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Created December 12, 2019 14:52
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  • Save mklickman/f810e2b0b5a54b95abc1ee975313ddcd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Things End Users Care About but Programmers Don't

(And we agree with them, but our tools make it really hard to provide)


  • Change color of things
  • Nice default color palette
  • Use my preferred color palette
  • Use this color from here
  • Import/export color themes
  • Some words or identifiers should always have a specific color
  • The same thing should have the same color everywhere
  • Good contrast
  • Automatic contrast of text if I pick a dark/light background
  • Automatically generate color for large number of items
    • All the colors should belong to the same palette
    • Don't generate colors that are hard to tell apart
    • Don't place similar colors close to each other
    • Don't use the background color on things


  • Apply basic formatting to text
  • Align text
  • Use the fonts I use in Office
  • WYSIWYG editor that behaves like Word
  • Number alignment
  • Number/date formatting to the right locale
  • Decimal formatting to the right/fixed number of decimal places
  • No weird .0000004 formatting anywhere
  • No .00 for integers
  • Emoji support


  • Dark theme
  • My Theme
  • Company Branding
  • Put the logo in places
  • My logo on the Login Page


  • Integrate with system accounts
  • Use accounts/permissions from Active Directory
  • Import from Excel/CSV
  • Import from email/email attachment
  • Export to Excel
  • Export to PDF/Image
  • Record a short video
    • As a GIF
  • Send as email
    • Send as email periodically
    • Send as PDF attachment on an email
  • Import/attach images
    • Crop before upload
    • Compress
    • Change Format
  • Use image as background but stretch the right way
  • Notifications on the app
    • On apps on my phone
    • By SMS
    • On our systems
    • On my mail


  • Good error handling
  • Good error descriptions
    • Translated error messages
  • Tell me what to do to solve an error
  • Tell me what this does before I click on it
  • Support touch gestures and mouse
  • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Customizable
  • Undo everywhere
  • Multiple undo
  • Recover deleted things
  • Ask before deleting
  • Copy and paste
  • Templates
  • Detailed and up to date guides in text with screenshots at each step and highlights
    • And in Video
    • Screenshots that stay up to date as the product evolves
    • That are in sync with the version I'm using
    • That adapt to my custom setup
  • Up to date and detailed documentation
  • Translated to my language
  • Sorting everywhere
    • Natural sort
    • Sort by multiple criteria
  • Filter everywhere
    • Fuzzy filtering
    • Case sensitive/insensitive filtering
    • Filter by multiple/complex criteria
  • Track what is used where and warn me when deleting
  • Optional cascade deletion
  • Native and simple date picker on every platform
  • Sorted lists/selects (by the label!)
    • Natural Sorting
  • Dropdowns with filtering but that behave like the native controls
  • Preview things
  • Consistent button ordering/labels
  • Consistent capitalization
  • Progress bars for slow/async operations
  • Responsive UI during slow operations
  • Disabling buttons during slow operations
  • Handling double clicks on things that should be clicked once
  • Clear indication of what can be clicked


  • Deploy on exotic configurations/platforms
  • Deploy on old/unsupported versions
  • Deploy on what we have
  • Deploy/Run without internet connection
  • Handle Excel, CSV, JSON, XML
    • Handle malformed versions of all of the above
  • Handle (guess) dates with no timezone
  • Handle ambiguous/changing date formats
  • Integrate with obscure/outdated software/format
  • It should work on my old android phone browser/IE 11
  • Unicode
    • Handle inputs with unknown and variable encodings


  • Easy to install
  • Easy to update
  • Easy to backup
  • Easy to recover
  • Works with the database and version we use
  • Can be mounted on a path that is not the root of the domain
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