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Last active April 2, 2018 20:07
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fanout - a Unix utility for sending stdin input to multiple target commands
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# fanout utility - send stdin input to multiple target commands.
# Copyright (c) 2017 Michael Klement, released under the [MIT license](
# Aside from requiring Bash 3+, this utility should be portable:
# It uses only POSIX-compliant utilities with POSIX-compliant options.
# Invoke with --help for help.
die() { echo "$kTHIS_NAME: ERROR: ${1:-"ABORTING due to unexpected error."}" 1>&2; exit ${2:-1}; }
dieSyntax() { echo "$kTHIS_NAME: ARGUMENT ERROR: ${1:-"Invalid argument(s) specified."}"$'\n'"Use -h for help." 1>&2; exit 2; }
if [[ $1 == '-h' || $1 == '--help' ]]; then
cat <<EOF
Sends stdin input to multiple target commands.
... | $kTHIS_NAME [-u|-v] <cmd> ...
-u ... unbuffered mode; output is printed as it arrives, potentially mixing
output from different commands; by default, stdout output is captured
in full in temporary file first, and then printed in sequence, in the
order the target commands were specified. Stderr output, by contrast,
is always printed as it arrives.
-v ... verbose mode; add a header line before each command's output
identifying the command; mutually exclusive with -u
<cmd> ... a shell command line to send stdin input to, as a single string;
you may include an output redirection, but the command must take
input from stdin.
* Note that unless -u is specified, output doesn't start printing until the
1st command finishes, then the 2nd, ...
* Neither -u nor -v are relevant if all target commands perform their own
output redirections.
* Irrespective of output options, this utility
* always waits until all commands have terminated.
* always prints a warning at the end for every target command that reported
a nonzero exit code.
* The exit code will be 0, if all commands report 0.
Otherwise, it will be the exit code of the first command that reported a
nonzero exit code.
\$ printf '1\n2\n' | $kTHIS_NAME -v "sed 's/^/@/'" "sed 's/^/%/'"
# sed 's/^/@/'
# sed 's/^/%/'
exit 0
verbose=0 unbuffered=0
while getopts ':vu' opt; do
[[ $opt == '?' ]] && dieSyntax "Unknown option: -$OPTARG"
[[ $opt == ':' ]] && dieSyntax "Option -$OPTARG is missing its argument."
case "$opt" in
die "DESIGN ERROR: option -$opt not handled."
shift $((OPTIND - 1)) # Skip the already-processed arguments (options).
(( unbuffered && verbose )) && dieSyntax "Incompatible options specified."
(( $# > 0 )) || dieSyntax "Please specify at least 1 target command."
aCmds=( "$@" )
# Create a temp. directory to hold all FIFOs and captured output.
# Note: mktemp is not a POSIX utility, and env. var. TMPDIR may not be defined.
# Try to use TMPDIR, if defined; fall back to /tmp
tmpDir="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$kTHIS_NAME-$$-$(date +%s)-$RANDOM"
mkdir "$tmpDir" || die
trap 'rm -rf "$tmpDir"' EXIT # Set up exit trap to automatically clean up the temp dir.
# Determine the number padding for the sequential output names.
maxNdx=$(( $# - 1 ))
# Create the filename arrays
aFifos=() aOutFiles=()
for (( i = 0; i <= maxNdx; ++i )); do
printf -v suffix "$fmtString" $i
(( unbuffered )) && aOutFiles[i]='/dev/stdout' || aOutFiles[i]="$tmpDir/out-$suffix"
# Create the FIFOs.
mkfifo "${aFifos[@]}" || die
# Start all commands in the background, each reading from a dedicated FIFO.
for (( i = 0; i <= maxNdx; ++i )); do
(( verbose )) && printf '# %s\n' "$cmd" > "$outFile"
# Note: Since we're launching in the background, we cannot directly
# determine failure; we'd have to do it via `wait` later.
eval "$cmd" < "$fifo" >> "$outFile" &
# Now tee stdin to all FIFOs
tee "${aFifos[@]}" >/dev/null || die
# Wait for all background processes to finish, in sequence.
ecOverall=0 aWarnings=()
for (( i = 0; i <= maxNdx; ++i )); do
wait "${aPids[i]}"
# Pass the first nonzero exit code out as the overall one.
(( ec != 0 && ecOverall == 0 )) && ecOverall=$ec
(( ec != 0 )) && aWarnings+=( "WARNING: '${aCmds[i]}' terminated with exit code $ec." )
(( unbuffered )) || cat "${aOutFiles[i]}"
# Print any warnings.
if (( ${#aWarnings[@]} )); then
printf '%s\n' "${aWarnings[@]}"
exit $ecOverall
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