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Last active July 19, 2023 15:52
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  • Save mkhl/69e2be41bfeccb368b52818ebd7f535b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mkhl/69e2be41bfeccb368b52818ebd7f535b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My current autoacme event handler script
. 9.rc
. $PLAN9/lib/acme.rc
fn hashbang {
awk '
function basename(path) {
sub(".*/", "", path)
return path
NR == 1 && /^#!/ {
$0 = substr($0, 3)
cmd = basename($1)
if(cmd == "env")
cmd = basename($2)
print cmd
' $target
fn fmt-python {
black --line-length 79 --quiet -
switch($event$target) {
case put*.elm
elm-format --stdin <$target | acmepipe
case put*.ex put*.exs
mix format - <$target | acmepipe
case put*.go
goimports $target | acmepipe
# Linters:
# go vet
# golint
# errcheck
# megacheck
# Formatters:
# goimports
# goreturns
# gofmt
case put*.py
fmt-python <$target | acmepipe
case put*.rb
rubocop --format emacs $target
case put*.rs
rustfmt --write-mode plain $target | acmepipe
case put*.js
npx eslint --format unix $target
case put*yaml put*yml
yamllint --format parsable $target
case put*
switch(`{hashbang}) {
case sh
shfmt -ln posix $target | acmepipe
case bash
shfmt -ln bash $target | acmepipe
case mksh
shfmt -ln mksh $target | acmepipe
case python*
fmt-python <$target | acmepipe
case ruby*
rubocop --format emacs $target
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