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Created November 22, 2013 05:44
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OpenSEIR model to share. To run locally, use: library(shiny) runGist('7595396')
# See for comments or updates.
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# Define the SEIR model for open population
# b is transmission probability, k is contact rate, r is recovery rate,
# bd is birth/death rate, and L is the rate from latent to infectious.
SEIR <- function(t, x, parms){
with(as.list(c(parms, x)), {
N <- S + E + I + R
dS <- -b*k*S*I/N + bd*N - bd*S
dE <- b*k*S*I/N - L*E - bd*E
dI <- L*E - r*I - bd*I
dR <- r*I - bd*R
result <- c(dS, dE, dI, dR)
# Define a function to find max infections
max.inf <- function(x) {
infectious <- round(max(x$people[x$compartments=="I"], na.rm=TRUE))
timestep <- which.max(x$people[x$compartments=="I"])
info <- cbind(infectious, timestep)
# Interactive part
output$guessPlot <- renderPlot(function() {
# ODE inputs
inits <- c(S = 999999, E = 0, I = 1, R = 0)
ifelse(input$tmax<180, dt <-seq(0, input$tmax, by=.01),
ifelse(input$tmax < 600, dt <- seq(0, input$tmax, .1), dt <- seq(0, input$tmax, .25)))
# Make sure L is not 0 or we get an error. Note that when L = 0,
# I'm setting it to .000001 which effectively turns the model into an SIR.
if (input$L==0) tempL <- .01 else tempL <- input$L
if (input$demographics==FALSE) bd <- 0 else bd <- input$bdrate
# Numbers are a litle weird. Still deciding between days/weeks/months/years.
guess_pars <- c(r = (1/input$D)*365/12, b=input$b, k=input$k*52/12, L=(1/tempL)*365/12, bd=bd/12)
# Run it
guess.wide <-, dt, SEIR, parms=guess_pars))
# Modify data a little bit so ggplot() will play nice
guess <- stack(guess.wide[, -1])
guess$time <- rep(seq_len(nrow(guess.wide)), length(table(guess$ind)))
names(guess)[1:2] <- c("people", "compartments")
guess$compartments <- factor(guess$compartments, levels=c("S", "E", "I", "R"), ordered=TRUE)
# Max infections
max.guess <-
max.guess$compartments <- "I"
# Plots
base.plot <- ggplot(guess, aes(x=time, y=people, group=compartments,
color=compartments)) + geom_line(alpha=.8)
pretty.plot <- base.plot + theme(legend.position="bottom") + xlab("Time") +
theme(legend.title=element_blank()) + ylab("Number of People")
# Need to rescale the x-axis and time info. Also switch on and off text.
if(input$maxinfect==FALSE) {
if(input$tmax<180) {
final.plot <- pretty.plot + geom_text(data=max.guess, aes(timestep*1.1, infectious,
label=paste("Max people infected:\n",
infectious, "at", timestep/100, "months")),
hjust=0, vjust=1, show_guide=FALSE, size=5, alpha=.66,
color="black") + scale_x_continuous(labels=function(x) x/100)
} else if(input$tmax>=180 & input$tmax<600) {
final.plot <- pretty.plot + geom_text(data=max.guess, aes(timestep*1.1, infectious,
label=paste("Max people infected:\n",
infectious, "at", timestep/10, "months")),
hjust=0, vjust=1, show_guide=FALSE, size=5, alpha=.66,
color="black") + scale_x_continuous(labels=function(x) x/10)
} else {
final.plot <- pretty.plot + geom_text(data=max.guess, aes(timestep*1.1, infectious,
label=paste("Max people infected:\n",
infectious, "at", timestep/4, "months")),
hjust=0, vjust=1, show_guide=FALSE, size=5, alpha=.66,
color="black") + scale_x_continuous(labels=function(x) x/4)
} else {
if(input$tmax<180) {
final.plot <- pretty.plot + scale_x_continuous(labels=function(x) x/100)
} else if(input$tmax>=180 & input$tmax<600) {
final.plot <- pretty.plot + scale_x_continuous(labels=function(x) x/10)
} else {
final.plot <- pretty.plot + scale_x_continuous(labels=function(x) x/4)
}) # closes reactivePlot
}) # Closes shinyServer
# See for comments or updates.
# Define UI
# Application title
headerPanel("An SEIR model in a constant population with demographic variables"),
# Sidebar with controls
wellPanel(tags$body("This is a simple disease dynamics model with Susceptible, Exposed (but not infectious), Infectious, and Recovered (SEIR) compartments in an open (i.e., births and deaths) population that remains constant. For more, see", tags$a("the wiki.", href=""))
sliderInput("b", "Probability of transmission:",
value=.75, min=0, max=1, step=.01),
sliderInput("k", "Average contacts (per week):",
value=12, min=1, max=100, step=1),
sliderInput("L", "Latent period (days):",
value=12, min=0, max=60, step=1),
sliderInput("D", "Disease duration (days):",
value=7, min=1, max=60, step=1),
sliderInput("tmax", "Time max (months):", value=600, min=1, max=1200),
checkboxInput("maxinfect", "Hide infection info", value=TRUE),
checkboxInput("demographics", "Add birth and death rates", value=TRUE),
condition = "input.demographics == true",
sliderInput("bdrate", label = "Birth and death rates:",
min = 0.010, max = .030, step = 0.001, value = .013)),
tags$body(tags$p("For simplicity, the model always assumes the epidemic starts with just one infectious person in a constant population of 1 million people with birth rate equal to death rate."),
p("Note: When the latent period is 0, the model is effectively an open SIR model--with slightly less accuracy. Likewise, to ensure reponsiveness, the larger time max becomes, the less fine-grained it is.")),
tags$br(), h5("Created by Mathew Kiang"),
tags$body("(", tags$a("Git", href=""),
" | ",
tags$a("Tweet", href="")," | ",
tags$a("Read", href=""),")")
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