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Created November 12, 2012 07:15
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gem_package and rvm do not like one another
[2012-11-11T23:11:03-08:00] INFO: Processing gem_package[plist] action install (pivotal_workstation::default_editor line 7)
[2012-11-11T23:11:11-08:00] INFO: Processing ruby_block[Set the default editor] action create (pivotal_workstation::default_editor line 10)
Error executing action `create` on resource 'ruby_block[Set the default editor]'
cannot load such file -- plist
Cookbook Trace:
/Users/mkocher/cookbooks/pivotal_workstation/recipes/default_editor.rb:14:in `require'
/Users/mkocher/cookbooks/pivotal_workstation/recipes/default_editor.rb:14:in `block (2 levels) in from_file'
Resource Declaration:
# In /Users/mkocher/cookbooks/pivotal_workstation/recipes/default_editor.rb
10: ruby_block "Set the default editor" do
11: block do
12: Gem.clear_paths
13: require 'rubygems'
14: require 'plist'
15: `plutil -convert xml1 #{plist_file}`
16: ls_handler_plist = Plist::parse_xml(plist_file)
17: new_ls_handlers = [
18: { "LSHandlerContentType" => "public.plain-text",
19: "LSHandlerRoleAll" => ls_handler_role_all
20: },
21: { "LSHandlerContentType" => "public.ruby-script",
22: "LSHandlerRoleAll" => ls_handler_role_all
23: },
24: { "LSHandlerContentType" => "org.vim.yaml-file",
25: "LSHandlerRoleAll" => ls_handler_role_all
26: },
27: { "LSHandlerContentType" => "public.xml",
28: "LSHandlerRoleAll" => ls_handler_role_all
29: }
30: ]
31: # I go through the old_ls_handlers and remove all
32: # the ones that we're going to replace.
33: new_ls_handlers.each do |new_hash|
34: new_hash.each do |new_key,new_value|
35: if new_key == "LSHandlerContentType"
36: ls_handler_plist["LSHandlers"].each do |old_hash|
37: old_hash.each do |old_key,old_value|
38: if new_value == old_value and new_key == old_key
39: ls_handler_plist["LSHandlers"].delete(old_hash)
40: end
41: end
42: end
43: end
44: end
45: end
46: ls_handler_plist["LSHandlers"] = ls_handler_plist["LSHandlers"] + new_ls_handlers
Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /Users/mkocher/cookbooks/pivotal_workstation/recipes/default_editor.rb:10:in `from_file'
ruby_block("Set the default editor") do
action "create"
retries 0
retry_delay 2
block_name "Set the default editor"
cookbook_name :pivotal_workstation
recipe_name "default_editor"
block #<Proc:0x007fda28e8a580@/Users/mkocher/cookbooks/pivotal_workstation/recipes/default_editor.rb:11>
[2012-11-11T23:11:11-08:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[2012-11-11T23:11:11-08:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2012-11-11T23:11:11-08:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
[2012-11-11T23:11:11-08:00] FATAL: LoadError: ruby_block[Set the default editor] (pivotal_workstation::default_editor line 10) had an error: LoadError: cannot load such file -- plist
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