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Last active March 31, 2020 17:16
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My first FSM synthesizer using rosette
#lang rosette
(prefix-in racket/ (only-in racket assv))
;; Define FSM
; lift assv functions
(define-lift assv
[(symbol? list?) racket/assv])
; from Shriram Krishnamurthi, "Automata via Macros."
(define (automaton init-state machine stream)
(define (walker state stream)
[(empty? stream)
; only accept the final state with no outgoing edges
(eq? (length (assv state machine)) 1)]
(let ([in (first stream)]
[transitions (rest (assv state machine))])
(let ([new-state (assv in transitions)])
(if new-state
(walker (first (rest new-state)) (rest stream))
(walker init-state stream))
;; FSM synthesis example
; spec
(define (m stream)
'((init (c more))
(more (a more)
(d more)
(r end))
; sketch
(define (??m stream)
`((init (c ,(choose 'init 'more 'end)))
(more (a ,(choose 'init 'more 'end))
(d ,(choose 'init 'more 'end))
(r end))
; create a symbolic input
(define (get-sym-input size [alphabet '(c a d r)])
(for/list ([i size])
(apply choose* alphabet)))
(define sin (get-sym-input 4))
; synthesize!
(define M (synthesize
#:forall sin
#:guarantee (assert (equal? (m sin) (??m sin)))))
(print-forms M)
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