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Created November 17, 2017 05:15
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How much is the AWS Free Tier worth?

Service Offer Value/Month Expires
Data Transfer 15 GB of data transfer out $1.35 Yes
EC2 750 hours Linux t2.micro instance $8.35 Yes
EC2 750 hours Windows t2.micro instance $11.66 Yes
EC2 Container Registry 500 MB-month of Storage $50 Yes
EBS 30 GB $3.00 Yes
ELB 750 Hours $16.20 Yes
ELB 15 LCUs $0.12 Yes
EFS 5 GB of Storage $1.50 Yes
S3 5 GB of Standard Storage $0.11 Yes
CloudFront 50 GB of Data Transfer Out $4.25 Yes
CloudFront 2,000,000 Requests $2 Yes
API Gateway 1 Million API Calls $3.50 Yes
Lambda 1,000,000 free requests $0.20 No
Lambda Up to 3.2 million seconds of compute time $6.65 No
IoT 250,000 Messages $1.25 Yes
DynamoDB 25 GB of Storage $6.25 No
DynamoDB 25 Units each of Read/Write Capacity $14.04 No
SQS 1,000,000 Requests $0.40 No
SNS 1,000,000 Requests $0.50 No

Values based on 30-day months, us-east-1 region, as of 2017-11

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