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Created August 22, 2023 14:12
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KafkaJS topic metadata prefetch performance impact measurement
import { Kafka } from 'kafkajs';
import { hrtime } from 'node:process';
// This script measures the performance impact of prefetching topic metadata before sending events.
// More specifically, the script measures how long each `send` call takes while it iterates through thousands of topics and sends an event to each.
// If PREFETCH is set to true, the script prefetches the metadata for each topic the cluster hosts before sending the events.
// The measurement results are output in CSV format and can be easily visualized with e.g.
// ---
const CLUSTER_URL = 'localhost:9092';
const TOPIC_COUNT = 5000;
const PREFETCH = true;
// ---
const kafka = new Kafka({
clientId: 'mkocsar-kafkajs-test',
brokers: [ CLUSTER_URL ]
const producer = kafka.producer();
await producer.connect();
const admin = kafka.admin();
const topics = await admin.listTopics();
await admin.disconnect();
// This requires changing KafkaJS code so that producer exposes the underlying cluster object
console.log('index , durationMs');
for (let index = 0; index < TOPIC_COUNT; ++index) {
const topic = `mkocsar.kafkajs.test-${index}`;
const start = hrtime.bigint();
await producer.send({
messages: [{
value: 'dummy-value'
const durationMs = Number(hrtime.bigint() - start) / 1_000_000;
console.log(`${index} , ${durationMs}`);
await producer.disconnect();
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