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Last active July 12, 2016 17:05
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Install a jenkins build server for .NET projects with boxstarter
Scripts for jenkins build server automation on windows
@echo off
set DIR=%~dp0
set command=%1
set role=%2
rem What you need
rem 1. jenkins.war
rem 2. slave.jar
rem 3. credentials:
rem - user,pwd (logon for scheduled task)
rem - for slave: jnlpUrl, jnlpCredentials=user:apitoken
set jenkinsDir=%3
set taskUser=%4
set taskPwd=%5
set jnlpUrl=%6
set jnlpCredentials=%7
set taskName=%~n0
if exist "%DIR%defaults.bat" call "%DIR%defaults.bat"
if "%jenkinsDir%"=="" set jenkinsDir=%DIR%
if "%jenkinsPort%"=="" set jenkinsPort=80
if "%command%"=="" set command=usage
goto %command%
echo Run '%taskName%' as scheduled task
echo Usage: %~n0 [command]
echo Available commands:
echo usage Shows this help
echo run Run '%taskName%'
echo install Install '%taskName%'
echo start Start '%taskName%'
echo stop Stop '%taskName%'
echo status Show status of '%taskName%'
echo restart Restart '%taskName%'
echo uninstall Uninstall '%taskName%'
goto end
echo Installing '%taskName%' (%role%) ...
xcopy /D /H /R /E /I /Y /Q "%DIR%*.*" "%jenkinsDir%\"
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not copy installation files." || exit /B 1
schtasks /Create /TN %taskName% /RU %taskUser% /RP %taskPwd% /SC onstart /RL HIGHEST /DELAY 0000:30 /TR "%jenkinsDir%\%~n0 run %role%"
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not install '%taskName%'." || exit /B 1
call :start || exit /B 2
echo Installed '%taskName%'.
goto end
echo Uninstalling '%taskName%' ...
call :stop || exit /B 2
schtasks /Delete /TN %taskName% /f
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not uninstall '%taskName%'." || exit /B 1
rem wait 5 seconds to relieve access problems to logfile
ping -n 5 > nul
rem rmdir /S /Q "%jenkinsDir%"
echo Uninstalled '%taskName%'.
goto end
echo Starting '%taskName%' ...
schtasks /Run /I /TN %taskName%
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not start '%taskName%'." || exit /B 1
echo Started '%taskName%'.
goto end
schtasks /End /TN %taskName%
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not stop '%taskName%'." || exit /B 1
taskkill /im java.exe /f /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Jenkins" >nul 2>&1
echo Stopped '%taskName%'.
goto end
echo Status of '%taskName%' is ...
schtasks /Query /TN %taskName%
goto end
echo Restarting '%taskName%' ...
call :stop || exit /B 1
call :start || exit /B 2
echo Restarted '%taskName%'.
goto end
echo Starting 'Jenkins' (%role%) ...
echo Please keep this window open (minimized is OK).
cd /D "%jenkinsDir%"
if "%JENKINS_HOME%"=="" set JENKINS_HOME=%jenkinsDir%\home
if not exist "%JENKINS_HOME%" mkdir "%JENKINS_HOME%" 2>nul
if "%role%"=="master" (
set jargs=-Xrs -Xmx512m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=%jenkinsPort%
) else (
set jargs=-jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl %jnlpUrl% -jnlpCredentials %jnlpCredentials%
start "Jenkins" /B /high /wait java %jargs% > %JENKINS_HOME%\jenkins.log 2>&1
rem exit code 1 is Ok (Ctrl+C)
call :check_error %errorlevel% "Could not run 'Jenkins'." || exit /B 1
goto end
exit /B 0
set /a exitCode = %1
set /a okCode = 0
if not "%3"=="" set /a okCode = %3
if %exitCode% equ %okCode% exit /B 0
echo ERROR: %2 (code: %exitCode%)
if "%4"=="log" echo ERROR: %2 (code: %exitCode%) >>%logfile%
exit /B %exitCode%
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
# for machine
#& setx /m HTTP_PROXY http://[proxy]
#& setx /m HTTPS_PROXY http://[proxy]
#& setx /m NO_PROXY .dns.suffix
# for this process
#& set HTTP_PROXY=http://[proxy]
#& set HTTPS_PROXY=http://[proxy]
#& set NO_PROXY=.dns.suffix
# jenkins
cinst git -params '"/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath /NoAutoCrlf"' -y
# & setx /m PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\bin"
cinst jdk8 -y
# for a Jenkins slave we are done, for a master we need jenkins
#cinst jenkins -y
# msbuild14, fxcop14
# cf.:
# "path\install_fxcop14.bat"
cinst netfx-4.5.2-devpack -y
# nuget
cinst nuget.commandline -y
# gitversion
cinst gitversion.portable -y
# mkdocs
cinst plantuml -y
cinst python -y
pip install mkdocs
# cleaver
cinst nodejs -y
cinst phantomjs -y
npm install -g cleaver
# sonar
# ignore dependency jre8, we already have jdk8
cinst sonar-runner -y -i
# powercli
# PS4 & management framework (prerequisite, usually needs reboot)
cinst powershell -y
# boxstarter for deployments targeting Windows machines
cinst boxstarter -y
# TODO...
Copy link

How to use this?

  1. Setup a Windows machine
  2. Run the boxstarter script jenkins.ps1 for this machine
  3. login to your machine, and run the script jenkins.bat install

Be sure to read the comments in the scripts.

After cloning specify your settings in the defaults.bat. Here is an example:

if "%jenkinsDir%"=="" set jenkinsDir=c:\tools\jenkins
if "%user%"=="" set user=[user for jenkins task]
if "%pwd%"=="" set pwd=[password]
rem if "%jnlpUrl%"=="" set jnlpUrl=http://[jenkins-master]/computer/[jenkins-slave]/slave-agent.jnlp

if "%role%"=="" set role=slave
if "%jnlpUrl%"=="" set jnlpUrl=file:///c:/tools/jenkins/slave-agent.jnlp
if "%jnlpCredentials%"=="" set jnlpCredentials=[jeknins-user]:[token]

rem disable proxy for slave auth, cf.:
if "%role%"=="slave" set http_proxy=

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