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Complete JS course - Udemy

  • console.table
  • debugger (will launch debugger at current line)

Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke

3rd Edition


  • The art of programming is the skill of controlling complexity.
  • JS introduced in 1995, similar name to Java was inspired by marketing conditions. Standardized as ECMAScript. Latest version ECMAScript 2022. Book uses 2017 version.
  • Some Databases such as MongoDB & CouchDB use JS as their scripting & query language.
  • 3 parts
    1. JS language - basic structure, write more abstract code using objects & functions, error handling, regular expressions, modularity & asynchronous programming
    2. JS in Web browsers - display things on screen, respond to user input and communicate over the network
    3. Node.js
  • There are project chapters in each section.

Chapter 1

  • Numbers - 64 bits

    • 264 - 18 quintillion (18 zeros)
    • 1 bit for sign, some bits to store the position of the decimal point
    • so max. whole number is 9 quadrillion (15 zeros)
    • scientific notation allowed - 2.99e8
    • Operators => +, -, * , /, %
    • Special numbers - +Infinity, -Infinity, NaN
  • Strings

    • single quotes, double quotes or backticks
    • escaping the character using backslash (\n, \t, \)
    • based on Unicode standard using 16 bits per element - characters like emoji take 2 character positions
    • concatenate using + => "con" + "cat"
    • Back quoted strings a.k.a template literals - can span lines, embed other values
      • e.g. `half of 100 is ${100/2}` yields 'half of 100 is 50'
  • Unary operators

    • typeof
    • '-' (minus)
    • !
  • Boolean values

    • true / false
    • console.log(Nan == Nan) => false
  • Logical operators

    • &&, ||, !
    • operator precedence starting with lowest: || , && , comparison (>, ==) and then the rest (chosen this way to have few parentheses in typical expressions)
    • ternary or conditional operator - console.log(true ? 1 : 2) => 1
  • Empty values

    • null & undefined - treat them as mostly interchangeable
  • Automatic type conversion

    • (8 * null) = 0
    • ("5" - 1) = 4 but ("5" + 1) = 51
    • (false == 0) => true
    • if no type conversion should happen during comparison use === or !==. So (false === 0) => false
  • Short-circuiting of logical operators

    • 0, NaN, empty string ("") - count as false among numbers & strings
    • null || "user" => "user", null && "user" => null
    • short-circuit evaluation - true || X => X is not evaluated. Conditional operator works in a similar way - only the one that is selected is evaluated.

Chapter 2

  • Expressions & Statements

    • a fragment of code that produces a value is called an expression. Every value that is written literally is an expression.
    • expression : sentence fragment :: statement : sentence. 1 => expression, 1; => statement
    • program is a list of statements
  • Bindings

    • variable or binding
    • bindings are tentacles which grasp values
    • Use let, const, var to create bindings
    • binding name must not start with a digit, $ and _ are the only special characters allowed.
    • keywords should not be used for binding names.
  • Environment

    • the collection of bindings and their values that exist at a given time is called the environment.
    • a lot of values provided in the default environment have the type function
  • Functions

    • console.log
    • side effect(console.log) vs return value
    • Number, String, Boolean => functions that do type conversion of their arguments
  • Control Flow

    • conditional - if ( 1 + 1 == 2) console.log("wow"). if / else if / else
    • while / do-while (do loop always executes its body at least once)
    • for (let i=0; i< 10; i++) { console.log(i) }
    • break - jumps out of the enclosing loop
    • continue - jumps out of the body and continues with the loop's next iteration
    • switch(expression) { case "rainy": break; case "sunny": break; default: break; } - similar to C/Java
  • Updating bindings succintly

    • ++, --, +=, *=
  • Comments

    • // - single line
    • /* */ - multi-line

Chapter 3

  • A function definition is a regular binding where the value of the binding is a function.

  • const square = function(x) { return x * x; }

  • return without an expression or no return statement at all causes the function to return undefined

  • Bindings & Scopes

    • global & local
    • let & const - local to the block
    • var - throughout the whole function they appear in
    • Each scope can look out into the scope around it
    • when multiple bindings have the same name, code can see only the innermost one.
    • Lexical scoping - Each local scope can see all the local scopes that contain it, and all scopes can see the global scope.
  • Declaration notation - function square(x) { return x * x; }

    • Function declarations are not part of the regular top-to-bottom flow of control so the function can be declared after the code that invokes it.
  • Arrow function

    • const square = x => x * x. When only one parameter name is present, the parentheses around the parameter list can be omitted.
    • Added in 2015.
  • Call stack - Every time a function is called, the current context is stored on the top of the stack.

  • Optional arguments

    • function power(base, exponent=2) {}
    • If you pass too many arguments, the extra ones are ignored. If you pass too few, the missing parameters get assigned the value undefined.
  • Closure

    • A function that references bindings from local scopes around it is called a closure.
    • function multiplier(factor) { return number => number * factor } let twice = multiplier(2); twice(5) // prints 10
  • Recursion - a function that calls itself is called recursive.

  • Pure function - when called with the same arguments, it always produces the same value (and doesn’t do anything else)

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