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Created January 12, 2021 02:49
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Plot counts of ALA data providers
# get latest version of R package for ALA
# remotes::install_github("AtlasOfLivingAustralia/koala") # current as at 15-12-2020
# task: look up largest data providers for the following groups:
# plants (kingdom plantae)
# birds (class aves)
# non-avian vertebrates
# invertebrates (non-chordate animals)
# note that not all of these are monophyletic groups
# hence, the best approach is to calculate:
# counts for kingdom animalia (A)
# counts for phylum chordata (B)
# counts for class aves (C)
# then sum to get the groups we want, i.e.
# birds (class aves) == C
# non-avian vertebrates == B - C
# invertebrates (non-chordate animals) == A - B
taxa_list <- c("plantae", "animalia", "chordata", "aves")
id_list <- lapply(taxa_list, ala_taxa)
names(id_list) <- taxa_list
# look up counts
dr_uid_list <- lapply(taxa_list, function(a){
result <- ala_counts(id_list[[a]], breakdown = "data_resource_uid", limit = 1000)
colnames(result) <- c("dr_uid", a)
names(dr_uid_list) <- taxa_list
# merge into a single data.frame
dr_uid <- merge(dr_uid_list$plantae, dr_uid_list$animalia, by = "dr_uid", all = TRUE)
dr_uid <- merge(dr_uid, dr_uid_list$chordata, by = "dr_uid", all = TRUE)
dr_uid <- merge(dr_uid, dr_uid_list$aves, by = "dr_uid", all = TRUE)
for(i in 2:5){dr_uid[[, i]), i] <- 0}
# create new summed columns
dr_uid$invertebrates <- dr_uid$animalia - dr_uid$chordata
dr_uid$nonavian_vertebrates <- dr_uid$chordata - dr_uid$aves
dr_uid <- dr_uid[, !(colnames(dr_uid) %in% c("animalia", "chordata"))]
dr_uid <- dr_uid[, c(1, 2, 4, 5, 3)]
# reduce total number of entries
dr_uid <- dr_uid[apply(dr_uid[, -1], 1, sum) > 10000, ]
# get taxon info
uid_list <- lapply(dr_uid$dr_uid, lookup_resource_uid)
# if the above doesn't work, try in a loop to check for bugs
# uid_list <- as.list(rep(NA, nrow(dr_uid)))
# for(i in c(53:length(uid_list))){
# uid_list[[i]] <- lookup_resource_uid(dr_uid$name[i])
# }
# generate the best possible guess of data provider
uid_df <-, uid_list)[, c(1, 3, 4, 2)]
# CSIRO National Fish Collection not listed as OZCAM for some reaons
ozcam_text <- "OZCAM (Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums) Provider"
uid_df$provider[which(grepl("OZCAM", uid_df$name))] <- ozcam_text
uid_df$provider[which(grepl("ANIC", uid_df$name))[2]] <- ozcam_text
uid_df$provider[which(uid_df$provider == "Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO")] <- ozcam_text
# generate a label with the most useful information about that provider
uid_df$label <- apply(uid_df[, c(2:4)], 1, function(a){
# CSIRO is listed using many different labels - standardize
(grepl("Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation", uid_df$label) |
grepl("CSIRO", uid_df$label)) &
!grepl("OZCAM", uid_df$provider)
)] <- "CSIRO"
# combine herbaria
uid_df$label %in% c("New Zealand Virtual Herbarium", "Australia's Virtual Herbarium")
] <- "Australasian Virtual Herbarium"
# add this content back to the count dataset
dr_uid$provider <- uid_df$label
# Because some providers have multiple uids, we now need to group repeat obs
provider_list <- split(dr_uid, dr_uid$provider)
count_df <-, lapply(provider_list, function(a){
provider = a$provider[1],
apply(a[, 2:5], 2, function(b){sum(b, na.rm = TRUE)})
rownames(count_df) <- NULL
count_list <- lapply(
function(a){data.frame(provider = count_df$provider, count = as.numeric(count_df[, a]))})
names(count_list) <- colnames(count_df)[2:5]
count_list <- lapply(count_list, function(a){a[order(a$count, decreasing = TRUE), ]})
count_list <- lapply(count_list, function(a){a[1:10, ]})
# convert to df
count_df <-, count_list))
rownames(count_df) <- NULL
count_df$taxon <- rep(names(count_list), each = 10)
# manually write better labels (messy code, but works!)
count_df$label <- NA
count_df$label[grepl("Office of Environment and Heritage", count_df$provider)] <- "Office of Environment\n& Heritage (NSW)"
count_df$label[grepl("Victorian Department of Environment", count_df$provider)] <- "DELWP (VIC)"
count_df$label[grepl("South Australia, Department for Environment", count_df$provider)] <- "Dept. Env.\n& Water (SA)"
count_df$label[grepl("Northern Territory Department of Environment", count_df$provider)] <- "Dept. Env. & Natural\nRes. (NT)"
count_df$label[grepl("Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries", count_df$provider)] <- "DPIPWE (TAS)"
count_df$label[grepl("OZCAM", count_df$provider)] <- "Museums & Collections"
count_df$label[grepl("eBird", count_df$provider)] <- "eBird"
count_df$label[grepl("BirdLife", count_df$provider)] <- "BirdLife Australia"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "Australasian Virtual Herbarium"] <- "Australasian Virtual Herbarium"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "Ocean Biogeographic Information System"] <- "OBIS"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "WildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data"] <- "WildNet (QLD)"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "iNaturalist Australia"] <- "iNaturalist"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "NatureMap"] <- "NatureMap"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "Australian Antarctic Data Centre"] <- "AADC"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "Murray-Darling Basin Authority"] <- "MDBC"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "CSIRO"] <- "CSIRO"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "Questagame"] <- "Earth Guardians"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "BowerBird"] <- "BowerBird"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "Reef Life Survey"] <- "Reef Life Survey"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "NSW Bird Atlassers"] <- "NSW Bird\nAtlassers"
count_df$label[count_df$provider == "Canberra Ornithologists Group"] <- "Canberra Ornithologists Group"
saveRDS(count_df, "labelled_count_df_highTaxa_v2.rds")
# count_df <- readRDS("./data/labelled_count_list_highTaxa.rds")
# generate plot data
plot_list <- lapply(split(count_df, count_df$taxon)[c(4, 2, 3, 1)], function(a){
result <- taxon_plot_data(a$label, a$count, log_scale = FALSE)
result$count_label <- formatC(result$count, format = "f", digits = 0, big.mark = ",")
label_list <- lapply(plot_list, function(a){, lapply(
split(a, a$group),
x = mean(b$x),
x_max = max(b$x),
y = mean(b$y),
count = b$count[1], # b$count_label[1],
label = b$label[1])
# plot this
# plantae
plot_providers(plot_list$plantae, label_list$plantae,
label_split = 900000,
color = ALA_colors[["pale_moss"]]) +
# ggtitle("Providers of plant data (kingdom Plantae) to ALA") +
lims(x = c(-3000, 5000))
# invertebrates
plot_providers(plot_list$invertebrates, label_list$invertebrates[1:6, ],
label_split = 110000,
color = ALA_colors[["seafoam"]]
) +
data = label_list$invertebrates[7:9, ],
mapping = aes(x = x_max, y = y, label = label),
color = "#667073",
hjust = 0,
nudge_x = 50,
nudge_y = -50,
size = 2.5
) +
data = label_list$invertebrates[10, ],
mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = label),
color = "#667073",
hjust = 0.5,
# nudge_x = 100,
nudge_y = 220,
size = 3
) +
# ggtitle("Providers of invertebrate data to ALA") +
lims(x = c(-2300, 2000))
# non-avian vertebrates
plot_providers(plot_list$nonavian_vertebrates, label_list$nonavian_vertebrates[1:8, ],
label_split = 500000,
color = ALA_colors[["flamingo"]]
) +
data = label_list$nonavian_vertebrates[9:10, ],
mapping = aes(x = x_max, y = y, label = label),
color = "#667073",
hjust = 0,
nudge_x = 20,
nudge_y = -150,
size = 3
) +
# ggtitle("Providers of non-avian vertebrate data to ALA") +
lims(x = c(-2000, 3000))
# aves
plot_providers(plot_list$aves, label_list$aves[-3, ],
label_split = 3000000,
color = ALA_colors[["honey"]]
) +
data = label_list$aves[3, ],
mapping = aes(x = x_max, y = y, label = label),
color = "#667073",
hjust = 0,
nudge_x = 50,
nudge_y = -500,
size = 3
) +
# ggtitle("Providers of bird data to ALA") +
lims(x = c(-5000, 8000))
# Functions used in data_provider_count_script.R
# required packages
# functions for creating circular polygons of specified size
make_circle <- function(
n = 100, # number of points, equally spaced around the edge of a circle
k, # scaling value (radius) - larger for bigger circles. defaults to 1
offset = c(0, 0)
if(missing(k)){k <- 1}
# get coordinates
theta <- (2 * (pi/(n-1)) * seq_len((n-1)) ) # -alpha
values <- data.frame(
x = k * cos(theta),
y = k * sin(theta))
rownames(values) <- NULL
values$x <- values$x + offset[[1]]
values$y <- values$y + offset[[2]]
# return(values)
return(values[c(seq_len(n-1), 1), ])
# note the result has nrow == n, but n-1 unique rows
# run make circle in a loop
make_circles <- function(
df, # should be returned by packcircles::circleProgressiveLayout
gap = 0
df_list <- split(df, seq_len(nrow(df)))
result <-,
lapply(df_list, function(a){
make_circle(k = a$radius - gap, offset = c(a$x, a$y))
result$group <- rep(seq_along(df_list), each = 100)
# function to build a circle-packing plot
# this is a bit over-engineered for this purpose but works ok
taxon_plot_data <- function(
labels, # vector of taxon labels
counts, # vector of counts
color_scale = "viridis",
log_scale = TRUE, # logical - should the result be log + 1 -scaled?
gap = 0 # how much should the radius be reduced to decrease circle overlap?
taxon_counts <- log(counts + 1)
taxon_counts <- counts
circle_df <- packcircles::circleProgressiveLayout(taxon_counts)
circle_plot_df <- make_circles(circle_df, gap = gap)
circle_plot_df$label <- factor(circle_plot_df$group,
levels = unique(circle_plot_df$group),
labels = labels)
circle_plot_df$count <- rep(counts, each = 100)
circle_plot_df$plotly_text <- paste0(
"</b><br>n = ",
formatC(circle_plot_df$count, big.mark = ","))
circle_plot_df$color <- rep(, args = list(
n = length(labels),
direction = -1)),
each = 100)
# query the data provider API
lookup_resource_uid <- function(id){
url <- paste0("", id)
cli <- HttpClient$new(url)
cli <- cli$get()
text <- cli$parse("UTF-8")
if(nchar(text) < 10000){
result <- fromJSON(text, flatten = TRUE)
out <- data.frame(
uid = {if(is.null(result$uid)){NA}else{result$uid}},
name = {if(is.null(result$name)){NA}else{result$name}},
provider = {if(is.null(result$provider$name)){NA}else{result$provider$name}},
institution = {if(is.null(result$institution$name)){NA}else{result$institution$name}}
out <- data.frame(uid = NA, name = NA, provider = NA, institution = NA)
# plot code
ALA_colors <- list(
flamingo = "#E06E53", # primary
rust = "#B8573E",
grey = "#667073",
concrete = "EEECEA", # secondary (monochrome)
silver = "#9E9E9F",
charcoal = "#222322",
honey = "#FFC557", # extended
pale_moss = "#B7CD96",
seafoam = "#6BDAD5",
ocean = "#003A70",
lavender = "#A19B2",
plum = "#691C32"
plot_providers <- function(data_df, labels_df, label_split = 2000, color = "#E06E53"){
ggplot() +
data = data_df,
mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = group, alpha = -group),
fill = color
) +
# add centred text for large circles
data = labels_df[labels_df$count >= label_split, ],
mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = label),
hjust = 0.5,
color = "white",
size = 3
) +
# add offset labels for small circles
data = labels_df[labels_df$count < label_split, ],
mapping = aes(x = x_max, y = y, label = label),
color = "#667073",
hjust = 0,
nudge_x = 50,
size = 3
) +
# optional code for adding counts
# geom_text(
# data = labels_df[labels_df$x > x_split, ],
# mapping = aes(x = x_max, y = y, label = count),
# color = "#667073",
# hjust = 0,
# nudge_x = 50,
# nudge_y = y_offset,
# size = 2
# ) +
# geom_text(
# data = labels_df[labels_df$x <= x_split, ],
# mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = count),
# color = "white",
# hjust = 0.5,
# nudge_y = y_offset,
# size = 2
# ) +
coord_fixed() +
# optional content for changing the color scheme
# scale_fill_viridis(option = "magma", begin = 0.1, end = 0.9, direction = -1) +
# scale_fill_gradient(low = "#B8573E", high = "#E06E53") +
scale_alpha(range = c(0.5, 1)) +
theme_void() +
legend.position = "none",
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
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