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Created January 27, 2016 04:38
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Save mknepprath/f723588d559048e05df2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// init cookie on first visit
if (!(Cookies.get('position'))) {
var position = "start";
Cookies.set('position', 'start');
$( ".command" ).prepend( "<li class='list-group-item list-group-item-warning'>&quot;Start&quot; to play.</li>" );
else {
var position = Cookies.get('position');
$( ".command" ).prepend( "<li class='list-group-item list-group-item-warning'>Continue your game or &quot;Reset&quot;. Current position: " + Cookies.get('position') + "</li>" );
// init response
var response = "";
// init alterable cell objects
// coin bent
if (!(Cookies.get('coinbent'))) {
var coin_bent = false;
Cookies.set('coinbent', false)
else {
var coin_bent = JSON.parse(Cookies.get('coinbent'));
if (coin_bent === true) {
$( ".command" ).prepend( "<li class='list-group-item list-group-item-warning'>You have a bent coin.</li>" )
// apple paste key
if (!(Cookies.get('keypasted'))) {
var key_pasted = false;
Cookies.set('keypasted', false)
else {
var key_pasted = JSON.parse(Cookies.get('keypasted'));
if (key_pasted === true) {
$( ".command" ).prepend( "<li class='list-group-item list-group-item-warning'>You have covered the key in apple paste.</li>" )
// key acquired
if (!(Cookies.get('keyacquired'))) {
var key_acquired = false;
Cookies.set('keyacquired', false)
else {
var key_acquired = JSON.parse(Cookies.get('keyacquired'));
if (key_acquired === true) {
$( ".command" ).prepend( "<li class='list-group-item list-group-item-warning'>You have the key.</li>" )
// when Tweet button is clicked...
$( "#tweet" ).click(function() {
// grab tweet
var tweet = $('#move').val();
// sanitize tweet
var move = tweet.toLowerCase().replace(/[.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]/g,"");
// start
if (position === "start") {
if (
move === "start") {
position = "cell";
response = "You wake up in an unfamiliar room."
else {
response = "You can't do that."
// cell
else if (position === "cell") {
// help options
if (
move === "help") {
response = "Tweet at me to do things."
// look options
else if (
move === "look at ants" ||
move === "look at the ants") {
response = "They're carrying food to a drain in the middle of the room."
else if (
move === "look at back wall" ||
move === "look at the back wall") {
response = "Your comfy bed is there, with pillow and blanket. A bowl of old(ish) apple paste sits next to it."
else if (
move === "look at blue bird" ||
move === "look at bird" ||
move === "look at the bird") {
response = "It’s song gives you hope."
else if (
move === "look at left wall" ||
move === "look at the left wall") {
response = "You see a chest and bucket."
else if (
move === "look at front wall" ||
move === "look at the front wall" ||
move === "look at wall" ||
move === "look at the wall") {
response = "The front wall has a door, and through the bars you see a trail of large ants and a key on the floor out of reach."
else if (
move === "look at right wall" ||
move === "look at the right wall") {
response = "There’s a window with a floor on the sill."
else if (
move === "look at room" ||
move === "look at the room" ||
move === "look around" ||
move === "look around room" ||
move === "look around the room" ||
move === "look at walls" ||
move === "look at the walls" ||
move === "where am I") {
response = "There’s a front wall with bars, back, left, and right wall. That front wall looks pretty interesting."
else if (
move === "look at window" ||
move === "look at the window" ||
move === "look through window" ||
move === "look through the window" ||
move === "look out window" ||
move === "look out the window") {
response = "There's a dense forest. You can see a <a href='' target='_blank'>@lilt_bird</a> tweeting."
// open options
else if (
move === "open door" ||
move === "open the door") {
if (key_acquired === true) {
response = "You open the door and step outside."
else {
response = "Surprise, no can do."
// pick up options
else if (
move === "pick up ants" ||
move === "pick up ant" ||
move === "pick up an ant") {
response = "They bite you. You drop it."
else if (
move === "pick up bucket" ||
move === "pick up the bucket") {
response = "The stench is overwhelming, you drop it."
else if (
move === "pick up coin" ||
move === "pick up the coin" ||
move === "take coin" ||
move === "take the coin") {
response = "Nice."
else if (
move === "pick up key" ||
move === "pick up the key" ||
move === "take key" ||
move === "take the key") {
if (key_pasted === true) {
key_acquired = true;
response = "You grab the key right before it gets carried down the drain."
else {
response = "It’s just out of reach."
// go through options
else if (
move === "go through window" ||
move === "go through the window") {
response = "You are much larger than the window."
// talk to options
else if (
move === "talk to ants" ||
move === "talk to the ants") {
response = "...You are lonely."
// eat options
else if (
move === "eat apple paste" ||
move === "eat the apple paste" ||
move === "eat some apple paste") {
response = "You eat it, but it’s so bad you spit it out. A few ants are attracted to the smell."
else if (
move === "eat key" ||
move === "eat the key") {
response = "You are stuck in the cell for a day. You acquire the key about 30 hours later."
// use options for apple paste
// use on ants
else if (
move === "use apple paste on ants" ||
move === "use apple paste with ants" ||
move === "use the apple paste on the ants" ||
move === "use the apple paste with the ants") {
response = "They like it. They carry it down the drain. They’re basically having an ant party."
// use on drain
else if (
move === "use apple paste on drain" ||
move === "put apple paste in drain" ||
move === "use the apple paste on the drain" ||
move === "use the apple paste with the drain") {
response = "Don’t be wasteful."
// use on key
else if (
move === "use apple paste on key" ||
move === "put apple paste on key" ||
move === "use apple paste with key" ||
move === "use the apple paste on the key" ||
move === "use the apple paste with the key" ||
move === "throw apple paste at key" ||
move === "throw the apple paste at the key") {
key_pasted = true;
response = "The paste you lobbed at the key covers it. The ants grab it and start carrying over to the drain with their food."
// use on right wall
else if (
move === "use apple paste on right wall" ||
move === "use apple paste on left wall" ||
move === "use apple paste on back wall" ||
move === "use apple paste on wall" ||
move === "use the apple paste on a wall" ||
move === "use the apple paste on the walls") {
response = "That was definitely an improvement to the wall."
// use options for coin
// use on door
else if (
move === "use coin on door" ||
move === "use coin with door" ||
move === "use the coin on the door" ||
move === "use the coin with the door") {
coin_bent = true;
response = "The coin is now bent coin."
else {
response = "You can't do that."
else {
response = "You should not be here."
// logs tweet
$( ".command" ).prepend( "<li class='list-group-item' data-position='" + position + "'>@mknepprath " + tweet + "</li>" );
// logs response
$( ".command" ).prepend( "<li class='list-group-item list-group-item-info'>@familiarlilt " + response + "</li>" );
// clears tweet
// update cookies
Cookies.set('position', position);
Cookies.set('coinbent', coin_bent);
Cookies.set('keypasted', key_pasted);
Cookies.set('keyacquired', key_acquired);
// reset button, deletes cookie & refreshes page
$( "#reset" ).click(function() {
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