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Created June 19, 2014 00:53
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_b0: {
_model: 'Resource',
_types: ['schema:CreativeWork'],
dc: {
DDC: ['subject[@authority="ddc"]', :_b1],
LCC: ['subject[@authority="lcc"]', :_b2],
LCSH: ['subject[@authority="lcsh"]', :_b3],
RVM: ['subject[@authority="rvm"]', :_b4],
abstract: 'abstract',
alternative: 'titleInfo[@type = "alternative"]',
contributor: ['name[not(@usage="primary")]', :_b5],
created: 'originInfo/dateCreated',
creator: ['name[@usage="primary"]', :_b6],
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language: 'language/languageTerm',
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subject: ['subject[not(@authority="lcsh") and not(geographicCode)]', :_b16],
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accessCondition: 'accessCondition',
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genre: 'genre',
issuance: 'originInfo/issuance',
locationOfResource: 'location',
note: 'note',
_b1: {
_model: 'Concept',
skos: {
hiddenLabel: 'preceding-sibling::*',
prefLabel: '.'
_b2: {
_model: 'Concept',
skos: {
hiddenLabel: 'preceding-sibling::*',
prefLabel: '.'
_b3: {
_model: 'Concept',
skos: {
hiddenLabel: 'preceding-sibling::*',
prefLabel: '.'
_b4: {
_model: 'Concept',
skos: {
hiddenLabel: 'preceding-sibling::*',
prefLabel: '.'
_b5: {
_model: 'Agent',
foaf: {
birthday: 'namePart[@type = "date"]',
name: 'namePart[not(@type)] | displayForm',
publications: :_b0,
title: 'namePart[@type = "termsOfAddress"]'
_b6: {
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foaf: {
birthday: 'namePart[@type = "date"]',
name: 'namePart[not(@type)] | displayForm',
publications: :_b0,
title: 'namePart[@type = "termsOfAddress"]'
_b7: {
_model: 'Resource',
dc: {
isFormatOf: :_b0
_b8: {
_model: 'Resource',
dc: {
isPartOf: :_b0
_b9: {
_model: 'Resource',
dc: {
isVersionOf: :_b0
_b10: {
_model: 'Resource',
dc: {
hasPart: :_b0
_b11: {
_model: 'Resource',
dc: {
references: :_b0
_b12: {
_model: 'Agent',
foaf: {
name: '.',
publications: :_b0
_b13: {
_model: 'Resource',
dc: {
isReferencedBy: :_b0
_b14: {
_model: 'Resource',
dc: {
relation: :_b0
_b15: {
_model: 'Concept',
skos: {
hiddenLabel: 'preceding-sibling::*',
prefLabel: '.'
_b16: {
_model: 'Concept',
skos: {
hiddenLabel: 'preceding-sibling::*',
prefLabel: '.'
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