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Last active January 5, 2022 10:50
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module Ch07b where
import Prelude (Unit, discard, show, ($), (<>), (==), (#))
import Data.Eq (class Eq)
import Data.Show (class Show)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Int (fromString)
import Data.String.Common (split)
import Data.String.Pattern (Pattern(..))
import Data.Boolean (otherwise)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
-------------------- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------
fromAge :: String -> Maybe Age
fromAge s = case fromString s of
Just n -> Just $ Age n
Nothing -> Nothing
fromOccupation :: String -> Maybe Occupation
fromOccupation s | s == "Doctor" = Just Doctor
| s == "Dentist" = Just Dentist
| s == "Lawyer" = Just Lawyer
| s == "Unemployed" = Just Unemployed
| otherwise = Nothing
-------------------- Data Types -----------------------------------------------------------
newtype CSV = CSV String
data Person = Person { name :: FullName , age :: Age , occupation :: Occupation }
newtype FullName = FullName String
newtype Age = Age Int
data Occupation = Doctor | Dentist | Lawyer | Unemployed
-------------------- Type Classes ---------------------------------------------------------
class ToCSV a where
toCSV :: a -> CSV
class FromCSV a where
fromCSV :: CSV -> Maybe a
-------------------- Instances ------------------------------------------------------------
derive instance newtypeCSV :: Newtype CSV _
derive newtype instance showCSV :: Show CSV
derive newtype instance eqCSV :: Eq CSV
derive instance newtypeFullName :: Newtype FullName _
derive newtype instance eqFullName :: Eq FullName
-- derive newtype instance showFullName :: Show FullName -- escaped quotes are part of the output; not usable
instance showFullName :: Show FullName where
show (FullName name) = name
derive instance newtypeAge :: Newtype Age _
derive newtype instance showAge :: Show Age
derive newtype instance eqAge :: Eq Age
derive instance genericOccupation :: Generic Occupation _
derive instance eqOccupation :: Eq Occupation
instance showOccupation :: Show Occupation where
show = genericShow
instance showPerson :: Show Person where
show (Person {name, age, occupation}) = show name <> "," <> show age <> "," <> show occupation
derive instance eqPerson :: Eq Person
instance toCSVPerson :: ToCSV Person where
toCSV p = CSV $ show p
instance fromCSVPerson :: FromCSV Person where
fromCSV (CSV p) = case split (Pattern ",") p of
[name, age, occ] -> case fromAge age of
Just a-> case fromOccupation occ of
Just o -> Just $ (Person {name: FullName name, age: a, occupation: o})
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
-------------------- Tests ----------------------------------------------------------------
test :: Effect Unit
test = do
log "Uncomment lines step by step. Implement/import/derive missing functions and all the rest ..."
log $ show $ toCSV (Person { name: FullName "Sue Smith" , age: Age 23 , occupation: Doctor })
log $ show $ toCSV (Person { name: FullName "Sue Smith" , age: Age 23 , occupation: Doctor }) == CSV "Sue Smith,23,Doctor"
let person = Person { name: FullName "Sue Smith" , age: Age 23 , occupation: Doctor }
log $ show $ (toCSV person # fromCSV) == Just person
{ name = "my-project"
, dependencies = [ "console", "effect", "integers", "maybe", "newtype", "prelude", "psci-support", "strings" ]
, packages = ./packages.dhall
, sources = [ "src//*.purs", "test//*.purs" ]
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