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Last active January 6, 2022 18:01
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module Ch13 where
import Prelude (Unit, class Eq, class Show, discard, flip, identity, show, ($), (/), (<>), (==), (*), (<<<))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.String.Common (toUpper)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
----------- Type classes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Functor f where
map :: ∀ a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
infixl 4 map as <$>
class Bifunctor f where
bimap :: ∀ a b c d. (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> f a c -> f b d
rmap :: ∀ f a c d. Bifunctor f => (c -> d) -> f a c -> f a d
rmap = bimap identity
lmap :: ∀ f a b c. Bifunctor f => (a -> b) -> f a c -> f b c
lmap = flip bimap identity
----------- Maybe -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
derive instance eqMaybe :: Eq a => Eq (Maybe a)
derive instance genericMaybe :: Generic (Maybe a) _
instance showMaybe :: Show a => Show (Maybe a) where
show = genericShow
instance functorMaybe :: Functor Maybe where
map _ Nothing = Nothing
map f (Just a) = Just $ f a
----------- Either ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
derive instance genericEither :: Generic (Either a b) _
instance showEither :: (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) where
show = genericShow
instance functorEither :: Functor (Either a) where
map _ (Left a) = Left a
map f (Right b) = Right $ f b
instance bifunctorEither :: Bifunctor Either where
bimap f _ (Left a) = Left $ f a
bimap _ g (Right b) = Right $ g b
----------- Tuple -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Tuple a b = Tuple a b
derive instance eqTuple :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Tuple a b)
derive instance genericTuple :: Generic (Tuple a b) _
instance showTuple :: (Show a, Show b) => Show (Tuple a b) where
show = genericShow
instance functorTuple :: Functor (Tuple a) where
map f (Tuple a b) = Tuple a $ f b
instance bifunctorTuple :: Bifunctor Tuple where
bimap f g (Tuple a b) = Tuple (f a) (g b)
----------- Threeple --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Threeple a b c = Threeple a b c
derive instance genericThreeple :: Generic (Threeple a b c) _
instance showThreeple :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => Show (Threeple a b c) where
show = genericShow
instance functorThreeple :: Functor (Threeple a b) where
map f (Threeple a b c) = Threeple a b $ f c
instance bifunctorThreeple :: Bifunctor (Threeple a) where
bimap f g (Threeple a b c) = Threeple a (f b) (g c)
----------- Tests -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
test :: Effect Unit
test = do
log "Chapter 13. Good luck with functors. You need it!"
log $ show $ (_ / 2) <$> Just 10 -- (Just 5)
log $ show $ (_ / 2) <$> Nothing -- Nothing
log $ show $ (_ / 2) <$> (Right 10 :: Either Unit _) -- (Right 5)
log $ show $ (_ / 2) <$> Left "error reason" -- (Left "error reason")
log $ show $ (_ / 2) <$> Tuple 10 20 -- (Tuple 10 10)
log $ show $ (_ / 2) <$> Threeple 10 20 40 -- (Threeple 10 20 20)
log $ show $ "Maybe Identity for Nothing: " <> show ((identity <$> Nothing) == (Nothing :: Maybe Unit)) -- Maybe Identity for Nothing: true
log $ show $ "Maybe Identity for Just: " <> show ((identity <$> Just [1, 2]) == Just [1, 2]) -- Maybe Identity for Just: true
let g x = x * 2
f x = x * 3
log $ show $ "Maybe Composition for Nothing: " <> show ((map (g <<< f) Nothing) == (map f <<< map g) Nothing)
log $ show $ "Maybe Composition for Just: " <> show ((map (g <<< f) (Just 60)) == (map f <<< map g) (Just 60))
log $ show $ "Tuple Identity: " <> show ((identity <$> Tuple 10 20) == Tuple 10 20)
log $ show $ "Tuple Composition : " <> show ((map (g <<< f) (Tuple 10 20)) == (map f <<< map g) (Tuple 10 20))
log $ show $ rmap (_ * 2) $ Left "error reason" -- (Left "error reason")
log $ show $ rmap (_ * 2) $ (Right 10 :: Either Unit _) -- (Right 20)
log $ show $ lmap toUpper $ (Left "error reason" :: Either _ Unit) -- (Left "ERROR REASON")
log $ show $ lmap toUpper $ Right 10 -- (Right 10)
log $ show $ rmap (_ * 2) $ Tuple 80 40 -- (Tuple 80 80)
log $ show $ lmap (_ / 2) $ Tuple 80 40 -- (Tuple 40 40)
log $ show $ bimap (_ / 2) (_ * 2) $ Tuple 80 40 -- (Tuple 40 80)
log $ show $ rmap (_ * 2) $ Threeple 99 80 40 -- (Threeple 99 80 80)
log $ show $ lmap (_ / 2) $ Threeple 99 80 40 -- (Threeple 99 40 40)
log $ show $ bimap (_ / 2) (_ * 2) $ Threeple 99 80 40 -- (Threeple 99 40 80)
{ name = "my-project"
, dependencies = [ "console", "effect", "prelude", "psci-support", "strings" ]
, packages = ./packages.dhall
, sources = [ "src/**/*.purs", "test/**/*.purs" ]
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