPS cryptography standards. )
7. Some additional pointers
P. Schwabe, B. Viguier, T. Weerwag, and F. Wiedijk.
"A Coq proof of the correctness of X25519 in TweetNaCl"
2021 IEEE 34th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)
(A recent reference with CSWAP discussion.)
E. Nascimento, L. Chmielewski, D. Oswald, and P. Schwabe.
"Attacking embedded ECC implementations through cmov side channels."
Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC 2016)
(cmov techniques may be handy for constant-time, but introduce single-trace vulnerabilities in other side-channel attacks. Perhaps our implementation techniques will move to a completely different direction.)
- Markku
Dr. Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen <> PQShield, Oxford UK.
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