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Last active December 15, 2018 20:35
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use std::io::{self, Read};
use std::iter;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::collections::HashSet;
#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Race {
#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
struct Creature {
race: Race,
hp: usize,
#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
enum Tile {
impl Tile {
fn from_char(c: char) -> Tile {
match c {
'E' => Tile::Creature(Creature { race: Race::Elf, hp: 200 }),
'G' => Tile::Creature(Creature { race: Race::Goblin, hp: 200 }),
'#' => Tile::Wall,
'.' => Tile::Floor,
_ => unimplemented!(),
fn to_char(&self) -> char {
match self {
Tile::Creature(Creature { race: Race::Elf, hp: _ }) => 'E',
Tile::Creature(Creature { race: Race::Goblin, hp: _ }) => 'G',
Tile::Floor => '.',
Tile::Wall => '#',
fn is_creature(&self) -> bool {
fn to_creature(&self) -> Option<&Creature> {
match self {
Tile::Creature(c) => Some(c),
Tile::Floor | Tile::Wall => None,
fn to_mut_creature(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Creature> {
match self {
Tile::Creature(c) => Some(c),
Tile::Floor | Tile::Wall => None,
struct State(Vec<Vec<Tile>>, /* Game board */
usize /* Elf power */);
const NEIGHBORS: [(i32, i32); 4] = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)];
enum StepResult {
Killed(usize, usize),
enum FightResult {
Killed(usize, usize),
impl State {
fn from_string(buffer: &String, elf_power: usize) -> State {
.map(|line| line
fn find(&self, p: impl Fn(&Tile) -> bool) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> {
let mut out = self.0.iter()
.flat_map(|(y, row)| iter::repeat(y).zip(row.iter().enumerate()))
.filter(|(_, (_, tile))| p(*tile))
.map(|(y, (x, _))| (y, x))
.collect::<Vec<(usize, usize)>>();
return out;
fn print(&self) {
for line in self.0.iter() {
line.iter().map(|t| print!("{}", Tile::to_char(t))).for_each(drop);
print!(" ");
line.iter().filter_map(|t| t.to_creature())
.map(|c| print!("{}, ", c.hp)).for_each(drop);
/* This is the core game loop updater. It returns true on termination. */
fn step(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut killed = HashSet::new();
for (cy, cx) in self.find(Tile::is_creature) {
if killed.contains(&(cy, cx)) {
match self.walk_monster(cy, cx) {
StepResult::Finished => return true,
StepResult::Killed(y, x) => drop(killed.insert((y, x))),
StepResult::Continue => (),
return false;
/* Builds a new grid of the same size and the given type + value */
fn grid<T: Clone>(&self, t: T) -> Vec<Vec<T>> {
vec![vec![t; self.0[0].len()]; self.0.len()]
fn neighbors(y: usize, x: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item=(usize, usize)>
.map(move |(dy, dx)| ((y as i32 + dy) as usize,
(x as i32 + dx) as usize))
fn try_attack(&mut self, y: usize, x: usize) -> FightResult {
// First, check to see if we have someone to fight,
// sorting by HP then by positions.
let race = self.0[y][x].to_creature().unwrap().race;
let fightable = State::neighbors(y, x)
.map(|(y, x)| (self.0[y][x].to_creature(), y, x))
.filter(|(c, _, _)||c| c.race != race).unwrap_or(false))
.map(|(c, y, x)| (c.unwrap().hp, y, x))
if let Some((_, y, x)) = fightable {
// Hacks to help the elves
let attack_power = match race {
Race::Elf => self.1,
Race::Goblin => 3,
let c = self.0[y][x].to_mut_creature().unwrap();
c.hp = c.hp.saturating_sub(attack_power);
if c.hp == 0 { // DEAD
self.0[y][x] = Tile::Floor;
return FightResult::Killed(y, x);
return FightResult::Fought;
return FightResult::NoFight;
fn walk_monster(&mut self, y: usize, x: usize) -> StepResult {
// See if we can attack before moving.
match self.try_attack(y, x) {
FightResult::Fought => return StepResult::Continue,
FightResult::Killed(y, x) => return StepResult::Killed(y, x),
FightResult::NoFight => (),
// Otherwise, pick out enemies and move towards them
let race = self.0[y][x].to_creature().unwrap().race;
let enemies = self.find(|tile| tile
.map(|c| c.race != race)
if enemies.is_empty() {
return StepResult::Finished;
let distance = self.flood(y, x);
let reachable = enemies.into_iter()
.flat_map(|(y, x)| State::neighbors(y, x))
.filter(|(y, x)| self.0[*y][*x] == Tile::Floor)
.filter_map(|(y, x)| distance[y][x].map(|d| (y, x, d)))
.collect::<Vec<(usize, usize, usize)>>();
if reachable.is_empty() {
return StepResult::Continue;
let min_distance = *reachable.iter()
.map(|(_, _, d)| d)
// This is where we're trying to move to.
let target = reachable.into_iter()
.filter(|(_, _, d)| *d == min_distance)
.map(|(y, x, _)| (y, x))
// Backtrack along the path, finding how to walk
let mut path = self.grid(false);
path[target.0][target.1] = true;
let mut todo = VecDeque::new();
while let Some((y, x)) = todo.pop_front() {
let d = distance[y][x].unwrap();
for (y, x) in State::neighbors(y, x) {
if let Some(nd) = distance[y][x] {
if d == nd + 1 && !path[y][x] {
path[y][x] = true;
todo.push_back((y, x));
let next_pos = State::neighbors(y, x)
.filter(|(y, x)| path[*y][*x])
self.0[next_pos.0][next_pos.1] = self.0[y][x].clone();
self.0[y][x] = Tile::Floor;
// Try to attack from the new position
match self.try_attack(next_pos.0, next_pos.1) {
FightResult::Killed(y, x) => return StepResult::Killed(y, x),
_ => return StepResult::Continue,
fn creatures(&self) -> Vec<Creature> {
self.find(|t| t.is_creature()).iter()
.map(|(y, x)| self.0[*y][*x].to_creature().unwrap())
* Executes a flood-fill from the given point, returning a
* grid of the same size with distance to that point or None
fn flood(&self, y: usize, x: usize) -> Vec<Vec<Option<usize>>> {
let mut todo = VecDeque::new();
todo.push_back((y, x));
let mut out = self.grid(None);
out[y][x] = Some(0);
while let Some((y, x)) = todo.pop_front() {
let d = out[y][x].unwrap();
for (y, x) in State::neighbors(y, x) {
if out[y][x].is_none() && self.0[y][x] == Tile::Floor {
out[y][x] = Some(d + 1);
todo.push_back((y, x));
fn main()
let mut buffer = String::new();
io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap();
State::from_string(&buffer, 0).print();
for elf_power in 3.. {
let mut state = State::from_string(&buffer, elf_power);
let initial_elf_count = state.creatures().into_iter()
.filter(|c| c.race == Race::Elf)
let mut time = 0;
while !state.step() {
time += 1;
let hp = state.creatures().into_iter()
.map(|c| c.hp)
let elf_count = state.creatures().into_iter()
.filter(|c| c.race == Race::Elf)
println!("At elf power {}, ended at time {} with hp {}, outcome: {}",
elf_power, time, hp, time * hp);
if initial_elf_count == elf_count {
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