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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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import Debug (log)
import Keyboard
import Array
import Maybe
import Window
rader game
gameFps = 10
type Pos = { x : Float , y : Float }
data GameState = Ready | Init | PlayerTurn | EnemyTurn | Result
data ShipType = BattleShip | Destroyer | Submarine
data FieldRectType = None | Attack | Selected | BattleShip | Destroyer | Submarine
type GameCondition = {
state : GameState
, fieldWidth : Float
, fieldHeight : Float
, cellWidth : Float
, cellHeight : Float
, enemyFieldRectTypes : Array.Array FieldRectType
, playerFieldRectTypes : Array.Array FieldRectType
, message : String
, battleShipSize : Float
, destroyerSize : Float
, submarineSize : Float
-- デフォルトのゲーム設定
defaultGameCondition : GameCondition
defaultGameCondition = {
state = Ready
, fieldWidth = 10
, fieldHeight = 10
, cellWidth = 25
, cellHeight = 25
, enemyFieldRectTypes = Array.empty
, playerFieldRectTypes = Array.empty
, message = "Press [space] to start game."
, battleShipSize = 7
, destroyerSize = 4
, submarineSize = 3
-- 戦闘領域の幅
fieldWidth = 10
-- 戦闘領域の高さ
fieldHeight = 10
{-| ----------- -}
{-| ユーザー入力 -}
{-| ----------- -}
-- カーソル位置
cursor : {x : Int, y : Int} -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
cursor {x, y} (diffX, diffY) =
let assumedX = x + diffX
assumedY = y + diffY
newX = if | assumedX < 0 -> 0
| assumedX > 9 -> 9
| otherwise -> assumedX
newY = if | assumedY < 0 -> 0
| assumedY > 9 -> 9
| otherwise -> assumedY
in (log "x" newX, log "y" newY)
-- カーソル位置のシグナル
cursorSignal : Signal (Int, Int)
cursorSignal = foldp cursor (0, 0) Keyboard.arrows
-- スペースキーのシグナル
spaceKeySignal : Signal Bool
spaceKeySignal =
-- サンプリングタイム
delta : Signal Float
delta = inSeconds <~ (fps gameFps)
-- ユーザー入力を一つのレコードにまとめる
type Input = {xy : (Int, Int), spaceKey : Bool}
input : Signal Input
input = sampleOn delta (Input <~ cursorSignal ~ spaceKeySignal)
{-| ゲーム状態に関するシグナル -}
-- ゲーム状態 TODO:途中
stepGame : Input -> GameCondition -> GameCondition
stepGame input gameCondition =
case gameCondition.state of
Ready -> let fieldWidth = truncate gameCondition.fieldWidth
fieldHeight = truncate gameCondition.fieldHeight
in if | input.spaceKey -> { gameCondition | state <- Init
, message <- "Start initialize."
, enemyFieldRectTypes <- Array.repeat (fieldWidth * fieldHeight) None
, playerFieldRectTypes <- Array.repeat (fieldWidth * fieldHeight) None }
| otherwise -> gameCondition
Init -> let enemyFieldRects = Array.toList gameCondition.enemyFieldRectTypes
playerFieldRects = Array.toList gameCondition.playerFieldRectTypes
in { gameCondition | state <- PlayerTurn } -- TODO 戦艦、駆逐艦、潜水艦の配置を行うプロセスを追加
PlayerTurn -> { gameCondition | state <- EnemyTurn }
EnemyTurn -> { gameCondition | state <- PlayerTurn }
Result -> { gameCondition | state <- Ready }
-- ゲーム状態シグナル
gameConditionSignal : Signal GameCondition
gameConditionSignal = foldp stepGame defaultGameCondition input
-- 船の自動配置 TODO 途中
autoDeployment : [FieldRectType] -> ShipType -> [FieldRectType]
autoDeployment fieldRectTypes shipType = fieldRectTypes
-- 各船の配置の確認を行う TODO 途中
checkDeployment : [FieldRectType] -> ShipType -> Bool
checkDeployment fieldRectTypes fieldRectType =
case fieldRectType of
BattleShip -> True
Destroyer -> True
Submarine -> True
-- ゲームのメイン関数
game : Input -> GameCondition -> (Int, Int) -> Element
game {xy, spaceKey} gameCondition (wx, wy) =
let fieldRectTypes = Array.initialize (fieldWidth * fieldHeight) (always None)
cursorRectType = if spaceKey then Attack else Selected
fieldRectTypeList = Array.toList (Array.set (fst xy +snd xy * fieldWidth) cursorRectType fieldRectTypes)
fieldGrids = fieldGrid gameCondition (0, 0) fieldRectTypeList []
message = (toForm . centered . toText) gameCondition.message |> move (0, 300)
in message :: fieldGrids |> collage wx wy
rectType : (Float, Float) -> [FieldRectType] -> Maybe FieldRectType
rectType (x, y) rects =
let rectArray = Array.fromList rects
in Array.get (truncate (x + y * fieldWidth)) rectArray
-- グリッド描画関数
fieldGrid : GameCondition -> (Float, Float) -> [FieldRectType] -> [Form] -> [Form]
fieldGrid gameCondition (x, y) rects forms =
let fieldHeight = gameCondition.fieldHeight
fieldWidth = gameCondition.fieldWidth
cellWidth = gameCondition.cellWidth
cellHeight = gameCondition.cellHeight
in if | y == fieldHeight -> forms
| x == fieldWidth -> -- xをリセット
let x' = 0
y' = y + 1
in fieldGrid gameCondition (x', y') rects (forms)
| otherwise -> -- 標準の場合
let fieldRectType = log "rectType" rectType (x, y) rects
form = fieldRect (cellWidth, cellHeight) (x, y) fieldRectType
x' = x + 1
y' = y
in fieldGrid gameCondition (x', y') rects (form :: forms)
-- グリッドの枠線と中身を描画する関数
fieldRect : (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> Maybe FieldRectType -> Form
fieldRect (cellWidth, cellHeight) (mx, my) fieldRectType =
let lineStyle = solid lightGreen
shp = rect cellWidth cellHeight
width = cellWidth
height = cellHeight
in case fieldRectType of
Just None -> outlined lineStyle shp |> move (mx * width, my * height)
Just Selected -> filled lightGreen shp |> move (mx * width, my * height)
Just Attack -> filled lightRed shp |> move (mx * width, my * height)
Nothing -> outlined lineStyle shp |> move (mx * width, my * height)
-- メイン
main = game <~ input ~ dropRepeats gameConditionSignal ~ Window.dimensions
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