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Created March 4, 2019 17:02
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// mapObjects applies func on every object in a tree.
local mapObjects(obj, func=function(n, o) {}) = {
[n]+: mapObjects(obj[n], func) + func(n, obj[n])
for n in std.objectFields(obj)
if std.isObject(obj[n])
// deepMerge applies a patch to every object matching a predicate.
local deepMerge(obj, patch, pred=std.isObject) = obj + mapObjects(obj, function(n, o) if pred(o) then patch else {});
/// Example
local tree = {
universe: {
life: {
kind: 'foo',
everything: self.b * $.params.mult,
b:: 0,
x:: 1,
rec: {
kind: 'foo',
x:: 22,
params:: {
mult: 1,
local patch = {
b: 20 + self.x,
local parentPatch = {
params+: { mult: 2 },
local isFoo(o) = std.objectHas(o, 'kind') && o.kind == 'foo';
// implement deepMerge 'manually' for this particular object tree:
local manual(obj, patch) = obj {
universe+: {
life+: patch {
rec+: patch,
manual: manual(tree, patch) + parentPatch,
merge: deepMerge(tree, patch, isFoo) + parentPatch,
std: tree + std.mapWithKey(function(n, o) if isFoo(o) then o + patch else o, tree) + parentPatch,
eq: std.assertEqual(self.manual, self.merge),
neq: if self.manual == self.std then error 'mapWithKey should be broken' else true,
"eq": true,
"manual": {
"universe": {
"life": {
"everything": 42,
"kind": "foo",
"rec": {
"b": 42,
"kind": "foo"
"merge": {
"universe": {
"life": {
"everything": 42,
"kind": "foo",
"rec": {
"b": 42,
"kind": "foo"
"neq": true,
"std": {
"universe": {
"life": {
"everything": 0,
"kind": "foo",
"rec": {
"kind": "foo"
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