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Last active June 11, 2024 21:09
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How to Setup Multiple Ssh Keys for Multiple Github/Bitbucket accounts

How to Setup Multiple Ssh Keys for Multiple Github/Bitbucket accounts

create the SSH keys.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

Add the SSH Keys to the SSH-Agent

ssh-add id_rsa_mjrulesamrat


Create config file and add multiple hosts to accomodate different accounts of github, bitbucket or gitlab.

vim ~/.ssh/config
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_mjrulesamrat

Other examples of different accounts:



Add the Keys to your Repositories Accounts

Add to github account ssh keys

cat ~/.ssh/

Clone repo and start working..

git clone
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doesnt work

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What issue you're facing @Zeeshan-H ?

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The above solution didn't work for me as well.

Key pointers:

  • The above illustration misses the explanation on the Host. Initially, to a new user, it seems like the Host is defining something related to the GitHub and can differ based on the individual or company level. After doing some research, I understood that it is a custom name given by the user to refer to the host it wants to talk to.
  • I believe that the config is missing with the two fields as given below:
    • AddKeysToAgent: Basically it will instruct if the same can be added to the agent
    • User: Who is the user? Which in this scenario is git.

Finally, the below code snippet helped me achieve the goal,

Host work
    AddKeysToAgent yes
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_personal

Please correct me If I am wrong in the Explanation.

Thanks for this article @mjrulesamrat . It did helped me

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@ritik-agrawal Can you share the clone command which uses your config?

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  • Get the ssh url from the git repository
  • Use command as given below
git clone <ssh-url>

This should work.
Currently this is working for me.

cc @mjrulesamrat

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mrkhoa99 commented Oct 1, 2023

Thanks for the article.
For the Bitbucket, there is a guide here. More information can be found in this guide.

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The instructions on the bitbucket article didnt help me either.

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