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Last active September 25, 2018 04:25
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Get-SpecialFolder: PowerShell function that retrieves special folder (known folders), i.e., folders with special meaning to the OS.
function Get-SpecialFolder {
Gets special (known) folders.
Gets items representing special folders (directories), i.e.,
folders whose purpose is predefined by the operating system.
In a string context, each such item expands to the full, literal path it
If no name is given, all special folders known to the current OS
are listed. Use -All to include those that are special on other platforms.
The name(s) of specific special folders to get.
Note that wildcards are not supported.
Lists all special folders across all supported platforms, i.e., includes
folders that aren't defined for the current OS.
Get-SpecialFolder UserProfile, Desktop
Gets items representing the current OS' user-profile (home) folder
and desktop folder.
Lists all special folders defined for the current OS.
Add -All to see special folders across all supported OSs.
"The application-data folder is: $(Get-SpecialFolder ApplicationData)"
Uses the function in an expandable string, showing how the item returned
expands to its full, literal directory path.
Requires version 5 or higher.
This function is convenient, but not fast.
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, DefaultParameterSetName='List')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0, ParameterSetName='Name')]
[ValidateSet('AdminTools', 'ApplicationData', 'CDBurning', 'CommonAdminTools', 'CommonApplicationData', 'CommonDesktopDirectory', 'CommonDocuments', 'CommonMusic', 'CommonOemLinks', 'CommonPictures', 'CommonProgramFiles', 'CommonProgramFilesX86', 'CommonPrograms', 'CommonStartMenu', 'CommonStartup', 'CommonTemplates', 'CommonVideos', 'Cookies', 'Desktop', 'DesktopDirectory', 'Favorites', 'Fonts', 'History', 'InternetCache', 'LocalApplicationData', 'LocalizedResources', 'MyComputer', 'MyDocuments', 'MyMusic', 'MyPictures', 'MyVideos', 'NetworkShortcuts', 'Personal', 'PrinterShortcuts', 'ProgramFiles', 'ProgramFilesX86', 'Programs', 'Recent', 'Resources', 'SendTo', 'StartMenu', 'Startup', 'System', 'SystemX86', 'Templates', 'UserProfile', 'Windows')]
[string[]] $Name
[switch] $All
enum GsfSupportedOs {
All = 0x7 # !! Sum of all the flags below - BE SURE To UPDATE THIS IF NEW FLAGS ARE ADDED
Windows = 0x1
Linux = 0x2
macOS = 0x4
class GsfSpecialFolder {
[string] $Name
[string] $Path
[GsfSupportedOs] $SupportedOs
[string] ToString() { return $this.Path }
# Note: The SupportedOs flags were determined by trial and error on each platform, as of .NET Core 2.1
# To get all supported names, use:
# [enum]::GetNames([System.Environment+SpecialFolder]) | Sort-Object
$specialFolders = [ordered] @{
'AdminTools' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'ApplicationData' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS, Linux' }
'CDBurning' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonAdminTools' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonApplicationData' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS, Linux' }
'CommonDesktopDirectory' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonDocuments' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonMusic' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonOemLinks' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonPictures' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonProgramFiles' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonProgramFilesX86' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonPrograms' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonStartMenu' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonStartup' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonTemplates' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'CommonVideos' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'Cookies' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'Desktop' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS, Linux' }
'DesktopDirectory' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS, Linux' }
'Favorites' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS' }
'Fonts' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS' }
'History' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'InternetCache' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS' }
'LocalApplicationData' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS, Linux' }
'LocalizedResources' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'MyComputer' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'MyDocuments' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS, Linux' }
'MyMusic' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS, Linux' }
'MyPictures' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS, Linux' }
'MyVideos' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, Linux' }
'NetworkShortcuts' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'PrinterShortcuts' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'ProgramFiles' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS' }
'ProgramFilesX86' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'Programs' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'Recent' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'Resources' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'SendTo' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'StartMenu' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'Startup' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'System' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS' }
'SystemX86' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
'Templates' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, Linux' }
'UserProfile' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows, macOS, Linux' }
'Windows' = [GsfSpecialFolder] @{ Name = ''; Path = $null; SupportedOs = [GsfSupportedOs] 'Windows' }
# Determine the filter to apply to the list of all special folders.
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'List') {
$thisOs = if ($IsMacOS) { [GsfSupportedOs]::macOS } elseif ($IsLinux) { [GsfSupportedOs]::Linux } else { [GsfSupportedOs]::Windows }
$sbFilter = if ($All) { { $True } } else { { $_.Value.SupportedOs -band $thisOS } }
} else {
$sbFilter = { $_.Key -in $Name }
# Get the filtered list and flesh out the output objects.
$specialFolders.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object $sbFilter | ForEach-Object {
$_.Value.Name = $_.Key
$_.Value.Path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath($_.Key)
# If this script is invoked directly - as opposed to being dot-sourced in order
# to define the embedded function for later use - invoke the embedded function,
# relaying any arguments passed.
if (-not ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.' -or $MyInvocation.Line -eq '')) {
Get-SpecialFolder @Args
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