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Created June 17, 2013 18:32
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CrossTable {gmodels} hack so that output is comma separated for easy copy and paste into tabular spreadsheet software i.e. Excel, Open Office
#Unofficial Revision 2013/06/17
# Stripped-out whitespace and pipe delimeters and added comma separation for easier copying and pasting to spreadsheet software.
# Revision 2.2 2006/05/02
# Fix a bug when a matrix is passed as the 'x' argument
# Reported by Prof. Albert Sorribas same day
# Fix involved creating default values for RowData and ColData
# when there are no dimnames for the matrix
# Revision 2.1 2005/06/26
# Added 'dnn' argument to enable specification of dimnames
# as per table()
# Correct bug in SPSS output for 1d table, where proportions
# were being printed and not percentages ('%' output)
# Revision 2.0 2005/04/27
# Added 'format = "d"' to all table count output
# so that large integers do not print in
# scientific notation
CrossTableTweak <- function (x, y,
digits = 3,
max.width = 5,
expected = FALSE,
prop.r = TRUE,
prop.c = TRUE,
prop.t = TRUE,
prop.chisq = TRUE,
chisq = FALSE,
fisher = FALSE,
mcnemar = FALSE,
resid = FALSE,
sresid = FALSE,
asresid = FALSE,
missing.include = FALSE,
format = c("SAS", "SPSS"),
dnn = NULL,
format = match.arg(format)
RowData <- deparse(substitute(x))
if (!missing(y))
ColData <- deparse(substitute(y))
## Ensure that max.width >= 1
if (max.width < 1)
stop("max.width must be >= 1")
## Set 'x' vector flag
vector.x <- FALSE
## Ensure that if (expected), a chisq is done
if (expected)
chisq <- TRUE
if (missing(y))
## is x a vector?
if (is.null(dim(x)))
if (missing.include)
x <- factor(x,exclude=NULL)
## Remove any unused factor levels
x <- factor(x)
t <- t(as.matrix(table(x)))
vector.x <- TRUE
## is x a matrix?
else if (length(dim(x) == 2))
if(any(x < 0) || any(
stop("all entries of x must be nonnegative and finite")
## Check to see if x has names(dimnames) defined. If yes, use these for
## 'RowData' and 'ColData' labels, else create blank ones
## This can be overridden by setting 'dnn' values
if (is.null(names(dimnames(x))))
RowData <- ""
ColData <- ""
} else {
RowData <- names(dimnames(x))[1]
ColData <- names(dimnames(x))[2]
## Add generic column and rownames if required
## check each separately, in case user has defined one or the other
if (is.null(rownames(x)))
rownames(x) <- paste("[", 1:nrow(x), ",]", sep = "")
if (is.null(colnames(x)))
colnames(x) <- paste("[,", 1:ncol(x), "]", sep = "")
t <- x
stop("x must be either a vector or a 2 dimensional matrix, if y is not given")
if(length(x) != length(y))
stop("x and y must have the same length")
if (missing.include)
x <- factor(x, exclude=c())
y <- factor(y, exclude=c())
## Remove unused factor levels from vectors
x <- factor(x)
y <- factor(y)
## Generate table
t <- table(x, y)
## Create Titles for Table From Vector Names
## At least 2 x 2 table only (for now)
if (all(dim(t) >= 2))
if (!is.null(dnn))
if (length(dnn) != 2)
stop("dnn must have length of 2, one element for each table dimension")
RowData <- dnn[1]
ColData <- dnn[2]
## if t is not at least a 2 x 2, do not do stats
## even if any set to TRUE. Do not do col/table props
if (any(dim(t) < 2))
prop.c <- prop.r <- prop.chisq <- chisq <- expected <- fisher <- mcnemar <- FALSE
## Generate cell proportion of row
CPR <- prop.table(t, 1)
## Generate cell proportion of col
CPC <- prop.table(t, 2)
## Generate cell proportion of total
CPT <- prop.table(t)
## Generate summary counts
GT <- sum(t)
RS <- rowSums(t)
CS <- colSums(t)
if (length(dim(x) == 2))
TotalN <- GT
TotalN <- length(x)
## Column and Row Total Headings
ColTotal <- "Column Total"
RowTotal <- "Row Total"
## Set consistent column widths based upon dimnames and table values
CWidth <- 0
RWidth <- 0
## Adjust first column width if Data Titles present
if (exists("RowData"))
RWidth <- 0
## Create row separators
RowSep <- paste(rep(","), collapse = "")
RowSep1 <- paste(rep(","), collapse = "")
SpaceSep1 <- paste(rep(" "), collapse = "")
SpaceSep2 <- paste(rep(" "), collapse = "")
## Create formatted Names
FirstCol <- formatC(dimnames(t)[[1]], width = RWidth, format = "s")
ColTotal <- formatC(ColTotal, width = RWidth, format = "s")
RowTotal <- formatC(RowTotal, width = CWidth, format = "s")
## Perform Chi-Square Tests
## Needs to be before the table output, in case (expected = TRUE)
if (chisq)
if (all(dim(t) == 2))
CSTc <- chisq.test(t, correct = TRUE, ...)
CST <- chisq.test(t, correct = FALSE, ...)
CST <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(t, correct = FALSE))
if (asresid & !vector.x)
ASR <- (CST$observed-CST$expected)/sqrt(CST$expected*((1-RS/GT) %*% t(1-CS/GT)))
print.CrossTable.SAS <- function()
if (exists("RowData"))
cat(SpaceSep1, ",", ColData, "\n")
cat(formatC(RowData, width = RWidth, format= "s"),
formatC(dimnames(t)[[2]], width = CWidth, format = "s"),
RowTotal, sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
cat(SpaceSep1, formatC(dimnames(t)[[2]], width = CWidth,
format = "s"), RowTotal, sep = ",",
collapse = "\n")
## Print table cells
for (i in 1:nrow(t))
cat(FirstCol[i], formatC(c(t[i, ], RS[i]), width = CWidth, format = "d"),
sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
if (expected)
cat(SpaceSep1, formatC(CST$expected[i, ], digits = digits,
format = "f", width = CWidth),
SpaceSep2, sep = ",",
collapse = "\n")
if (prop.chisq)
cat(SpaceSep1, formatC((((CST$expected[i, ]-t[i, ])^2)/CST$expected[i, ]),
width = CWidth, digits = digits, format = "f"), SpaceSep2,
sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
if (prop.r)
cat(SpaceSep1, formatC(c(CPR[i, ], RS[i]/GT),
width = CWidth, digits = digits, format = "f"),
sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
if (prop.c)
cat(SpaceSep1, formatC(CPC[i, ], width = CWidth,
digits = digits, format = "f"), SpaceSep2,
sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
if (prop.t)
cat(SpaceSep1, formatC(CPT[i, ], width = CWidth,
digits = digits, format = "f"), SpaceSep2,
sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
## Print Column Totals
cat(ColTotal, formatC(c(CS, GT), width = CWidth, format = "d"), sep = ",",
collapse = "\n")
if (prop.c)
cat(SpaceSep1, formatC(CS/GT, width = CWidth, digits = digits,
format = "f"), SpaceSep2, sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
} ## End Of print.Crosstable.SAS function
print.CrossTable.SPSS <- function()
## similar to SPSS behaviour
## Print Column headings
if (exists("RowData"))
cat(SpaceSep1, ",", ColData, "\n")
cat(cat(formatC(RowData, width = RWidth, format = "s"),sep=",",
cat(formatC(dimnames(t)[[2]], width = CWidth-1, format = "s"),
sep=" ,", collapse=""),
cat(RowTotal, sep = ",", collapse = "\n"), sep="", collapse="")
cat(SpaceSep1, formatC(dimnames(t)[[2]], width = CWidth, format = "s"), RowTotal,
sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
## Print table cells
for (i in 1:nrow(t))
cat(cat(FirstCol[i], sep=",", collapse=""),
cat(formatC(c(t[i, ], RS[i]), width = CWidth-1, format = "d"),
sep = " ,", collapse = "\n"), sep="", collapse="")
if (expected)
cat(cat(SpaceSep1, sep=",", collapse=""),
cat(formatC(CST$expected[i, ], digits = digits, format = "f",
width = CWidth-1), sep=" ,", collapse=""),
cat(SpaceSep2, sep = ",", collapse = "\n"), sep="", collapse="")
if (prop.chisq)
cat(cat(SpaceSep1, sep=",", collapse=""),
cat(formatC((((CST$expected[i, ]-t[i, ])^2)/CST$expected[i, ]),
digits = digits, format = "f",
width = CWidth-1), sep=" ,", collapse=""),
cat(SpaceSep2, sep = ",", collapse = "\n"), sep="", collapse="")
if (prop.r)
cat(cat(SpaceSep1, sep=",", collapse=""),
cat(formatC(c(CPR[i, ]*100, 100*RS[i] / GT),
width = CWidth-1, digits = digits, format = "f"),
sep = "%,", collapse = "\n"), sep="", collapse="")
if (prop.c)
cat(cat(SpaceSep1, sep=",", collapse=""),
cat(formatC(CPC[i, ]*100, width = CWidth-1,
digits = digits, format = "f"), sep="%,", collapse=""),
cat(SpaceSep2, sep = ",", collapse = "\n"), sep="", collapse="")
if (prop.t)
cat(cat(SpaceSep1, sep=",", collapse=""),
cat(formatC(CPT[i, ]*100, width = CWidth-1, digits = digits,
format = "f"), sep="%,", collapse=""),
cat(SpaceSep2, sep = ",", collapse = "\n"), sep="", collapse="")
if (resid)
cat(cat(SpaceSep1,sep=",",collapse = ""),
cat(formatC(CST$observed[i, ]-CST$expected[i, ], digits = digits,
format = "f", width = CWidth-1), sep = " ,",
collapse = ""),
cat(SpaceSep2,sep = ",", collapse = "\n"),sep="",collapse="")
if (sresid)
cat(cat(SpaceSep1,sep=",",collapse = ""),
cat(formatC(CST$residual[i, ], digits = digits,
format = "f", width = CWidth-1), sep = " ,",
collapse = ""),
cat(SpaceSep2,sep = ",", collapse = "\n"),sep="",collapse="")
if (asresid)
cat(cat(SpaceSep1,sep=",",collapse = ""),
cat(formatC(ASR[i, ], digits = digits,
format = "f", width = CWidth-1), sep = " ,",
collapse = ""),
cat(SpaceSep2,sep = ",", collapse = "\n"),sep="",collapse="")
## Print Column Totals
cat(formatC(c(CS, GT), width = CWidth-1, format = "d"), sep = " ,",
collapse = "\n"),sep="",collapse="")
if (prop.c)
cat(formatC(100*CS/GT, width = CWidth-1, digits = digits,
format = "f"),sep = "%,", collapse = ""),
cat(SpaceSep2,sep = ",", collapse = "\n"),sep="",collapes="")
} ## End of print.CrossTable.SPSS function
## Print Function For 1 X N Vector In SAS Format
print.CrossTable.vector.SAS <- function()
if (length(t) > max.width)
## set breakpoints for output based upon max.width
final.row <- length(t) %% max.width
max <- length(t) - final.row
## Define breakpoint indices for each row
start <- seq(1, max, max.width)
end <- start + (max.width - 1)
## Add final.row if required
if (final.row > 0)
start <- c(start, end[length(end)] + 1)
end <- c(end, end[length(end)] + final.row)
## Each value printed horizontally in a single row
start <- 1
end <- length(t)
SpaceSep3 <- paste(SpaceSep2, " ", sep = "")
for (i in 1:length(start))
## print column labels
cat(SpaceSep2, formatC(dimnames(t)[[2]][start[i]:end[i]], width = CWidth, format = "s"),
sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
cat(SpaceSep3, rep(RowSep, (end[i] - start[i]) + 1), sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
cat(SpaceSep2, formatC(t[, start[i]:end[i]], width = CWidth, format = "d"), sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
cat(SpaceSep2, formatC(CPT[, start[i]:end[i]], width = CWidth, digits = digits, format = "f"),
sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
cat(SpaceSep3, rep(RowSep, (end[i] - start[i]) + 1), sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
} ## End of print.Crosstable.vector.SAS function
## Print function for 1 X N vector in SPSS format
print.CrossTable.vector.SPSS <- function()
if (length(t) > max.width)
## set breakpoints for output based upon max.width
final.row <- length(t) %% max.width
max <- length(t) - final.row
## Define breakpoint indices for each row
start <- seq(1, max, max.width)
end <- start + (max.width - 1)
## Add final.row if required
if (final.row > 0)
start <- c(start, end[length(end)] + 1)
end <- c(end, end[length(end)] + final.row)
## Each value printed horizontally in a single row
start <- 1
end <- length(t)
SpaceSep3 <- paste(SpaceSep2, " ", sep = "")
for (i in 1:length(start))
width = CWidth-1, format = "s"), sep = " ,", collapse = "\n"),
cat(SpaceSep3, rep(RowSep, (end[i] - start[i]) +
1), sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
cat(formatC(t[, start[i]:end[i]], width = CWidth-1, format = "d"),
sep = " ,", collapse = "\n"),
cat(cat(SpaceSep2, sep=",",collapse=""),
cat(formatC(CPT[, start[i]:end[i]] * 100, width = CWidth-1,
digits = digits, format = "f"), sep = "%,",
collapse = ""),sep="",collapse="\n")
cat(SpaceSep3, rep(RowSep, (end[i] - start[i]) +
1), sep = ",", collapse = "\n")
} ## End of for (i in 1:length(start))
if (GT < TotalN)
cat("\nNumber of Missing Observations: ",TotalN-GT," (",100*(TotalN-GT)/TotalN,"%)\n",sep="")
} ## End of print.CrossTable.vector.SPSS Function
print.statistics <- function()
## Print Statistics
if (chisq)
cat(rep("\n", 2))
cat("Statistics for All Table Factors\n\n\n")
cat("Chi^2 = ", CST$statistic, " d.f. = ", CST$parameter, " p = ", CST$p.value, "\n\n")
if (all(dim(t) == 2))
cat("Chi^2 = ", CSTc$statistic, " d.f. = ", CSTc$parameter, " p = ", CSTc$p.value, "\n")
## Perform McNemar tests
if (mcnemar)
McN <- mcnemar.test(t, correct = FALSE)
cat(rep("\n", 2))
cat("Chi^2 = ", McN$statistic, " d.f. = ", McN$parameter, " p = ", McN$p.value, "\n\n")
if (all(dim(t) == 2))
McNc <- mcnemar.test(t, correct = TRUE)
cat("Chi^2 = ", McNc$statistic, " d.f. = ", McNc$parameter, " p = ", McNc$p.value, "\n")
## Perform Fisher Tests
if (fisher)
cat(rep("\n", 2))
FTt <- fisher.test(t, alternative = "two.sided")
if (all(dim(t) == 2))
FTl <- fisher.test(t, alternative = "less")
FTg <- fisher.test(t, alternative = "greater")
cat("Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data\n")
if (all(dim(t) == 2))
cat("Sample estimate odds ratio: ", FTt$estimate, "\n\n")
cat("Alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1\n")
cat("p = ", FTt$p.value, "\n")
cat("95% confidence interval: ", FTt$, "\n\n")
cat("Alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is less than 1\n")
cat("p = ", FTl$p.value, "\n")
cat("95% confidence interval: ", FTl$, "\n\n")
cat("Alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is greater than 1\n")
cat("p = ", FTg$p.value, "\n")
cat("95% confidence interval: ", FTg$, "\n\n")
cat("Alternative hypothesis: two.sided\n")
cat("p = ", FTt$p.value, "\n")
} ## End Of If(Fisher) Loop
cat(rep("\n", 2))
## Create list of results for invisible()
CT <- list(t = t, prop.row = CPR, prop.col = CPC, prop.tbl = CPT)
if (any(chisq, fisher, mcnemar))
if (all(dim(t) == 2))
if (chisq)
CT <- c(CT, list(chisq = CST, chisq.corr = CSTc))
if (fisher)
CT <- c(CT, list(fisher.ts = FTt, = FTl, = FTg))
if (mcnemar)
CT <- c(CT, list(mcnemar = McN, mcnemar.corr = McNc))
if (chisq)
CT <- c(CT, list(chisq = CST))
if (fisher)
CT <- c(CT, list(fisher.ts = FTt))
if (mcnemar)
CT <- c(CT, list(mcnemar = McN))
} ## End of if(any(chisq, fisher, mcnemar)) loop
## return list(CT)
} ## End of print.statistics function
## Printing the tables
if (format=="SAS")
## Print Cell Layout
cat(rep("\n", 2))
cat(" Cell Contents\n")
cat("| N |\n")
if (expected)
cat("| Expected N |\n")
if (prop.chisq)
cat("| Chi-square contribution |\n")
if (prop.r)
cat("| N / Row Total |\n")
if (prop.c)
cat("| N / Col Total |\n")
if (prop.t)
cat("| N / Table Total |\n")
cat(rep("\n", 2))
cat("Total Observations in Table: ", GT, "\n")
cat(rep("\n", 2))
if (!vector.x)
else if (format == "SPSS")
## Print Cell Layout
cat(" Cell Contents\n")
cat("| Count |\n")
if (!vector.x)
if (expected)
cat("| Expected Values |\n")
if (prop.chisq)
cat("| Chi-square contribution |\n")
if (prop.r)
cat("| Row Percent |\n")
if (prop.c)
cat("| Column Percent |\n")
if (prop.t)
cat("| Total Percent |\n")
if (resid)
cat("| Residual |\n")
if (sresid)
cat("| Std Residual |\n")
if (asresid)
cat("| Adj Std Resid |\n")
cat("| Row Percent |\n")
cat("Total Observations in Table: ", GT, "\n")
if (!vector.x)
else print.CrossTable.vector.SPSS()
if (any(dim(t) >= 2) & any(chisq,mcnemar,fisher))
MinExpF = min(CST$expected)
cat(' Minimum expected frequency:',MinExpF,"\n")
NMinExpF = length(CST$expected[which(CST$expected<5)])
if (NMinExpF > 0)
NCells = length(CST$expected)
cat('Cells with Expected Frequency < 5: ',NMinExpF,' of ',NCells," (",100*NMinExpF/NCells,"%)\n",sep="")
} ## End of if (any(dim(t)...
} ## End of if(format=="SPSS") loop
stop("unknown format")
} ## End of the main function Crosstable.R
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