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Created December 14, 2017 20:00
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K Nearest Neighbor Implementation in Matlab
% In this tutorial, we are going to implement knn algorithm. %
% Our aim is to see the most efficient implementation of knn. %
% You have to implement knn in two differnt ways: %
% 1) with two loops %
% 2) without any loop %
% %
% you have to report the computation times of both pathways. %
% Note: the distance metric is �Euclidean�. %
clear;close all; clc;
%% Section I: Forming and plotting the dataset
mu = [1.5,1.5]; sigma = [1,1.5;1.5,3];
sampleNo = 3000;
testNo = 1000;
C1X = (mvnrnd(mu,sigma,sampleNo))';
mu = [4,1];sigma = [1,1.5;1.5,3];
C2X = (mvnrnd(mu,sigma,sampleNo))';
% mean computation
x = [C1X,C2X];
y1 = zeros(1,sampleNo);
y2 = ones(1,sampleNo);
y = [y1,y2];
test_x = [C1X(:,1:testNo),C2X(:,1:testNo)];
train_x = [C1X(:,testNo+1:sampleNo),C2X(:,testNo+1:sampleNo)];
test_y = [y1(:,1:testNo),y2(:,1:testNo)];
train_y = [y1(:,testNo+1:sampleNo),y2(:,testNo+1:sampleNo)];
% dataset discription
% train_x: contains the train set
% test_x : contains the test set
% train_y: contains the labels of train set
% test_y : contains the labels of test set
% see the dataset
plot(C1X(1,1:testNo),C1X(2,1:testNo),'+'); hold on; grid on; plot(C2X(1,1:testNo),C2X(2,1:testNo),'ko');
plot(C1X(1,testNo+1:sampleNo),C1X(2,testNo+1:sampleNo),'+'); hold on; grid on; plot(C2X(1,testNo+1:sampleNo),C2X(2,testNo+1:sampleNo),'o');
% Section II: Implementing KNN using 2 loops.
% Here you should:
% 1) compute distance matrix with the use of loop, such as (for loop)
% 2) record the amount of computation time for (1)
% 3) make prediction by the use of differnt k values
% Your code for section II goes here ...
function test_data = knn_loop(test_data, tr_data,k)
numoftestdata = size(test_data,1);
numoftrainingdata = size(tr_data,1);
for sample=1:numoftestdata
%Step 1: Computing euclidean distance for each testdata
R = repmat(test_data(sample,:),numoftrainingdata,1) ;
euclideandistance = (R(:,1) - tr_data(:,1)).^2;
%Step 2: compute k nearest neighbors and store them in an array
[dist position] = sort(euclideandistance,'ascend');
% Step 3 : Voting
for i=1:k
A(i) = tr_data(knearestneighbors(i),2);
M = mode(A);
if (M~=1)
test_data(sample,2) = mode(A);
test_data(sample,2) = tr_data(knearestneighbors(1),2);
%% Section III: Ok, It is time to implement more efficent version of knn
% Implementing KNN without any loop
% Here you should:
% 1) compute distance matrix in vectrozed way
% 2) record the amount of computation time for (1)
% 3) make prediction by the use of differnt k values
% Your code for section III goes here ...
function out_data = knn_vector(test_data,tr_data,k)
test_data_n = size(test_data,1);
tr_data_n = size(tr_data,1);
% absolute distance between all test and training data
dist = abs(repmat(test_data,1,tr_data_n) - repmat(tr_data(:,1)',test_data_n,1));
% indicies of nearest neighbors
[~,nearest] = sort(dist,2);
% k nearest
nearest = nearest(:,1:k);
% mode of k nearest
val = reshape(tr_data(nearest,2),[],k);
out_data = mode(val,2);
% if mode is 1, output nearest instead
out_data(out_data==1) = val(out_data==1,1);
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