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Last active July 3, 2019 05:36
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Possible cljs test solution
(ns gilded-rose.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[gilded-rose.core :refer :all]))
(deftest gilded-rose-test
(testing "For all items except Sulfuras, sell in date decreases by one"
(let [not-sulfuras (item "not sulfuras" 20 30)
updated-sell-in 19]
(is (= updated-sell-in (:sell-in (first (update-quality [not-sulfuras])))))))
(testing "Sulfuras never ages"
(let [sulfuras (item "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros" 5 5)
updated-sell-in 5]
(is (= updated-sell-in (:sell-in (first (update-quality [sulfuras])))))))
(testing "For normal items, quality degrades by one before sell by date"
(let [normal-item (item "+5 Dexterity Vest" 5 5)
updated-quality 4]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [normal-item])))))))
(testing "For normal items, quality degrades by two after sell by date"
(let [normal-item (item "+5 Dexterity Vest" 0 5)
updated-quality 3]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [normal-item])))))))
(testing "Aged Brie increases in quality the older it gets"
(let [aged-brie (item "Aged Brie" 5 5)
updated-quality 6]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [aged-brie])))))))
(testing "Aged Brie increases in quality twice as fast after sell by date"
(let [aged-brie (item "Aged Brie" 0 5)
updated-quality 7]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [aged-brie])))))))
(testing "Sulfuras quality is always 80 and never ages"
(let [sulfuras (item "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros" 5 5)
updated-quality 80
updated-sell-in 5]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [sulfuras])))))
(is (= updated-sell-in (:sell-in (first (update-quality [sulfuras])))))))
(testing "The quality of an item is never more than 50"
(let [aged-brie (item "Aged Brie" 5 50)
really-aged-brie (item "Aged Brie" 0 49)
backstage-passes-far (item "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert" 20 50)
backstage-passes-close (item "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert" 10 50)
backstage-passes-very-close (item "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert" 5 50)
maximum-quality 50]
(is (= maximum-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [aged-brie])))))
(is (= maximum-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [really-aged-brie])))))
(is (= maximum-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [backstage-passes-far])))))
(is (= maximum-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [backstage-passes-close])))))
(is (= maximum-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [backstage-passes-very-close])))))))
(testing "The quality of an item is never negative"
(let [expired-item (item "+5 Dexterity Vest" 0 1)
normal-item (item "+5 Dexterity Vest" 5 0)
updated-quality 0]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [normal-item])))))
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [expired-item])))))))
(testing "Backstage passes increases in quality as sell in date approaches"
(let [backstage-passes (item "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert" 20 0)
updated-quality 1]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [backstage-passes])))))))
(testing "Backstage passes increases in quality by two when sell in is 10 or less"
(let [backstage-passes (item "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert" 10 0)
updated-quality 2]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [backstage-passes])))))))
(testing "Backstage passes increases in quality by three when sell in is 5 or less"
(let [backstage-passes (item "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert" 5 0)
updated-quality 3]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [backstage-passes])))))))
(testing "Backstage passes quality drops to 0 when sell in date has passed"
(let [backstage-passes (item "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert" 0 30)
updated-quality 0]
(is (= updated-quality (:quality (first (update-quality [backstage-passes]))))))))
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