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Created October 31, 2019 21:53
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Get all accounts followed by members of the U.S. Congress
## load rtweet and congress116
## create long-version of congress116 data (and drop rows w/o screen names)
sns <- with(congress116, data.frame(
bioguide = c(bioguide, bioguide[!]),
handle = c(screen_name_official, screen_name_personal[!]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## function for: printing
print_status <- function(x, fds) {
cat(paste0("@", x, paste(rep(" ", 16 - nchar(x)), collapse = ""), ": ",
sprintf("%5d friends", NROW(fds))), fill = TRUE)
## function for: rate-limit and error managing version of rtweet::get_friends
get_friends2 <- function(...) {
tryCatch(get_friends(..., token = .tkn), error = function(e) {
get_friends(..., token = .tkn)
## function for: error managing version of rtweet::rate_limit
rate_limit2 <- function(...) {
tryCatch(rate_limit(...), error = function(e) {
## function for: sleep until rate limit reset
rate_limit_sleep <- function() {
is_bearable <- function() {
if (!exists(".bearable")) {
.bearable <<- grepl("read-write", rtweet:::api_access_level(get_token()))
if (!exists(".tkn")) {
.tkn <<- get_token()
if (!exists(".rl_count")) {
.rl_count <<- 15 - rate_limit2("get_friends", token = .tkn)$remaining
.regtoken <<- TRUE
if (.rl_count < 14L) {
.rl_count <<- .rl_count + 1L
if (.regtoken && is_bearable()) {
.tkn <<- bearer_token()
.regtoken <<- FALSE
} else {
.tkn <<- get_token()
.regtoken <<- TRUE
rl <- rate_limit2("get_friends", token = .tkn)
.rl_count <<- 15 - rl$remaining
if (.rl_count < 15) {
s <- as.numeric(difftime(rl$reset_at, Sys.time(), units = "secs"))
if (s < 0) {
cat("Sleeping for about", round(s / 60, 2), "minutes...\n")
Sys.sleep(s + 1)
## initalize output vector
fds <- vector("list", nrow(sns))
## for loop
for (i in seq_along(fds)) {
## get friends list – and extract next cursor (page) value
fds[[i]] <- get_friends2(sns$handle[i])
np <- next_cursor(fds[[i]])
## if user follows more than 5,000 accounts, make additional calls using np
while (length(np) > 0 && np != 0) {
fdsi <- get_friends2(sns$handle[i], page = np)
np <- next_cursor(fdsi)
fds[[i]] <- rbind(fds[[i]], fdsi)
## add congress ID to output data frame
if (NROW(fds[[i]]) > 0) {
fds[[i]]$bioguide <- sns$bioguide[i]
## print message
print_status(sns$handle[i], fds[[i]])
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mkearney commented Oct 31, 2019

This script is useful because it...

  1. automates collecting more than 15 friend lists at a time
  2. uses both the regular token and the bearer token (if possible), which doubles the speed at which friend lists can be collected
  3. is less error-prone and more robust to misfires or connection-related issues
  4. uses global environment variables and a for-loop to ensure information is not lost

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To calculate how long the code will take use the following:

if (grepl("read-write", rtweet:::api_access_level(get_token()))) {
  h <- nrow(sns) / 2 / 60
} else {
  h <- nrow(sns) / 60
cat("This will take a little over", round(h, 2), "hours\n")

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