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Last active September 15, 2017 09:53
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import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
* @author Maikel Chandika <>
public class HigherOrderFunction {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// higher order function. function as parameter, return value
Function<Integer, String> fun = x -> String.valueOf("hof value=" + x);
BiFunction<Function<Integer, String>, Integer, String> hof = (v, i) -> v.apply(i);
System.out.println(hof.apply(fun, 666));
// Result: hof value=666
// currying. Because Java does not support currying out of box.
// function return function
Converter converter = new Converter();
Function<Double, Double> usdIdr = converter.curry2(13500d);
System.out.println("USD 2 = IRD " + usdIdr.apply(2d));
// Result: USD 2 = IRD 27000.0
System.out.println("USD 5 = IRD " + usdIdr.apply(5d));
// Result: USD 5 = IRD 67500.0
Function<Double, Double> usd = converter.curry1(2d);
System.out.println("Rate IDR 13.500 for USD 2 = " + usd.apply(13500d));
// Result: Rate IDR 13.500 for USD 2 = 27000.0
System.out.println("Rate IDR 13.320 for USD 2 = " + usd.apply(13320d));
// Result: Rate IDR 13.320 for USD 2 = 26640.0
// function composition
Function<Integer, Integer> times2 = e -> e * 2;
Function<Integer, Integer> squared = e -> e * e;
System.out.println("compose1 = "+times2.compose(squared).apply(4));
// Result: 32
System.out.println("compose2 = "+times2.andThen(squared).apply(4));
// Result: 64
// build extended interface from exisiting on
interface ExBiFunction<T, U, R> extends BiFunction<T, U, R> {
default Function<T, R> curry1(U u) {
return t -> apply(t, u);
default Function<U, R> curry2(T t) {
return u -> apply(t, u);
class Converter implements ExBiFunction<Double, Double, Double> {
public Double apply(Double conversionRate, Double value) {
return conversionRate * value;
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