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Created February 13, 2018 22:33
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SCS CLI Marketplace
humbert :: ~ » cf m
Getting services from marketplace in org pivot-mheckler / space development as
service plans description
app-autoscaler standard Scales bound applications in response to load
metrics-forwarder unlimited Custom metrics service
mongodb-odb standalone, replica_set, sharded_cluster MongoDB Service
p-circuit-breaker-dashboard standard Circuit Breaker Dashboard for Spring Cloud Applications
p-cloudcache extra-small Pivotal Cloud Cache offers the ability to deploy a GemFire cluster as a service in Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
p-config-server standard Config Server for Spring Cloud Applications
p-dataflow standard Deploys Spring Cloud Data Flow servers to orchestrate data pipelines
p-dataflow-analytics proxy Proxies to the Spring Cloud Data Flow analytics service instance
p-dataflow-messaging proxy Proxies to the Spring Cloud Data Flow messaging service instance
p-dataflow-relational proxy Proxies to the Spring Cloud Data Flow datastore service instance
p-dse-cassandra-sb Read_Only_Plan, Read_Write_Plan A service broker for DataStax Enterprise Cassandra.
p-mysql 100mb MySQL databases on demand
p-rabbitmq standard RabbitMQ service to provide shared instances of this high-performance multi-protocol messaging broker.
p-redis shared-vm, dedicated-vm Redis service to provide pre-provisioned instances configured as a datastore, running on a shared or dedicated VM.
p-service-registry standard Service Registry for Spring Cloud Applications
p.mysql db-small Dedicated instances of MySQL
p.rabbitmq solo RabbitMQ service to provide dedicated instances of this high-performance multi-protocol messaging broker
p.redis cache-small Redis service to provide on-demand dedicated instances configured as a cache.
postgresql-9.5-odb small, medium, large, extra-large Crunchy PostgreSQL 9.5 On-Demand Managed Service
scheduler-for-pcf standard Scheduler service
TIP: Use 'cf marketplace -s SERVICE' to view descriptions of individual plans of a given service.
humbert :: ~ »
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