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Created November 25, 2015 18:48
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Superpixel segmentation in python with SLIC and watershed
# Superpixel segmentation approach that seems to give pretty good contiguous segments.
# (SLIC and quickshift don't seem to guarantee contiguity). The approach is to get initial
# segments from SLIC, use the centroid of each as a marker for watershed, then clean up.
import os, argparse
from skimage import segmentation
from skimage.future import graph
import cv2, numpy
import tempfile
import random
import code
def color_segments(segments):
num_segments = segments.max()+1
colors = numpy.array([(random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255)) for i in range(num_segments)])
return colors[segments]
def centroids(segments):
assert len(segments.shape) == 2
num_segments = segments.max()+1
row_sums = [0 for i in range(num_segments)]
col_sums = [0 for i in range(num_segments)]
pixel_counts = [0 for i in range(num_segments)]
for ((row,col),value) in numpy.ndenumerate(segments):
row_sums[value] += row
col_sums[value] += col
pixel_counts[value] += 1
result = numpy.zeros(segments.shape,dtype=segments.dtype)
for i in range(num_segments):
row = row_sums[i]//pixel_counts[i]
col = col_sums[i]//pixel_counts[i]
if result[row,col] == 0:
result[row,col] = i
"(%d,%d) is centroid of multiple segments, ignoring"%(row,col)
return result
def convert_specks_to_boundaries(segments,min_size=12):
# Any small segments left from the watershed step get converted to boundary pixels
# and will later be erased by erase_boundaries
labels, counts = numpy.unique(segments,return_counts=True)
small_segs = []
for i in range(len(labels)):
if counts[i] < min_size:
small_seg_mask = numpy.in1d(segments.reshape(-1),small_segs).reshape(segments.shape)
return numpy.where(small_seg_mask,-1,segments)
def erase_boundaries(ws_segments):
#cv2.watershed leaves -1 values around the edges and between segments
#Also small segments have been converted to -1
#replace these with neighboring labels semi-arbitrarily
result = ws_segments.copy()
iter_count = 0
while (result.min() < 0):
# Shift one pixel in each direction on each pass
result[result==-1] = numpy.pad(result,((0,0),(0,1)),'edge')[:,1:][result==-1]
result[result==-1] = numpy.pad(result,((0,1),(0,0)),'edge')[1:][result==-1]
result[result==-1] = numpy.pad(result,((0,0),(1,0)),'edge')[:,:-1][result==-1]
result[result==-1] = numpy.pad(result,((1,0),(0,0)),'edge')[:-1][result==-1]
iter_count += 1
assert iter_count <= 10, "Too many iterations" # Just in case
return result
def show_img(img_out):
tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif',delete=False)
os.system('open '
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
img = cv2.imread(getattr(args,'input-file'))[:,:,::-1]
seg_centroids = centroids(segmentation.slic(img,n_segments=5000))
segments = cv2.watershed(img,seg_centroids.astype(numpy.int32))
segments = erase_boundaries(convert_specks_to_boundaries(segments))
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