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Created November 19, 2015 13:58
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Same as the js file, but as a bookmarklet
javascript:(function() {var $ = function(str) {return document.querySelector(str);};var win = window;var doc = document.documentElement;var mast = $('#js-repo-pjax-container .pagehead');var mastTop = mast.offsetTop;var adjustedMargin = mast.offsetHeight;var currentMastAttributes = mast.getAttribute('style');var newMastAttributes = [currentMastAttributes,'position: fixed;','z-index: 10;','top: 0;','left: 0;','right: 0;'].join('');var content = $('#js-repo-pjax-container .repo-container');var currentContentAttributes = content.getAttribute('style');var newContentAttributes = [currentContentAttributes,'margin-top: ' + adjustedMargin + 'px;'].join('');var toggle = false;document.addEventListener('scroll', function() {var scrollTop = (win.pageYOffset || doc.scrollTop) - (doc.clientTop || 0);if (scrollTop > mastTop) {content.setAttribute('style', newContentAttributes);mast.setAttribute('style', newMastAttributes);toggle = true;setTimeout(function() {toggle = false}, 100);} else if (!toggle) {content.setAttribute('style', currentContentAttributes);mast.setAttribute('style', currentMastAttributes);}});}());
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