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Created May 27, 2015 17:38
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We use the Mocha testing framework.


  • The setup method gets called before each test.
  • Set up @instance_variable in setup, and use it in tests.


  • This is the most basic form of testing.
  • assert, assert_not, assert_difference, assert_nil, etc.
  • DRY is good, but don't go crazy with loops to eliminate all duplication.
  • Tests should be easy to read.
  • Another style that some frameworks use is, and things like that.
  • Yet another style: expect(object).to_be(true). Note that this is not related to the "Expectations" section.


  • Fixtures are test data stored in a YAML file.
  • You access instances with class_name(:handle).
  • They are real ActiveRecord objects, but it's better this way because you are not testing the model at the same time.


  • A stub provides a basic implementation of a method.
  • We are testing something that we know will use a certain method, so we stub that implementation to avoid having to do complicated setup to make that work.
  • We talk about "stubbing out" a method.


  • An expectation is just like a stub, except we expect it to be called exactly one (or a different number of times).
  • Stubs are tools for testing, but expectations are also tests in themselves since they require the implementation to use the stubbed methods.
  • Expectations are automatically verified at the end of the test.


  • A mock is a object that pretends to be something bigger.
  • Think of it as a stunt double.
  • You can mock a class by creating a much simpler one, faking the behaviour by simply returning specific values.
  • Automated mocking works like obj = mock('object').
  • You can then stub or expect the mock object and assert things about its behaviour.
  • Mocha allows you to do Class.any_instance.stub(...), which in many cases is easier than creating mock objects.
  • That is also known as partial mocking.


  • You can access the instance variables of the object you're testing using assigns(:variable_name).
  • This can be useful for things that are otherwise hard to test.


  • Dummy: object passed around but never used; a trivial placeholder (nil or with no behaviour relevant to the test.
  • Fake: has a working implementation, but makes shortcuts (such as in-memory database); unsuitable for production.
  • Stub: provides canned answers to calls made during tests, and possibly lacking implementations for unneeded methods.
  • Spy: records method invocations, and the test makes assertions about them after.
  • Mocks: pre-programmed with expectations of the method calls it is to receive, and verifies them itself at the end.


  • Expect commands, stub queries.
  • Wrap external services in an adaptor, then mock the adaptor.
  • Mock roles, not objects.
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