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Created November 11, 2016 13:13
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Sort TStrings (TMemo.Lines) in Lazarus-IDE
procedure SortStrings(strs: TStrings);
sl: TStringList;
sl := TStringList.Create;
sl.Text := strs.Text;
strs.Text := sl.Text;
Freenode IRC #lazarus-ide 2016-11-11
<Sven_vB> hi :)
<Sven_vB> what's the easiest way to sort the lines in my TMemo? I think I've
used Memo.Lines.Sort or Memo.Sorted := True back in the days but it seems
to not work nowadays.
<Sven_vB> oh I see, I have to remind the lines that they're TStringList
<Sven_vB> nope, that makes an "Invalid type cast."
<Sven_vB> there's "TStrings.Sorted" in the "See also" section of ,
but when I follow the link, Firefox can't find any occurrence of "sort"
in the target page. :-/
<Sven_vB> that TypeCast won't even work when I replace the Lines with a real
TStringList?? EdtVars.Lines.Free; EdtVars.Lines := TStringList.Create;
(EdtVars.Lines as TStringList).Sort;
<Sven_vB> seems I have to make my own helper proc where I copy the .Text into
a temporary TStringList, sort it, and copy it back. :-( cumbersome but works.
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