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C# Get Disk/Drive Physical/Logical and Smart Information
public class SmartI
private readonly Dictionary<int, Smart> _smartInfo = new Dictionary<int, Smart>();
public readonly HashSet<int> FutureReserchUnknownAttributes = new HashSet<int>();
private static bool Is64Bit => IntPtr.Size == 8;
private static uint OffsetSize => Is64Bit ? 8u : 6u;
public Dictionary<int, Smart> SmartInfo
if(_smartInfo.Count == 0)
return _smartInfo;
public IEnumerable<string> GetDriveReadyList => from driveInfo
in DriveInfo.GetDrives()
where driveInfo.IsReady
select driveInfo.Name;
private Dictionary<string, string> LogicalDrives
var logicalDrives = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach(var drive in GetDriveReadyList)
var sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
if(NativeWin32.GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(drive, sb, sb.Capacity))
logicalDrives.Add(drive.Replace("\\", ""), sb.ToString());
return logicalDrives;
private Dictionary<string, List<NativeWin32.DISK_EXTENT>> DiskNumbers
var diskNumbers = new Dictionary<string, List<NativeWin32.DISK_EXTENT>>();
foreach(var ld in LogicalDrives)
var dkexts = new List<NativeWin32.DISK_EXTENT>();
var hFile = NativeWin32.CreateFile(@"\\.\" + ld.Key, NativeWin32.GENERIC_READ,
NativeWin32.FILE_SHARE_READ | NativeWin32.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero,
NativeWin32.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
if(hFile == (IntPtr) NativeWin32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
var size = 1024;
var buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
var alloced = buffer;
var bytesReturned = 0;
NativeWin32.IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS, IntPtr.Zero, 0, buffer, size,
out bytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero))
catch(Exception e)
var m = e.Message;
if(bytesReturned > 0)
var vde = new NativeWin32.VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS();
var dextent = new NativeWin32.DISK_EXTENT();
Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, vde);
buffer = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(vde));
for(var i = 0; i < vde.NumberOfDiskExtents; i++)
dextent =
(NativeWin32.DISK_EXTENT) Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer,
buffer = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(dextent));
diskNumbers.Add(ld.Key, dkexts);
return diskNumbers;
private(string Vendor, string Product) GetVendorProduct(string data)
var ven = data.Substring(data.IndexOf("VEN_", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) + 4);
var end = ven.SuperIndexOf("&", 1);
if(end == -1)
end = ven.SuperIndexOf("\\", 1);
if(end == -1)
return(null, null);
var VendorStr = ven.Substring(0, end).ToUpper();
var pro = data.Substring(data.IndexOf("PROD_", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) + 5);
var end1 = pro.SuperIndexOf("&", 1);
if(end1 == -1)
end1 = pro.SuperIndexOf("\\", 1);
if(end1 == -1)
return(VendorStr, null);
var ProductStr = pro.Substring(0, end1).ToUpper();
end1 = ProductStr.SuperIndexOf("\\", 1);
if(end1 == -1)
return(VendorStr, ProductStr);
ProductStr = pro.Substring(0, end1).ToUpper();
return(VendorStr, ProductStr);
private int GetIndex(string ven, string pro)
for(var i = 0; i < _smartInfo.Count; ++i)
var v = _smartInfo[i];
if(ven == v.Vendor && pro == v.Product)
return i;
/// <summary>
/// Item Data
/// 0 and 1 Unknown usually zero
/// 2 Attribute
/// 3 Status
/// 4 Unknown usually zero
/// 5 Value
/// 6 Worst
/// 7,8 Raw Value
/// 9,10,11 Unknown usually zero
/// </summary>
private void GetSmartInfo()
var pdski = new PDiskInformation();
var driveletterlist = new List<string>();
var ldSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_LogicalDisk");
foreach(ManagementObject drive in ldSearcher.Get())
var drvn = drive["Name"].ToString().Trim();
var wdSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_DiskDrive");
var Index = 0;
foreach(ManagementObject drive in wdSearcher.Get())
var smart = new Smart();
smart.Model = drive["Model"].ToString().Trim();
var PNPDeviceID = drive["PNPDeviceID"].ToString().Trim();
var (vendor, product) = GetVendorProduct(PNPDeviceID);
smart.Vendor = vendor;
smart.Product = product;
smart.Type = drive["InterfaceType"].ToString().Trim();
smart.Disk = drive["Index"].ToString().Trim();
smart.Size = drive["Size"].ToString().Trim();
smart.Status = drive["Status"].ToString().Trim();
_smartInfo.Add(Index, smart);
var pmsearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_PhysicalMedia");
foreach(ManagementObject drive in pmsearcher.Get())
var dsk = drive["Tag"].ToString().Trim().Last().ToString().ToInt32();
_smartInfo[dsk].Serial = drive["SerialNumber"] == null ? "None" : drive["SerialNumber"].ToString().Trim();
var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\WMI", "SELECT * FROM MSStorageDriver_ATAPISmartData");
foreach(ManagementObject data in searcher.Get())
var pt = data.Properties;
var VendorSpecific = (byte[]) data.Properties["VendorSpecific"].Value;
var vsData = data["InstanceName"].ToString().Trim();
var (vendor, product) = GetVendorProduct(vsData);
var idx = GetIndex(vendor, product);
if(idx != -1)
for(var offset = 2; offset < VendorSpecific.Length; offset += 12)
var a = FromBytes<SmartAttribute>(VendorSpecific, offset);
int id = VendorSpecific[offset];
int value;
if(id == (int) SmartAttributeTypes.Temperature)
value = Convert.ToInt32(a.VendorData[0]);
value = BitConverter.ToInt32(a.VendorData, 0);
if(id == 0) continue;
_smartInfo[idx].Attributes.Add(id, _smartInfo[idx].AttributesTemplate[id]);
var attr = _smartInfo[idx].Attributes[id];
attr.Current = value;
attr.FailureImminent = a.FailureImminent;
attr.Advisory = a.Advisory;
attr.OnlineDataCollection = a.OnlineDataCollection;
attr.Status = a.FailureImminent == false ? "Ok" : "Fail";
var vp = GetVolumePaths();
for(var idx = 0; idx < _smartInfo.Count; idx++)
var driveletter = "";
foreach(var drive in driveletterlist)
if(_smartInfo[idx].Disk == vp[drive].DiskNumbers[0].ToString())
driveletter = drive;
if(driveletter != "")
_smartInfo[idx].Drive = driveletter;
_smartInfo[idx].MediaType = new PDMediaTypesStr().types[pdski.PDiskInfo[_smartInfo[idx].Disk].MediaType];
catch(ManagementException e)
throw new Exception($"WMI data error: {e.Message}");
private T FromBytes<T>(byte[] bytearray, int offset)
var ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(12);
Marshal.Copy(bytearray, offset, ptr, 12);
return(T) Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(T));
if(ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
private Dictionary<string, SetupDi.VOLUME_INFO> GetVolumePaths()
var _volumepaths = new Dictionary<string, SetupDi.VOLUME_INFO>();
var hDevInfo = NativeWin32.SetupDiGetClassDevs(ref classGuid, null, IntPtr.Zero,
if(hDevInfo == (IntPtr) NativeWin32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
throw new Exception("Read hardware information error.");
var devIndex = 0;
var dia = new NativeWin32.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA();
dia.cbSize = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeWin32.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA));
if(NativeWin32.SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(hDevInfo, IntPtr.Zero, classGuid, (uint) devIndex, ref dia))
var didd = new NativeWin32.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA();
didd.cbSize = OffsetSize;
var devInfoData = new NativeWin32.SP_DEVINFO_DATA();
devInfoData.cbSize = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeWin32.SP_DEVINFO_DATA));
uint nRequiredSize = 0;
uint nBytes = 1024;
if(NativeWin32.SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hDevInfo, ref dia, ref didd, nBytes, ref nRequiredSize, ref devInfoData))
var sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
if(NativeWin32.GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(didd.devicePath + @"\", sb, sb.Capacity))
var cv = sb.ToString();
var di = new SetupDi.VOLUME_INFO();
foreach(var V in LogicalDrives)
if(V.Value.IndexOf(cv, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
di.Drive = V.Key;
di.VolumeMountPoint = cv;
di.DevicePath = didd.devicePath;
foreach(var de in DiskNumbers[V.Key])
_volumepaths.Add(di.Drive.Trim(), di);
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
} while(true);
return _volumepaths;
public struct SmartAttribute
public readonly SmartAttributeTypes AttributeType;
public readonly ushort Flags;
public readonly byte Value;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public readonly byte[] VendorData;
public bool Advisory => (Flags & 0x1) == 0x0;
public bool FailureImminent => (Flags & 0x1) == 0x1;
public bool OnlineDataCollection => (Flags & 0x2) == 0x2;
public class Smart
public readonly Dictionary<int, SmartData> Attributes = new Dictionary<int, SmartData>();
public readonly Dictionary<int, SmartData> AttributesTemplate = new Dictionary<int, SmartData>
{0, new SmartData("Invalid")},
{1, new SmartData("read error rate")},
{2, new SmartData("Throughput performance")},
{3, new SmartData("Spin up time")},
{4, new SmartData("Start/Stop count")},
{5, new SmartData("Reallocated sector count")},
{6, new SmartData("Read channel margin")},
{7, new SmartData("Seek error rate")},
{8, new SmartData("Seek timer performance")},
{9, new SmartData("Power-on hours count")},
{10, new SmartData("Spin up retry count")},
{11, new SmartData("Calibration retry count")},
{12, new SmartData("Power cycle count")},
{13, new SmartData("Soft read error rate")},
{22, new SmartData("Current Helium Level")},
{160, new SmartData("Uncorrectable sector count read or write")},
{161, new SmartData("Remaining spare block percentage")},
{164, new SmartData("Total Erase Count")},
{165, new SmartData("Maximum Erase Count")},
{166, new SmartData("Minimum Erase Count")},
{167, new SmartData("Average Erase Count")},
{168, new SmartData("Max NAND Erase Count from specification")},
{169, new SmartData("Remaining life percentage")},
{170, new SmartData("Available Reserved Space")},
{171, new SmartData("SSD Program Fail Count")},
{172, new SmartData("SSD Erase Fail Count")},
{173, new SmartData("SSD Wear Leveling Count")},
{174, new SmartData("Unexpected Power Loss Count")},
{175, new SmartData("Power Loss Protection Failure")},
{176, new SmartData("Erase Fail Count")},
{177, new SmartData("Wear Range Delta")},
{178, new SmartData("Used Reserved Block Count (Chip)")},
{179, new SmartData("Used Reserved Block Count (Total)")},
{180, new SmartData("Unused Reserved Block Count Total")},
{181, new SmartData("Program Fail Count Total or Non 4K Aligned Access Count")},
{182, new SmartData("Erase Fail Count")},
{183, new SmartData("SATA Down shift Error Count")},
{184, new SmartData("End-to-End error")},
{185, new SmartData("Head Stability")},
{186, new SmartData("Induced Op Vibration Detection")},
{187, new SmartData("Reported Uncorrectable Errors")},
{188, new SmartData("Command Timeout")},
{189, new SmartData("High Fly Writes")},
{190, new SmartData("Temperature Difference from 100")},
{191, new SmartData("G-sense error rate")},
{192, new SmartData("Power-off retract count")},
{193, new SmartData("Load/Unload cycle count")},
{194, new SmartData("Temperature")},
{195, new SmartData("Hardware ECC recovered")},
{196, new SmartData("Reallocation count")},
{197, new SmartData("Current pending sector count")},
{198, new SmartData("Off-line scan uncorrectable count")},
{199, new SmartData("UDMA CRC error rate")},
{200, new SmartData("Write error rate")},
{201, new SmartData("Soft read error rate")},
{202, new SmartData("Data Address Mark errors")},
{203, new SmartData("Run out cancel")},
{204, new SmartData("Soft ECC correction")},
{205, new SmartData("Thermal asperity rate (TAR)")},
{206, new SmartData("Flying height")},
{207, new SmartData("Spin high current")},
{208, new SmartData("Spin buzz")},
{209, new SmartData("Off-line seek performance")},
{211, new SmartData("Vibration During Write")},
{212, new SmartData("Shock During Write")},
{220, new SmartData("Disk shift")},
{221, new SmartData("G-sense error rate")},
{222, new SmartData("Loaded hours")},
{223, new SmartData("Load/unload retry count")},
{224, new SmartData("Load friction")},
{225, new SmartData("Load/Unload cycle count")},
{226, new SmartData("Load-in time")},
{227, new SmartData("Torque amplification count")},
{228, new SmartData("Power-off retract count")},
{230, new SmartData("Life Curve Status")},
{231, new SmartData("SSD Life Left")},
{232, new SmartData("Endurance Remaining")},
{233, new SmartData("Media Wear out Indicator")},
{234, new SmartData("Average Erase Count AND Maximum Erase Count")},
{235, new SmartData("Good Block Count AND System Free Block Count")},
{240, new SmartData("Head flying hours")},
{241, new SmartData("Lifetime Writes From Host GiB")},
{242, new SmartData("Lifetime Reads From Host GiB")},
{243, new SmartData("Total LBAs Written Expanded")},
{244, new SmartData("Total LBAs Read Expanded")},
{249, new SmartData("NAND Writes GiB")},
{250, new SmartData("Read error retry rate")},
{251, new SmartData("Minimum Spares Remaining")},
{252, new SmartData("Newly Added Bad Flash Block")},
{254, new SmartData("Free Fall Protection")}
public string Status {get; set;}
public string Model {get; set;}
public string Vendor {get; set;}
public string Product {get; set;}
public string Type {get; set;}
public string Serial {get; set;}
public string Disk {get; set;}
public string Drive {get; set;}
public string MediaType{get; set;}
public string Size {get; set;}
public class SmartData
public SmartData(string attributeName)
Attribute = attributeName;
public string Attribute {get; set;}
public int Current {get; set;}
public string Status {get; set;}
public bool Advisory {get; set;}
public bool FailureImminent {get; set;}
public bool OnlineDataCollection{get; set;}
public enum SmartAttributeTypes : byte
Invalid = 0,
ReadErrorRate = 1,
ThroughputPerformance = 2,
SpinUpTime = 3,
StartStopCount = 4,
ReallocatedSectorsCount = 5,
ReadChannelMargin = 6,
SeekErrorRate = 7,
SeekTimePerformance = 8,
PowerOnHoursCount = 9,
SpinRetryCount = 10,
CalibrationRetryCount = 11,
PowerCycleCount = 12,
SoftReadErrorRate = 13,
CurrentHeliumLevel = 22,
UncorrectableSectorCountReadOrWrite = 160,
RemainingSpareBlockPercentage = 161,
TotalEraseCount = 164,
MaximumEraseCount = 165,
MinimumEraseCount = 166,
AverageEraseCount = 167,
MaxNANDEraseCountFromSpecification = 168,
RemainingLifePercentage = 169,
AvailableReservedSpace = 170,
SSDProgramFailCount = 171,
SSDEraseFailCount = 172,
SSDWearLevelingCount = 173,
UnexpectedPowerLossCount = 174,
PowerLossProtectionFailure = 175,
EraseFailCount = 176,
WearRangeDelta = 177,
UsedReservedBlockCountChip = 178,
UsedReservedBlockCountTotal = 179,
UnusedReservedBlockCountTotal = 180,
ProgramFailCountTotalorNon4KAlignedAccessCount = 181,
EraseFailCountSamsung = 182,
SATADownshiftErrorCount = 183,
EndtoEnderror = 184,
HeadStability = 185,
InducedOpVibrationDetection = 186,
ReportedUncorrectableErrors = 187,
CommandTimeout = 188,
HighFlyWrites = 189,
TemperatureDifferencefrom100 = 190,
Gsenseerrorrate = 191,
PoweroffRetractCount = 192,
LoadCycleCount = 193,
Temperature = 194,
HardwareECCRecovered = 195,
ReallocationEventCount = 196,
CurrentPendingSectorCount = 197,
UncorrectableSectorCount = 198,
UltraDMACRCErrorCount = 199,
MultiZoneErrorRate = 200,
OffTrackSoftReadErrorRate = 201,
DataAddressMarkerrors = 202,
RunOutCancel = 203,
SoftECCCorrection = 204,
ThermalAsperityRateTAR = 205,
FlyingHeight = 206,
SpinHighCurrent = 207,
SpinBuzz = 208,
OfflineSeekPerformance = 209,
VibrationDuringWrite = 211,
ShockDuringWrite = 212,
DiskShift = 220,
GSenseErrorRate = 221,
LoadedHours = 222,
LoadUnloadRetryCount = 223,
LoadFriction = 224,
LoadUnloadCycleCount = 225,
LoadInTime = 226,
TorqueAmplificationCount = 227,
PowerOffRetractCycle = 228,
LifeCurveStatus = 230,
SSDLifeLeft = 231,
EnduranceRemaining = 232,
MediaWearoutIndicator = 233,
AverageEraseCountANDMaximumEraseCount = 234,
GoodBlockCountANDSystemFreeBlockCount = 235,
HeadFlyingHours = 240,
LifetimeWritesFromHostGiB = 241,
LiftetimeReadsFromHostGiB = 242,
TotalLBAsWrittenExpanded = 243,
TotalLBAsReadExpanded = 244,
NANDWrites1GiB = 249,
ReadErrorRetryRate = 250,
MinimumSparesRemaining = 251,
NewlyAddedBadFlashBlock = 252,
FreeFallProtection = 254
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