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Created January 31, 2022 04:58
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module Ch19RWS where
import Prelude
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
-- rewrite Reader, Writer and State data types which are monads for your own reference
-- you might want to comment out the code
newtype Reader r a
= Reader (r -> a)
newtype Writer w a
= Writer (Tuple a w)
newtype State s a
= State (s -> Tuple a s)
-- model a type called RWSResult that contains all three monads
type RWSResult r w s
= { r :: r, w :: w, s :: s }
-- model a type RWS that works similar to the State monad
newtype RWS r w s a
= RWS (RWSResult r w s -> Tuple a (RWSResult r w s))
-- Keep in mind:
-- Reader = read-only; don't care about the Value on output, only on input
-- Writer = write-only; don't care about the Value on input, only on output
-- State = read-write
-- write a runRWS function similar to runState
runRWS :: ∀ r w s a. RWS r w s a -> RWSResult r w s -> Tuple a (RWSResult r w s)
runRWS (RWS f) = f
-- write a Functor instance for RWS
instance functorRWS :: Functor (RWS r w s) where
map f (RWS g) =
RWS \rws -> case g rws of
Tuple a res -> Tuple (f a) res
-- write an Apply instance for RWS (you are free to take a shortcut)
instance applyRWS :: Monoid w => Apply (RWS r w s) where
apply = ap
-- write an Applicative instance for RWS (make sure the Writer is empty on output)
instance applicativeRWS :: Monoid w => Applicative (RWS r w s) where
pure a = RWS \{ r, s } -> Tuple a { r, w: mempty, s }
-- write a Bind instance for RWS (make sure the Writer generates the correct log)
instance bindRWS :: Monoid w => Bind (RWS r w s) where
-- RWS r w s a -> (a -> RWS r w s b) -> RWS r w s b
bind (RWS f) g =
RWS \rws -> case f rws of
Tuple a res@{ w } -> case runRWS (g a) res of
Tuple a' res'@{ w: w' } -> Tuple a' res' { w = w <> w' }
-- write a Monad instance for RWS
instance monadRWS :: Monoid w => Monad (RWS r w s)
-- Monad RWS's API --
-- write a tell function like Writer's
tell :: ∀ r w s. w -> RWS r w s Unit
tell w = RWS \rws -> Tuple unit rws { w = w }
-- write an ask function like Reader's
ask :: ∀ r w s. Monoid w => RWS r w s r
ask = RWS \{ r, s } -> Tuple r { r, w: mempty, s }
-- write a get function like State's
get :: ∀ r w s. Monoid w => RWS r w s s
get = RWS \{ r, s } -> Tuple s { r, w: mempty, s }
-- write a put function like State's
put :: ∀ r w s. s -> Monoid w => RWS r w s Unit
put s = RWS \{ r } -> Tuple unit { r, w: mempty, s: s }
-- Data Structure for Testing --
-- for the Reader part
type Config
= { debugModeOn :: Boolean }
-- for the State part
type Counter
= Int
rwsTest :: RWS Config (Array String) Counter Unit
rwsTest = do
tell [ "test the log" ]
tell [ "test the log2", "test the log3" ]
config <- ask
tell [ "the config is " <> show config ]
counter <- get
tell [ "old counter is " <> show counter ]
put $ counter + 1
newCounter <- get
tell [ "new counter is " <> show newCounter ]
pure unit
test :: Effect Unit
test = log $ show $ runRWS rwsTest { r: { debugModeOn: true }, w: mempty, s: 0 }
-- (Tuple unit
-- { r: { debugModeOn: true },
-- s: 1,
-- w: ["test the log",
-- "test the log2",
-- "test the log3",
-- "the config is { debugModeOn: true }",
-- "old counter is 0",
-- "new counter is 1"] })
{ name = "my-project"
, dependencies = [ "console", "effect", "prelude", "psci-support", "either", "tuples", "maybe", "strings", "arrays", "foldable-traversable", "unicode", "control", "unfoldable" ]
, packages = ./packages.dhall
, sources = [ "src/**/*.purs", "test/**/*.purs" ]
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