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Last active October 28, 2022 04:55
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Here is a copy-able shell text:
osascript /[SCRIPT LOCATION]/countdown.scpt "[output parameter]" "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM"
on run argv
-- Lists for Parameters
set ParamList to {"Days", "Minute", "MinuteW", "Second", "SecondW"}
set ParamList2 to {"Minute", "MinuteW", "Second", "SecondW"}
set ParamList3 to {"Second", "Secondw"}
-- Error handling for incorrect date formatting
set dDate to date (item 2 of argv)
on error error_message number error_number
if error_number = -30720 then
return "Error in date entry. Be sure you are using the correct format:
osascript /[SCRIPT LOCATION]/countdown.scpt \"[output type]\" \"MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM\""
end if
end try
-- Error handling and help text for incorrect No. of arguments, invalid parameters, help logic, and hard-coding option
if ((count of argv) is 0) or ((count of argv) is 1) or (item 1 of argv is "help") then
set helpmeFull to "This is a catch-all countdown that is capable of returning 5 different outputs without modifying the code.
I tried to make it as efficient as possible, but I also put some things in to combat my pet-peeves of other countdowns that may
use more processing than absolutely necessary, like displaying the sigular form of minute when there is 1 minute left.
Also, I built this for my girlfriend who has no programing knowledge, so it has error handling such that you never have to open the script.
Output Parameters - Output style:
Days - XX Days
MinuteW - XX Days, XX Hours, XX Minutes
SecondW - XX Days, XX Hours, XX Minutes, XX Seconds
If using for geektool, create a shell with an approriate refresh rate and drop this in the Command Line (there is a copy-able version in the script):
osascript /[SCRIPT LOCATION]/countdown.scpt \"[output parameter]\" \"MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM\"
You can include as much or as little as you want for the date.
For a Days output for April, 29 2015:
osascript /Users/Geektool/countdown.scpt \"Days\" \"04/29/2015\"
For a MinuteW output for April, 29 2015 at 2:30 PM:
osascript /Users/Geektool/countdown.scpt \"MinuteW\" \"04/29/2015 02:30:00 PM\""
return helpmeFull
For hard-coded date and parameter:
Comment out the error return above by adding "--" before it
Un-Comment out the 2 lines below by removing the "--" before them
--set param to "SecondW"
--set dDate to date ("04/29/2015 02:30:00 PM" as string)
else if ParamList does not contain (item 1 of argv) then
set helpme to "Error in Parameter Entry.
Output Parameters - Output style:
Days - XX Days
MinuteW - XX Days, XX Hours, XX Minutes
SecondW - XX Days, XX Hours, XX Minutes, XX Seconds"
return helpme
set param to item 1 of argv
set dDate to date (item 2 of argv)
end if
-- Beginning of caluculations
set todaydate to current date
set dateDiff to (dDate - todaydate)
set daysleft to (dateDiff) / (60 * 60 * 24)
-- Calculations for Days
if param is "Days" then
set rdaysu to round (daysleft) rounding up
if rdaysu = 1 then
set day1 to " Day"
set day1 to " Days"
end if
set TimeLeftd to "" & rdaysu & day1
return TimeLeftd
end if
-- Calculations for Minutes, MinutesW, Seconds, SecondsW
if ParamList2 contains param then
set rdays to round (daysleft) rounding down
set hoursleft to (dateDiff - (rdays * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (60 * 60)
set rhours to round (hoursleft) rounding down
set minsleft to (dateDiff - (rdays * 60 * 60 * 24) - (rhours * 60 * 60)) / (60)
set rmins to round (minsleft) rounding down
set rminsu to round (minsleft) rounding up
-- Logic for sigular unit form
if rdays = 1 then
set day1 to " Day, "
set day1 to " Days, "
end if
if rhours = 1 then
set hour1 to " Hour, "
set hour1 to " Hours, "
end if
if rminsu = 1 then
set min1 to " Minute"
set min1 to " Minutes"
end if
-- Return for Minute and MinuteW
if param is "Minute" then
set TimeLeft to "" & Zeros(rdays) & ":" & Zeros(rhours) & ":" & Zeros(rminsu)
return TimeLeft
else if param is "MinuteW" then
set TimeLeftW to "" & rdays & day1 & rhours & hour1 & rminsu & min1
return TimeLeftW
else if ParamList3 contains param then
-- Additional calculations for Seconds and SecondsW
set secsleft to (dateDiff - (rdays * 60 * 60 * 24) - (rhours * 60 * 60) - (rmins * 60))
set rsecs to round (secsleft) rounding up
if rsecs = 1 then
set sec1 to " Second"
set sec1 to " Seconds"
end if
-- Returns for Seconds and SecondsW
if param is "Second" then
set TimeLefts to "" & Zeros(rdays) & ":" & Zeros(rhours) & ":" & Zeros(rmins) & ":" & Zeros(rsecs)
return TimeLefts
else if param is "SecondW" then
set TimeLeftsW to "" & rdays & day1 & rhours & hour1 & rminsu & min1 & ", " & rsecs & sec1
return TimeLeftsW
end if
end if
end if
end run
-- Function to add zeros to the display for single-digit numbers
on Zeros(n)
if length of (n as string) is not equal to 2 then set n to ("0" & n) as string
return n as string
end Zeros
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