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Created October 16, 2018 22:23
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C# MemoryInfo Get Windows Memory Information
public class MemoryInfo
public enum AllocationType : uint
COMMIT = 0x1000,
RESERVE = 0x2000,
RESET = 0x80000,
LARGE_PAGES = 0x20000000,
PHYSICAL = 0x400000,
TOP_DOWN = 0x100000,
WRITE_WATCH = 0x200000
public enum MemoryProtection : uint
EXECUTE = 0x10,
NOACCESS = 0x01,
READONLY = 0x02,
GUARD_Modifierflag = 0x100,
NOCACHE_Modifierflag = 0x200,
WRITECOMBINE_Modifierflag = 0x400
[DllImport("psapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool GetPerformanceInfo([Out] out PerformanceInformation PerformanceInformation, [In] int Size);
public static RAM GetValues()
var ram = new RAM();
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
ram.CommitLimit = Convert.ToInt64(pi.CommitLimit.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.CommitPeak = Convert.ToInt64(pi.CommitPeak.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.CommitTotal = Convert.ToInt64(pi.CommitTotal.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.KernelNonPaged = Convert.ToInt64(pi.KernelNonPaged.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.KernelPaged = Convert.ToInt64(pi.KernelPaged.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.KernelTotal = Convert.ToInt64(pi.KernelTotal.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.PageSize = Convert.ToInt64(pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.PhysicalAvailable = Convert.ToInt64(pi.PhysicalAvailable.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.PhysicalTotal = Convert.ToInt64(pi.PhysicalTotal.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.ProcessCount = pi.ProcessCount;
ram.SystemCache = Convert.ToInt64(pi.SystemCache.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
ram.ThreadCount = pi.ThreadCount;
ram.HandlesCount = pi.HandlesCount;
ram.PhysicalAvailableAsPercent = ram.PhysicalAvailable / (float) ram.PhysicalTotal * 100.0f;
ram.CommitLimitAsPercent = ram.CommitLimit / (float) ram.PhysicalTotal * 100.0f;
ram.CommitPeakAsPercent = ram.CommitPeak / (float) ram.PhysicalTotal * 100.0f;
ram.CommitTotalAsPercent = ram.CommitTotal / (float) ram.PhysicalTotal * 100.0f;
return ram;
public static int GetThreadCount()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return pi.ThreadCount;
public static int GetProcessCount()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return pi.ProcessCount;
public static int GetHandlesCount()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return pi.HandlesCount;
public static long GetPageSize()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.PageSize.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
public static long GetKernelNonPaged()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.KernelNonPaged.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
public static long GetKernelPaged()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.KernelPaged.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
public static long GetKernelTotal()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.KernelTotal.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
public static long GetSystemCache()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.SystemCache.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
public static long GetCommitLimit()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.CommitLimit.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
public static long GetAvailableMemory()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.PhysicalAvailable.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
public static long GetTotalMemory()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.PhysicalTotal.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
public static long GetCommitCharge()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.CommitTotal.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
public static long GetPeakCommitCharge()
var pi = new PerformanceInformation();
if(GetPerformanceInfo(out pi, Marshal.SizeOf(pi)))
return Convert.ToInt64(pi.CommitPeak.ToInt64() * pi.PageSize.ToInt64());
[DllImport("ntdll.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern uint NtQuerySystemInformation(int SystemInformationClass, IntPtr SystemInformation, int SystemInformationLength, ref int returnLength);
public static long GetCommited()
var retLength = 512;
var lpBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(retLength);
NtQuerySystemInformation(2, lpBuffer, retLength, ref retLength);
lpBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(retLength);
NtQuerySystemInformation(2, lpBuffer, retLength, ref retLength);
var intPtr = new IntPtr(lpBuffer.ToInt64());
Handle = (SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) Marshal.PtrToStructure(intPtr, Handle.GetType());
return(long) Handle.CommittedPages * 4096;
public static long GetCommitChargeEx()
var p = new PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Committed Bytes");
return p.RawValue;
public static Task<ArrayList> QueryWMIObjectAsync(string queryObject)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
var hd = new ArrayList();
var Searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from " + queryObject);
foreach(var wmi_HD in Searcher.Get())
var searcherProperties = wmi_HD.Properties;
foreach(var sp in searcherProperties)
return hd;
public static ArrayList QueryWMIObject(string queryObject)
var hd = new ArrayList();
var Searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from " + queryObject);
foreach(var wmi_HD in Searcher.Get())
var searcherProperties = wmi_HD.Properties;
foreach(var sp in searcherProperties)
return hd;
public static ulong GetTotalMemoryEx()
var CI = new ComputerInfo();
return CI.TotalPhysicalMemory;
public static ulong GetFreeRAM()
var CI = new ComputerInfo();
return CI.AvailablePhysicalMemory;
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc(IntPtr lpAddress, ulong dwSize, AllocationType flAllocationType, MemoryProtection flProtect);
private static extern bool VirtualFree(IntPtr lpAddress, uint dwSize, uint dwFreeType);
public static IntPtr VAMemory(ulong Size)
var p = VirtualAlloc(IntPtr.Zero, Size, AllocationType.COMMIT | AllocationType.RESERVE, MemoryProtection.READWRITE);
var ec = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
var ex = new Win32Exception();
return p;
public static void VAFree(IntPtr p)
VirtualFree(p, 0, 0x8000);
public struct PerformanceInformation
public int Size;
public IntPtr CommitTotal;
public IntPtr CommitLimit;
public IntPtr CommitPeak;
public IntPtr PhysicalTotal;
public IntPtr PhysicalAvailable;
public IntPtr SystemCache;
public IntPtr KernelTotal;
public IntPtr KernelPaged;
public IntPtr KernelNonPaged;
public IntPtr PageSize;
public int HandlesCount;
public int ProcessCount;
public int ThreadCount;
public struct RAM
public long CommitLimit;
public float CommitLimitAsPercent;
public long CommitPeak;
public float CommitPeakAsPercent;
public long CommitTotal;
public float CommitTotalAsPercent;
public int HandlesCount;
public long KernelNonPaged;
public long KernelPaged;
public long KernelTotal;
public long PageSize;
public long PhysicalAvailable;
public float PhysicalAvailableAsPercent;
public long PhysicalTotal;
public int ProcessCount;
public long SystemCache;
public int ThreadCount;
public int AvailablePages;
public int CacheRead;
public int CacheReadIos;
public int CacheTransitionFaults;
public int CommitLimit;
public int CommittedPages;
public int ContextSwitches;
public int CopyOnWriteFaults;
public int CopyReadNoWait;
public int CopyReadNoWaitMiss;
public int CopyReadWait;
public int CopyReadWaitMiss;
public int DataFlushes;
public int DataPages;
public int DemandZeroFaults;
public int FastMdlReadNotPossible;
public int FastMdlReadNoWait;
public int FastMdlReadResourceMiss;
public int FastMdlReadWait;
public int FastReadNotPossible;
public int FastReadNoWait;
public int FastReadResourceMiss;
public int FastReadWait;
public int FirstLevelTbFills;
public int FreeSystemPtes;
public long IdleTime;
public int IoOtherOperationCount;
public long IoOtherTransferCount;
public int IoReadOperationCount;
public long IoReadTransferCount;
public int IoWriteOperationCount;
public long IoWriteTransferCount;
public int LazyWriteIos;
public int LazyWritePages;
public int MapDataNoWait;
public int MapDataNoWaitMiss;
public int MapDataWait;
public int MapDataWaitMiss;
public int MappedFilePagesWritten;
public int MappedFilePageWriteIos;
public int MdlReadNoWait;
public int MdlReadNoWaitMiss;
public int MdlReadWait;
public int MdlReadWaitMiss;
public int NonPagedPoolAllocs;
public int NonPagedPoolFrees;
public int NonPagedPoolUsage;
public int PagedPoolAllocs;
public int PagedPoolFrees;
public int PagedPoolPages;
public int PagedPoolUsage;
public int PageFaults;
public int PagefilePagesWriteIos;
public int PagefilePagesWritten;
public int PagesRead;
public int PagesReadIos;
public int PeakCommitment;
public int PinMappedDataCount;
public int PinReadNoWait;
public int PinReadNoWaitMiss;
public int PinReadWait;
public int PinReadWaitMiss;
public int ReadAheadIos;
public int Reserved3;
public int SecondLevelTbFills;
public int SmallNonPagedPoolLookasideListAllocateHits;
public int SmallPagedPoolLookasideAllocateHits;
public int SystemCachePages;
public int SystemCalls;
public int SystemCodePages;
public int SystemDriverPages;
public int TotalSystemCodePages;
public int TotalSystemDriverPages;
public int TransitionFaults;
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