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Last active April 7, 2023 18:00
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Zipper Rust

State Storage using Zipper

The Data structure used to store various states uses a cursor to traverse the nodes known as the Zipper technique.

Example of a Zipper cursor traversing a Vector, the focus provides a view "Up" and "Down" the data:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // array with 5 entries
 1}[2, 3, 4, 5] // zipper starts with focues at first index
[1] 2}[3, 4, 5] // moving down the array
[2, 1] 3}[4, 5]
[3, 2, 1] 4}[5]
[4, 3, 2, 1]{5  // zipper travels back up the array

Zipper Advantages

  • The focus (cursor) of a zipper is able to move up and down a tree based on predefined rules
  • Zippers can accommodate cyclical references as well as shared regions.
  • data structures that implement a zipper do not require parent references. The zipper builds parent references during traversal and removes them after finishing.
  • Zippers can accommodate a wide array of data structures including arrays, trees, context-free grammars, and concrete syntax trees.
  • Zippers can spawn

Zipper Disadvantages

  • Whenever a data structure is accessed with a zipper, a mutually exclusive lock must be enforced since both writes and reads mutate the underlying data structure by moving nodes into parent and child regions of the zipper.
  • Zippers do not tolerate partial state updates very well if a deep traversal of the data structure is needed due to the aforementioned mutex.

Basic Rust implementation

struct Zipper<T> {
    node: Node<T>,
    parent: Option<Box<Zipper<T>>>,
    idx_to_self: usize,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Node<T> {
    data: T,
    children: Vec<Node<T>>,

impl<T> Zipper<T> {
    fn child(mut self, index: usize) -> Zipper<T> {
        // Remove the specified child from the node's children.
        // A Zipper shouldn't let its users inspect its parent,
        // since we mutate the parents
        // to move the focused nodes out of their list of children.
        // We use swap_remove() for efficiency.
        let child = self.node.children.swap_remove(index);

        // Return a new Zipper focused on the specified child.
        Zipper {
            node: child,
            parent: Some(Box::new(self)),
            idx_to_self: index,

    fn parent(self) -> Zipper<T> {
            // Destructure this Zipper
            let Zipper {
            } = self;

            // Destructure the parent Zipper
            let mut parent = *parent.unwrap();

            // Insert the node of this Zipper back in its parent.
            // Since we used swap_remove() to remove the child,
            // we need to do the opposite of that.
            let last_idx = parent.node.children.len() - 1;
            parent.node.children.swap(idx_to_self, last_idx);

            // Return a new Zipper focused on the parent.
            Zipper {
                node: parent.node,
                parent: parent.parent,
                idx_to_self: parent.idx_to_self,

        fn finish(mut self) -> Node<T> {
            while self.parent.is_some() {
                self = self.parent();


impl<T> Node<T> {
    fn zipper(self) -> Zipper<T> {
        Zipper {
            node: self,
            parent: None,
            idx_to_self: 0,

fn main() {
    let mut node: Node<&str> = Node {
        data: "me",
        children: vec![Node {
            data: "them",
            children: vec![],
    let expected_node = node.clone();

    // access the first child as part of the zipper cursor
    let child_focus = node.zipper().child(0);
    assert_eq!(, "them");
    // finish the zipper
    node = child_focus.finish();
    assert_eq!(expected_node, node);


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