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Last active May 17, 2023 13:33
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Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke

  • Tree structure with document.documentElement serving as root.
    • Element nodes representing HTML tags e.g. document.body

    • Leaf nodes such as pieces of text or comment nodes.

    • Each node has nodeType property - Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE

    • Element node has childNodes also firstChild, lastChild, previousSibling, nextSibling, parentNode

    • Finding elements

      1. getElementsByTagName
      2. getElementById
      3. getElementsByClassName
    • Changing document

      1. appendChild
      2. insertBefore
      3. replaceChild
    • Creating nodes

      1. createTextNode
      2. createElement
    • Attributes

      1. getAttribute, setAttribute
      2. most common attributes can be accessed through property of same name on the element's DOM object e.g. href, className(since class is a keyword in JS)
    • Layout

      1. block elements span whole width of document e.g. <p> or <h1>
      2. inline elements are rendered on the same line with surrounding text e.g. <a> or <strong>
      3. offsetWidth, offsetHeight - space element takes up in pixels.
      4. clientWidth, clientHeight - space inside the element ignoring border width
      5. getBoundingClientRect - returns object with top, bottom, left, right indicating pixel positions of the sides of the elemtn relative to the top left of the screen.
      6. pageXOffset, pageYOffset - current scroll position
    • Styling

      1. Using the style property (<p id="para" style="color: purple">Nice</p>) - = "magenta"

        • style ="display: block" - display as block, style="display: none" - prevents an element from showing up on screen.
        • for property names with hyphens e.g. font-family, in JS it is style.fontFamily
      2. Cascading Style Sheets

        • set of rules for how to style elements in a document. Cascading refers to the fact that multiple rules are combined to produce the final style for an element.
        • it can be given inside <style> tag.
        • <style> strong { font-style: italic; color: gray; } </style>
        • .abc - applies to all elements with "abc" in their class attribute
        • #xyz - applies to the element with an id attribute of "xyz"
        • p#main.a.b - p elements with id main and with classes a and b
        • more specific rule takes precedence - p.a > p or a
        • p > a - applies to all a tags that are direct children of p tags
        • p a - applies to all a tags inside p tags, whether they are direct or indirect children.
    • Query Selectors

      • selector syntax - used in style sheets can be used also to find DOM elements.
      • querySelectorAll - takes a selector string and returns a NodeList containing all the matching elements.
      • querySelector - return first matching element
      • p .animal - Animal inside of <p>
      • p > .animal - direct child of <p>
    • Positioning

      1. position - can be one of static, relative, absolute.
      2. requestAnimationFrame - request browser for animation update by passing an animate function
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