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Parse a json column in pyspark and expand the dict into columns
json_col = 'json_col'
# either infer the features schema:
schema = x: x[0])).schema
# parse the features string into a map
df = df.withColumn(json_col, (F.from_json(F.col(json_col), schema)))
# access the feature columns by name['some_key']).show()
# or if you know how the json is like - a dict in our case:
schema = T.MapType(T.StringType(), T.FloatType())
df = df.withColumn(json_col, (F.from_json(F.col('features'), schema)))['some_key']).show()
# get all the features in a list
current_keys =[0][0]
# expand the features into columns
for k in current_keys:
df = df.withColumn(k, F.col(json_col)[k])
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